


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If this is the case as discribed, it is misleading. The policyholder might not be able to get the money reinbursed fully because of the contract, but if he/she has this evidence, he/she can write to the SuperIntedent in Ontario to investigate this. But yes, he/she better has some proof that the agent told him/her that way. Another lesson can be learned from this case is: at the time the policyholder not sure if he/she is covered by the policy or if she/he does not understand how the policy works, the policyholder can ask the agent to clearfy by: 1. call your agent with phone recorder; 2. fax or email your agent to make sure you understand correctly - if the agent does not response after certain time, defautly the agent agrees what you asked.

Yes, it is difficult for consumers to do that when they do each financial transaction, but still t, in this case, there are several chances the policyholder can do:
1. read the contract after you sign it because it should has a period you can review it
2. The doctor has mentioned once
3. second time in hospital, when he/she is not sure, ask the agent with cautious this time!, "周晓东立即打电话到21 Century询问保险条款,问对方是否能支付父亲的住院费和治疗费", Read the contract first, then ask his/her agent not the insruance company - as I said, if the policy was sold by agent not directly from company, the agent has the obligation to explain the contract in detail, they are trained for that. The Insurance company's response when you have claims."当问及保单是否能赔偿父亲的第二次的住院费,对方回答说:“是的!" ", it looks like he/she did ask the agent, then you better have the recorder on hand this time because it is not a $10 confirm but a $15,000 claim!

Anyway, read this article, one thing I can see is the policyholder does not understand game rule here. It takes time and money. It is a lesson we all can learn, however it is expensive though!

But as many here blaim the 保险公司 - they are big, but they reject the claim not because they are big but because they are more like a Robot, playing game according to rule. In the case, the 保险公司 is the least to blaim, they are doing what the contract tells them to do!

If the agent lies, sue the agent to the SuperIntendent to revoke this agent's license;

if the policyholder do not understand the policy and/or do not read it or ask it, then what can other do?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / ZT: 来加探亲的医疗保险不是你想象的那么简单
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转自“大中报”


      居住在多伦多的周晓东(Zhou, Xiaodong 音译)显然就经历这样的事,她的父亲于2004年11月来加探望她和丈夫。

      考虑到自己父亲年事已高、身体不好,且没有安省的医疗保险(OHIP),周晓东决定为父亲购买21 Century 的探亲保险(Visitor to Canada Insurance Policy)

      这种属于旅游探亲保险可以按月购买,即是按月支付保费,保期为一个月的、每月复保(Renew)的间断保险(discontinuing policy )。也可以购买保期为一年,按月支付保费的连续保期保险(continuing policy)。对于那些父母短期来加探亲的儿女们,由于父母来加时间长短不定,有些不能保证父母能拿到续期签证,当然会考虑够买保期为一个月的每个月需复保的短期保险, 周晓东正是购买的这种按月交保费的每月复保的间断短期保险。

      从去年11月至今年5月,周晓东共花了903元保费,连续为父亲购买了21 Centrry (现被Manualife 收购)的每份保期为一个月的7份短期访问保险。

      周晓东所买的保单中规定,该保险不负责赔偿从保单生效之日起的前180天之内所呈现的任何病症和身体受伤等(any sickness, disease or bodily injury)...

      对此,Manualife Financial 的媒体联系人Jasmine Mangalaserile 解释说,保单生效之日起的前180天之内所呈现的任何病症和身体受伤等称为已得疾病(pre-existing conditions),也就是说在保单生效前的180天内被保人已得的病。因此,如果被保人在新保单生效期内旧病复发,此保单及其后的续保将不支付病人医疗、住院、抢救等费用。




      周晓东父亲周茂荣(译音)的发病日期为2005年4月的26日。当天,周先生突然感到胸痛难忍。周晓东立即将父亲送进了Scarborough Grace Hospital 进行紧急抢救,周先生住院历时 4天。




      2005年5月4日,周晓东的父亲-周茂荣心脏再次发病,周晓东再一次将周茂荣送往Scarborough Grace Hospital.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • (接前帖)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2005年5月4日,周晓东的父亲-周茂荣心脏再次发病,周晓东再一次将周茂荣送往Scarbrough Grace Hosiptal.

        周茂荣被送往医院后,周晓东立即打电话到21 Century询问保险条款,问对方是否能支付父亲的住院费和治疗费。21Century没有给她确切答复。此时,医院通知周晓东,父亲周茂荣每天的住院和治疗费高达1,500元!



