

潘中原的事最近没有消息, 其中原因我不说大家也知道, 绝症看来他是斗不过了, 这几个月来, 我在外地争取一些我认为属于我的东西, 全靠Hunter and Jenny两位热心人, 这个圣蛋过后, 潘大概还有一年

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在大家的环境都不好, I am hesitated to ask for more money, Though there are two things that I hope we can do for him, perhaps the last two things we can do for him.

firstly, please pray for him, no need to say the official prayer or have it done in english, I am not a religious person myself, but I believe the power of prayer.

I am not saying we ask God for Pan's wellbeing for exchange of any items or sacrificies, I believe that God only ask us to be a nice and hearted person.

Please pray for him,

Secondly, Pan doesn't need our contribution economic wise, what he needs is emotional suppport, what I see as a problem is that his parents are not properly equipped for the upcoming winter, which is gonna be bad for them. His parents would need winter coats, Canadian ones, down filled, after my initial investigation I estimated the cost to be at around 300 bux for both of Pan's parents, For now I can only affort to put up with half of that, in other words, I need another 150 bux for their winter coats.

Many of us have donated money to Pan's fund, so I am ashamed to ask for more dough,

As for big hearted people like Pyramid, I purpose that why don't you keep the money on hand for now, I will be back to toronto in a few weeks, then we can pool our resources together for the winter coats,

Now I feel that there is no need estimate here, I am thinking that you would be kind enough to dish up to 50 bux, and I understand perfectly if it's too much to ask, nevertheless 50 bux canadian now a days is a lot of money.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 援助潘中原 / 汪激昂或者林妹妹请进
    • ADMIRE!
    • Salute!
    • You are something!
    • Really touched! Please refer to message #147566
      All the best!
    • 潘中原的事最近没有消息, 其中原因我不说大家也知道, 绝症看来他是斗不过了, 这几个月来, 我在外地争取一些我认为属于我的东西, 全靠Hunter and Jenny两位热心人, 这个圣蛋过后, 潘大概还有一年
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛现在大家的环境都不好, I am hesitated to ask for more money, Though there are two things that I hope we can do for him, perhaps the last two things we can do for him.

      firstly, please pray for him, no need to say the official prayer or have it done in english, I am not a religious person myself, but I believe the power of prayer.

      I am not saying we ask God for Pan's wellbeing for exchange of any items or sacrificies, I believe that God only ask us to be a nice and hearted person.

      Please pray for him,

      Secondly, Pan doesn't need our contribution economic wise, what he needs is emotional suppport, what I see as a problem is that his parents are not properly equipped for the upcoming winter, which is gonna be bad for them. His parents would need winter coats, Canadian ones, down filled, after my initial investigation I estimated the cost to be at around 300 bux for both of Pan's parents, For now I can only affort to put up with half of that, in other words, I need another 150 bux for their winter coats.

      Many of us have donated money to Pan's fund, so I am ashamed to ask for more dough,

      As for big hearted people like Pyramid, I purpose that why don't you keep the money on hand for now, I will be back to toronto in a few weeks, then we can pool our resources together for the winter coats,

      Now I feel that there is no need estimate here, I am thinking that you would be kind enough to dish up to 50 bux, and I understand perfectly if it's too much to ask, nevertheless 50 bux canadian now a days is a lot of money.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Really sorry to hear that. Maybe we don't have to buy new one. I think someone could donate one for them. Don't you think so?
        • I thought about that, though they don't want pity, and new clothes are more symbolic at this time. Thus, I insist only new articles to be used if it's a Gift
          • That is thoughtful. Really thanks for your work for PAN.
          • 或许Pan有什么愿望以前没有实现,而我们现在可以帮他,God Bless Pan !
      • really sad at this news.God bless Pan.
      • How can I reach you?
        You can contact me at my email address: dwl@sohu.com two days in advance.
        • I will be back in town late december but before xmas, my email is ufeman@hotmail.com
    • 榭!按照林妹妹的方法或按照瘦猪的提议即可。透露一下, 现在经济不好,寄来的捐款比较少却从没有停过, 这一批, 已经赞到300多了。
    • 圣诞晚会,可以搞一下募捐,把大家的祝福带给小潘。
      • 好主意!呼吁大家装满钱袋来参加晚会.8-). 我们再弄张圣诞卡,给他一个千家的祝福
    • Donate now, keep the receipt, wait for next year to ask for exemption credit...
      • it's not possible.
        • Since our expert has said it, keep your money for now and wait till next year, it's only 40 days away...
          • No, I mean it' s not possible to get exemption if you make a donation to an individual instead of a charity organization.
    • Thank you, buddy.