

请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10 道题目,我是学vb的,对html不太懂,请高手指点,最好能稍微注解一下每道题目,先谢谢了。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10
1. What code displays an alert box when a document is loaded?
a. <BODY Onload.done="alert('Hello!')">
b. load.done="alert('Hello!')";
c. <BODY onload="alert('Hello!')">
d. <BODY onload=alert."Hello!">
e. onload.stop=alert('Hello!');

2. Other than a checkbox, which other form element has a 'checked' property?
a. Select
b. Input
c. Hidden
d. Option
e. Radio

<form name=f1>
<input type="text" name="a">
<input type="text" name="b">

What code will initially place the cursor in text field "a"?
a. <HEAD onLoad="this.document.f1.focus();">
b. <BODY onChange="this.document.f1.select();">
c. <BODY Select="document.f1.a.select();">
d. <BODY onLoad="this.document.f1.a.focus();">
e. <HEAD setFocus="document.f1.a.focus();">

4. What ServerVariables property is used to determine which browser a user is using?
e. Non of the above

5. To get the values of a form that was submitted via a POST, you would use Request.QueryString?
a. True
b. False

6. In IIS, the execute permission setting required to have an Active Server Page call a COM object is?
a. execute
b. scripts only
c. scripts and executables
d. none

7. Which code will instantiate a new ActiveX object?
a. set x=NewObject(“Project.Class1”)
b. set x=NewActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
c. set x=CreateObject(“Project.Class1”)
d. set x=CreateActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

8. Which code will not post an HTML page to the server?
a. <input type=submit name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’>
b. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.post()’>
c. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.submit()’>
d. All will generate a post to the server

9. Which of the following SQL statements will join an employee and department table to display the Department and Employee.
a. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E where E.DeptID in Dept
b. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E and Dept D with E.DeptID=D.ID
c. Select D.DeptName, E.Lastname from Employee E, Dept D where E.DeptID=D.ID
d. Select D.DeptName from Dept D Union Select E.LastName from Employee E
e. All of the above
f. None of the above

10. Which of the following can be registered into MTS
a. ActiveX Control
b. ActiveX Document
c. ActiveX DLL
d. ActiveX EXE
e. All of the above
f. None of the above更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10 道题目,我是学vb的,对html不太懂,请高手指点,最好能稍微注解一下每道题目,先谢谢了。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛请高手帮忙!随便投的简历,收到一个公司的回复,并附带10
    1. What code displays an alert box when a document is loaded?
    a. <BODY Onload.done="alert('Hello!')">
    b. load.done="alert('Hello!')";
    c. <BODY onload="alert('Hello!')">
    d. <BODY onload=alert."Hello!">
    e. onload.stop=alert('Hello!');

    2. Other than a checkbox, which other form element has a 'checked' property?
    a. Select
    b. Input
    c. Hidden
    d. Option
    e. Radio

    <form name=f1>
    <input type="text" name="a">
    <input type="text" name="b">

    What code will initially place the cursor in text field "a"?
    a. <HEAD onLoad="this.document.f1.focus();">
    b. <BODY onChange="this.document.f1.select();">
    c. <BODY Select="document.f1.a.select();">
    d. <BODY onLoad="this.document.f1.a.focus();">
    e. <HEAD setFocus="document.f1.a.focus();">

    4. What ServerVariables property is used to determine which browser a user is using?
    e. Non of the above

    5. To get the values of a form that was submitted via a POST, you would use Request.QueryString?
    a. True
    b. False

    6. In IIS, the execute permission setting required to have an Active Server Page call a COM object is?
    a. execute
    b. scripts only
    c. scripts and executables
    d. none

    7. Which code will instantiate a new ActiveX object?
    a. set x=NewObject(“Project.Class1”)
    b. set x=NewActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
    c. set x=CreateObject(“Project.Class1”)
    d. set x=CreateActiveX(“Project.Class1”)
    e. All of the above
    f. None of the above

    8. Which code will not post an HTML page to the server?
    a. <input type=submit name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’>
    b. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.post()’>
    c. <input type=button name=cmdSubmit value=’Submit’ onclick=’document.form.submit()’>
    d. All will generate a post to the server

    9. Which of the following SQL statements will join an employee and department table to display the Department and Employee.
    a. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E where E.DeptID in Dept
    b. Select D.DeptName, E.LastName from Employee E and Dept D with E.DeptID=D.ID
    c. Select D.DeptName, E.Lastname from Employee E, Dept D where E.DeptID=D.ID
    d. Select D.DeptName from Dept D Union Select E.LastName from Employee E
    e. All of the above
    f. None of the above