        周茂荣住院的第6天,医生通知周晓东,周茂荣要经过一项叫做 Angiogram的检查。在没有得到保单是否赔偿的情况下,医生要求周晓东先支付这笔2,000元的检查费。为了父亲,周晓东先交了这笔费用。30分钟的检查结果显示,周茂荣要做心脏搭桥手术。


        直到周茂荣住院的第7天,周晓东才收到保险公司明确答复。他们告诉她,她为父亲购买的是非连续生效的保单(discontinuing policy) ,因此,她父亲第二次的住院费、手术费、诊断费都不能报销。对方希望周晓东立即办理父亲出院手续!





        此时,周晓东一颗悬吊的心终于放下。她于5月16日向21 Century申报父亲两次住院的保险赔偿,但未得到迅速回答。


        周晓东说,她了解到自己所买的保单性质是在父亲第二次住院的第7天,那时,保险公司的批保部门通知她,21 Century 不能支付其父亲的住院费和治疗费!

        我曾向周晓东的保单经纪人Jim Chen核实周晓东的投诉,但至截稿之日仍未能得到答复。

        21 Century现已被Manualife Financial收购。Manualife的媒体联系人Jasmine Mangalaserile说,保单经纪人是有责任向客户解释保单的重要特性(material feature)。无论客户购买一份保期为一年的保单,还是连续购买12份保期为一个月的保单,保单经纪人所收取的佣金都是一样的。



        针对周晓东的问题, Jasmine回答说,21 Century在批准保险申报的前要全面审核受保人的所有医疗病历,他们不能保证24小时之内对被保人的申报做出决定。当批保部门认为被保人的申报有被拒可能时,其通常做法是在保险公司进行申报审查的同时建议被保人医疗费用先自负。换句话说,被保人应该在购买保单时就要搞清楚自己所买的保单都保了些什么!

        周晓东说,21 Century已经将其父的第一次住院费和治疗费全部支付了,对其父第二次住院和治疗费的申报,21 Century于今年的8月5日 以信函的形式对她作出了最后答复。21 Century在信中说,鉴于周晓东的父亲周茂荣的保单性质及他4月份的住院纪录,周晓东的申报不能得到批准!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我妈妈探亲的时候,我也买的21 Century的保险 ,当时经济确实说可以按月交钱,保单是连续计算的,如果一次交费,提前回国可以退款,既然保法一样,我也选的按月付。看样我也理解错了,还好妈妈没生什么病!
        • "保单是连续计算的",因为新客户如果人已经在加拿大,有7天的等待期。估计代理的意思是中间不需要等待期。
    • 那个卖保险的经纪太不负责了。可不可以追究他/她的责任?
      • 受保人太不负责任了,签字不看合约,你追究谁去?
        • 正像楼下说的:“想当然”是要不得的!
        • 付责任的agent确实应该事先说明其中的区别,但不说只能说不付责任而已,因为毕竟保单上写得很清楚,你也签了字。
          • 我也想当然一下,就是这个孩子开始没有决定父亲到底住多久,害怕cancel保单亏钱,所以决定按月买。否则即使不知道能否续签,一般也会直接买半年的,然后再决定是否续买。
          • 正是我的意思。追究不着什么人的责任,就是周同学的责任。新移民常犯的错误,我前不久还被信用卡公司忽悠了1把。。。这位同学跟头跌得大了点。。。同学们签字前一定找本字典,把合约明明白白通读一遍,有问题问经济,这时他要误导
            • 你一个外来人(指的是从不同的文化背景来的人)甭想斗过加拿大本地人,即使你通读了保险条款,需要的时候你还是吃亏的,保险公司还是赢得。。
              • 所以要每天学习多一点
              • 不能这么说吧,只要是白纸黑字的东西一般正经公司不会乱来的,它不会因小失大,你毕竟只是个小客户。当然,要是正经公司。
        • 经纪人只要不是白纸黑字往往为了生意会信口开河。以后应该把他们说的话录下来。以防万一。
      • 经济没有什么责任,保单上面写着呢,而且一般都是先拿到保单,然后才付钱的,如果不接受完全可以cancel
        • 各个方面都有责任。事主没有全面阅读和完全理解保险条款;经纪不负责任;保险公司没有及时给与答复,说明保险公司故意拖后处理,就是为了坑害事主。
          • lesson learns from this case
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. From this case, insurance company keeps their promise, paid the amount in full for the medical expense in April. The contract is written that way to protect the insurance company from anti-selection is reasonable and fair. Nobody will do business losing money for certain.

