

I can understand your feeling

I can understand your feeling.but I think the real life is same as decathlon(十项运动). yes, your 100m is 10".very good but lost game (stay at home).this lady's 100m only 11" but instructor give her a chance
to join decathlon, very lucky been champion (got a job). so make you 茫然 unhappy.right? come on,tomorrow is other day.lot of game waiting for you.I think, as a 100m DX if you want jion decathlon, first you have
to know decathlon include 100m .high jump.long jump.pole vault........ (100m only a part) and the law of this game if you(any one)like, send me a mail with your phone number. we can talk more about it by phone
these day I sick.so have lot of time to 侃. jiande@sympatico.ca

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 上月刚来加时,偶尔在bus上遇见以前单位同一部门做文秘的小姐,她告诉我她在一家公司做电脑工作。一个多月了,做电脑出身的人工作毫无着落。只好去上LINC。多伦多,你怎么了?
    • 一个多月时间还太短,即使经济好的时候也不保证你一个月找到工作。有人本做电脑工作,来了三年也找不到专业工作才该发这种感叹。加拿大比中国公平,只是经济不好时大家都难。
      • 公平是相对的。你如果生于中国的上海北京你就占有有利条件,你是中国的不公平制度的受益者。可是你如果从中国的上海北京到加拿大你和其他的中国人是公平了。可是本地人特别是洋人就是这里的公平受益者,你是受害者。
      • 你没留意我举的实例。我那位同事现在还在多市的一所大学part-time修计算机课程,尚未毕业(她在国内是文科毕业生)。可她在做电脑工作。难道在国内获得的东东就这么worthless?
        • 前一两年许多转行的人都找到工作,而现在本做IT的人也难找工作。也许这位小姐运气好吧,但文科生通常英语较好。
          • 有道理,但最后一句不见得正确。
        • 未必,有些公司还是注重经验和实力的。
          • 加拿大的很多工作未必都是很具挑战性的,加上其他因素的影响所以不是你技术好就比技术差的好找工作除非你有市场需要的技术绝招,否则难说的很。
        • I can understand your feeling
          I can understand your feeling.but I think the real life is same as decathlon(十项运动). yes, your 100m is 10".very good but lost game (stay at home).this lady's 100m only 11" but instructor give her a chance
          to join decathlon, very lucky been champion (got a job). so make you 茫然 unhappy.right? come on,tomorrow is other day.lot of game waiting for you.I think, as a 100m DX if you want jion decathlon, first you have
          to know decathlon include 100m .high jump.long jump.pole vault........ (100m only a part) and the law of this game if you(any one)like, send me a mail with your phone number. we can talk more about it by phone
          these day I sick.so have lot of time to 侃. jiande@sympatico.ca
    • 秘书小姐做的电脑工作我也会,我以前还做过她们的电脑老师呢。
      • 刚拜读了你以前的贴子,写得蛮好的。
      • 秘书小姐也在进步呀...