    10. Which of the following can be registered into MTS
    a. ActiveX Control
    b. ActiveX Document
    c. ActiveX DLL
    d. ActiveX EXE
    e. All of the above
    f. None of the above更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 建议不要找不适合自己的工作,这样混进去也待不住。
      • 那也拿好几个月工资啦。赚了。
      • 同意,我在公司里对混进来的中国人和印巴人从来是得赶便赶.没一个做过一个月的.
    • 我的答案:,B,E,D,D,B,B,C,B,C,A.我对最后一个问题不太明白.前面几个应该差不太多,有半年多没动过了,记不太轻了.
      不过我也不同意去找自己不适合的职位.我从96年就搞JAVA,而且有非常好的证据证明,but i've never apply any JAVA position because I've not used it for years.
      • the last one is ActiveX DLL, but please check your first one, is B?
        • C, I'm wrong.
          • good! BTW, I didn't check others...:-))
    • c,e,d,a,b,a,f,b,c,cd; 80% not sure.
      • 同意.
        • the last one is D? (EXE?) I don't think so..
          • I am not sure either, but...
            I believe that EXEs, as well as DLLs, can be registered as out-of-process COMs but not sure if they can also in MTS. But one fact is, DCOM need EXEs, not DLLs, and DCOM has to be registered in MTS. Anyway, nobody's using those stuffs, neither am I ...
            • I did that several times, you only can register DLL in it. That's a famous exam topic in MCSD.
      • 第四题我不确定,谁说是什么就是什么了,第六题我保留我的答案,第七题更正为F,答案C的前面少SERVER,稍不注意就错了.
    • CEDDBXXBCX 打叉的是ASP的没作过,其他应该差不多
    • 呵呵,别的不说,COM的东东,最后一个肯定是CCCC,
    • 看最后一提的答案,有一些同志看来对COM+不是很熟喔。呵呵,不过好像.net出来又不一样了
    • 这是那家公司? 你可以在家答题吗?
    • 看看可否帮你,大部分功能是我正在用的。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1.c
      When a html page is loaded, the event onload will triggerd on body tag. And the function for an alert is alert('Hello");

      Select is a tag used with option, as a list field for you to chose, no check.
      Hidden is the property for hiding a input box.
      Ratio has a check property

      Only onload event will be triggered for the load process

      There is a substring in the response from using Request.ServerViriable("HTTP_USER_AGENT") which contains the information of browser type. For example, the "MSIE" is for Internet Explorer.

      You need to use Request.Form("argument") to get values from form

      The COM will be created by the ASP script. You are not running the COM EXE file but the ASP script. So only this permission is necessary.

      7.should be 'c' but likely the 'f'
      Since you need use the following codes:
      set x = Server.CreateObject("Project.Class1")
      I am not sure whether you can miss the 'Server' prefix.

      There is no Post function for the form object in JavaScript.

      The join table operation is decribed in SQL manual. You can check it.
      The statement in the 'c' means that select all employees and departments when the DeptID of table Employee matches the ID of table Department

      Only in process COM can be registered into MTS. That is the ActiveX DLL.
      我也不能100分保证,你需要在你回复他们之前确认一下。予祝成功。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • I agree with your answers. For 7, in ASP, you need Server.creat... but I remember you can just use createobject... in VB.
        • 谢谢大家,真是太让人感动了,这么一会功夫,有这么多热心IT人帮我,再次谢谢大家。
          • 说实话,这些是很基本的问题,有些也不光是HTML的,还有COM,但你既然会VB,也应该知道这些。很担心即使你能得到这份工作,你也会压力很大的。我有个中国同事就是这样。anyway,祝你好运!
            • 其实我干了很久的C++,到了CANADA,公司却派我弄VB,这会又给个ASP给我写,中间又间杂些JAVASCRIPT的HTML PAGE。感觉混碗饭吃,还真不易 :( 不过语言都是通的,学会如何学习很重要(一点感想)。革命尚未成功,同志们啊。。。。
        • If author of the question made a mistake and his original idea is to test the Server.CreateObject(), maybe we should choose c. But if he deliberately made that mistake, f is the choice.
          The problem is that people often make mistakes, and what is worse is that this guy is the test author! So I suggest Puma to make a note on this question telling the author about this problem(Only a suggestion) :)