            2. The agent has to explain the contract to policyholder. If in this case, the policyholder has the evidence that his/her agent mislead him/her to buy this policy, he/she can write to the Insurance SuperIntendent in Ontario. This regulator will investigate the case. If there is evidence that this agent purposely misleading, the Superintendent can revoke that agent's license. So, licensed agent usually will not lie to you because for him/her it is not worth to risk his/her license - that's the job they make a living afterall. By the way, who sells insurance policy has to have a license, otherwise, the company that hires the person will be in trouble.

            3. Usually, policy holder has a period to read the policy and decide to accept or cancel it. This is guaranteed by regulation to protect consumer - another way that protect agent mislead policyholder.

            4. It is not always true agent belongs to insurance company. Indepedent agent sells all the insurance porduct from different companies, they are more like a retail store. But if you buy insurance product from captive agent or directly from the company or through their website, then there are only two parties - you and the company.

            4. This case is a lesson to learn. There is no one to blaim if all three parties are clear what is their right and responsibility更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 你说的都没有什么可反驳的,但是那时理论而已,或法律而已。具体情况还得具体分析,比如,让当事人拿出代理误导的证据来,怎么可能哪?
              • 她曾向卖给她保险的推销员咨询过,她所买的保险是连续生效的保险。周晓东强调,当问及保单是否能赔偿父亲的第二次的住院费,对方回答说:“是的!"
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛If this is the case as discribed, it is misleading. The policyholder might not be able to get the money reinbursed fully because of the contract, but if he/she has this evidence, he/she can write to the SuperIntedent in Ontario to investigate this. But yes, he/she better has some proof that the agent told him/her that way. Another lesson can be learned from this case is: at the time the policyholder not sure if he/she is covered by the policy or if she/he does not understand how the policy works, the policyholder can ask the agent to clearfy by: 1. call your agent with phone recorder; 2. fax or email your agent to make sure you understand correctly - if the agent does not response after certain time, defautly the agent agrees what you asked.

                Yes, it is difficult for consumers to do that when they do each financial transaction, but still t, in this case, there are several chances the policyholder can do:
                1. read the contract after you sign it because it should has a period you can review it
                2. The doctor has mentioned once
                3. second time in hospital, when he/she is not sure, ask the agent with cautious this time!, "周晓东立即打电话到21 Century询问保险条款,问对方是否能支付父亲的住院费和治疗费", Read the contract first, then ask his/her agent not the insruance company - as I said, if the policy was sold by agent not directly from company, the agent has the obligation to explain the contract in detail, they are trained for that. The Insurance company's response when you have claims."当问及保单是否能赔偿父亲的第二次的住院费,对方回答说:“是的!" ", it looks like he/she did ask the agent, then you better have the recorder on hand this time because it is not a $10 confirm but a $15,000 claim!

                Anyway, read this article, one thing I can see is the policyholder does not understand game rule here. It takes time and money. It is a lesson we all can learn, however it is expensive though!

                But as many here blaim the 保险公司 - they are big, but they reject the claim not because they are big but because they are more like a Robot, playing game according to rule. In the case, the 保险公司 is the least to blaim, they are doing what the contract tells them to do!

                If the agent lies, sue the agent to the SuperIntendent to revoke this agent's license;

