

UML is a methodology standard.

It's neither a language nor a tool*. The basic idea is that when you do a design you need to tell other people what's going on. So there should exist something that all the people can understand. UML is such a standardized notation. It's very helpful. If you do the design you need to know how to represent it in UML. If you implement the design you need to understand it. It's already an industrial standard. If you know it(perhaps put in your resume), you look more professional.

*UML is tightly related to Rational(Rose). But itself is just a spec. Rational added some features to the software such as automated code generation. But mostly it's just marketing thing. I don't hear many people use it.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请 问 多 伦 多 那 个 学 校 开 Rational Unified Process 的 培 训 课 ? 以 及 Clear Case 的 课 ? 学 费 多 少 ? 请 问 高 手 们 UML 的 前 景 如 何 ? Thanks。
    • 首先强调,在下不是大猩猩,所以手不高。UML是基本功。但请注意:1. OO设计和开发不是一定要用UML; 2. 用UML并不意味一定用它来生成代码; 我们只在写doc时用UML,但并不是必须的。
      • clearCase课是给管理员用的,做developer不需要上课,去rational网站看doc把
        • 程序员也该知道如何check in /checkout,如何merge吧
          • 可是花几百块去上课就。。。就。。。。就*&%#·了吧?
    • UML 是 最 流 行 和 最 佳 OO ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 语 言 , 能 请 教 还 有 更 好 的 替 代 办 法 ? 另 外 我 没 有 发 现 有 学 校 开 RUP 和 CLEAR和 CASE 的课 。 若 有 人 知 道 , 敬 请 告 之 。
      • UML只是一种工具,用标准方式表达idea. OO != UML
        • UML is a language , NOT tool, don't mix them up!
          • faint, I think all language is a kind of tool, isn't it?
      • 你是想拿证书呢?还是想学点东西?如果是后者,其实有很多地方可以学,不一定要上课,给你一个网站 www.umlchina.com
        • 谢谢! 这个网站的资料非常丰富。 另外,你能预侧一下UML 的前景?听说Brand 公司的新产品已将 Jbuilder +UML合在一起,那就是说将来的趋势是一般的DEVELOPER 和PROGRAMMER都必须精通UML。不知我的观点对不对?
          • UML is a methodology standard.
            It's neither a language nor a tool*. The basic idea is that when you do a design you need to tell other people what's going on. So there should exist something that all the people can understand. UML is such a standardized notation. It's very helpful. If you do the design you need to know how to represent it in UML. If you implement the design you need to understand it. It's already an industrial standard. If you know it(perhaps put in your resume), you look more professional.

            *UML is tightly related to Rational(Rose). But itself is just a spec. Rational added some features to the software such as automated code generation. But mostly it's just marketing thing. I don't hear many people use it.
            • automated code generation 其实是非常有用的。当然要做得好,你就得有一个好的开发流程
            • 真正发现ROSE比其他简易的制图软件画UML优势了没有?
              • ROSE里很多“自动化”是制图软件做不到的,况且你还有一大堆属性什么的,放在什么地方?
                • 自动化的实例
                  • 从以开始的Architectural Analysisd到后面的class design中间有很多subsystem,package,interface,class等等拆分合并,一个个的重新画总不太方便吧
                    • 你们项目中严格利用这些Constraint吗?感到确实方便吗?
                      • 基本上是按部就班的来的,方便是要看你系统的复杂度,我觉得简单的系统这么做是挺罗嗦的。
          • 如果你是做OO的开发,UML是必修课。现在辅助工具也很多,比如你提到的新版JBUILDER, TOGETHER J,当然最流行的还是ROSE
        • UML 方面有那些证书?能否介绍一下?谢谢。
          • none
          • Rational Rose 有一个CERTIFIED INSTRUCTOR的证书,我没考过,据说还要做项目,你可以和RATIONAL联系一下。
    • where can I download the newest version of ROSE?
      • http://www.rational.com/tryit/index.jsp Rational Rose 2001 A try 15days
    • 多大好象没有,我知道渥太华的Carleton U.有门课很热门,讲Design Patten和用UML设计Real Time, Concurrent & Distributed System