                if the policyholder do not understand the policy and/or do not read it or ask it, then what can other do?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • “保期为一年,按月支付保费的连续保期保险”,对这条有疑问:
      • 可以按月买,约定自动续约。
        • 如果选了1年期的保险,父母只呆了几个月,那么后几个月的保费还要继续交吗?
          • 对于21世纪的合同,如果开始选的就是1年的,当时要交全年费用,如果cancel,可以退钱,但是有几十元的手续费
          • 看来你还没有认识到签字的重要性
            • 这个是“想当然”的说法。我的资料n年前的不知扔哪里了。上楼下楼是专业的。。。
              • 呵呵,这几年每天都在给21世纪捐钱
          • 你签了合约的时候就一次性交了。半年签证如果不确定呆多长时间,建议一次签3-5月,当然你要明白其中的风险。
    • 这条消息有收藏价值。多谢!
      • 谢谢!看来英文一定要苦读啊~~~~~~~~~!
        • 可问题是有时候不是能读就完了的,那么多条条框框,就算看也不见得能懂,要不干吗要律师这个行业?推销员要是故意误导客户,就很容易上当了。看了别人的教训,自己也能长点经验呀。
    • 一般合同都有冷静期至少有一两周的时间,虽然我们的英文水平迫使我们不可能在短时间,一小时或是几小时里就明白全部,有时就冒然签了字,回家后可一定得自己做功课.把白纸黑字都看一遍..谁都知道卖保险的人的嘴
    • 这些是Common Practice. 按月买保险,肯定有这问题,你可以买长期保险但按月付费。试想一下一个人得了癌症以后再去买重病保险,保险业跟你赌的是uncertainty和probablility,这一定输的游戏谁赌?便宜和省钱是有代价的。
    • 我有个问题了,麻烦知道的DX帮个忙,谢谢!

      • 在买保险时,有个medical questionnaire要填,其中就有病史的项目。
      • 如果老人本身就有这种病应该买什么保险?No insurance will cover this. This is not an insurable event if you know it in advance.
      • According to 21th century's policy, if the condition is stable, and the insured person is yonger than
        70, it's covered automatically. if the condition is stable but the insured person is older than 70, you need to buy more expensive policy.
    • 这个案例,投保人负全责。从文中看出,
      非常清楚:“从去年11月至今年5月,周晓东共花了903元保费,连续为父亲购买了21 Centrry (现被Manualife 收购)的每份保期为一个月的7份短期访问保险。”,“周晓东所买的保单中规定,该保险不负责赔偿从保单生效之日起的前180天之内所呈现的任何病症和身体受伤等(any sickness, disease or bodily injury)...


      • 保险公司根本不在于具体个人的投保,它讲的是概率。
      • 问题是:12份月报单,对应于一份年报单,对保险公司还是对投保人有利? - One month Renewable is cheaper than buy one year policy. Several dollars a month.
      • Agree, very clear. 投保人负全责, 从文中看出
        这种属于旅游探亲保险可以按月购买,即是按月支付保费,保期为一个月的、每月复保(Renew)的间断保险(discontinuing policy )。也可以购买保期为一年,按月支付保费的连续保期保险(continuing policy)。对于那些父母短期来加探亲的儿女们,由于父母来加时间长短不定,有些不能保证父母能拿到续期签证,当然会考虑够买保期为一个月的每个月需复保的短期保险, 周晓东正是购买的这种按月交保费的每月复保的间断短期保险。

          从去年11月至今年5月,周晓东共花了903元保费,连续为父亲购买了21 Centrry (现被Manualife 收购)的每份保期为一个月的7份短期访问保险。

        If the agent explain like this, no one to blaim but the 投保人 his/herself.
    • 周先生会不会是特例呢?据说买最贵的就可以不变应万变耶,#2480598
    • 这只不过是保险公司的许多花招之一, 善良的人们永远弄不清, 保险公司永远找出各种各样的理由拒绝赔钱, 如果没有出事, 则你好我好, 但是一旦
      出了问题, 保险公司条款中有各种各样的例外情况, 既使是专家也永远搞不清楚, 所以从保险公司获得理赔, 等于是从老虎嘴里拔毛..............但愿每个人都能尽早弄明白!!!!!!!!
      • DIng up。 我同意
      • 我不同意你的观点。本来这个就是互惠互利的事情。出问题的地方一个是当事人没有弄懂条款,另一个是经纪误倒。不能一板子把保险公司打翻。
      • 保险公司没有任何疑问赔了第一次住院的费用。不能说耍花招吧?
      • 保险公司有时是会玩文字游戏,但只要认真读了条例,完全可以争取自己的利益.不弄清条例,想当然是肯定套吃亏的....另外有条例的疑问,一定打电话问保险公司
        • 可是口说无凭吧? 即便你记下了名字和日期, 这能有法律效应吗? 请教!!!
          • 有没有法律效应不知道.但也不要把保险公司都当成无赖,他们也是做生意的......你认为是对的,就要据理力争.他们办事还是有原则的.只是能少给你点就少给你点....所以找个信誉好的保险公司很重要.