

10 ways to 磨洋工

1. browse the internet in the name of research
2. drink coffee SLOWLY
3. go out for a smoke every hour
4. listen to other's jokes and laugh and talk and talk and talk ....
5. when somebody is playing a demo or interesting video clip, join it
6. if you can finish the work in one hour, say you can do it in 3 hours
7. call tech-support for some unimportant issues
8. eat lunch slowly or go out for a sub and eat for 1 hour
9. come early and leave more early
10. write every email in 30 minunts.


If you get fired, say "I will come back to pick up my stuff in a week."

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 早上好!请问,磨洋工都有哪些招数?谢谢。
    • 上厕所 ^_^
      • 勤喝水^_^
        • 懒驴上磨
          • 以上都是。还有:
            • She is a LADY. HOHO
              • 歇菜
    • 10 ways to 磨洋工
      1. browse the internet in the name of research
      2. drink coffee SLOWLY
      3. go out for a smoke every hour
      4. listen to other's jokes and laugh and talk and talk and talk ....
      5. when somebody is playing a demo or interesting video clip, join it
      6. if you can finish the work in one hour, say you can do it in 3 hours
      7. call tech-support for some unimportant issues
      8. eat lunch slowly or go out for a sub and eat for 1 hour
      9. come early and leave more early
      10. write every email in 30 minunts.


      If you get fired, say "I will come back to pick up my stuff in a week."
      • 一看就是馊主意,而且还是放了很久,很馊的那种,嘿嘿。
        • it works well on me. I spend 2 hours on internet, at least 1 hour lunch, 1 hour talk with others 1 hour to do other things and only 3 hours on my work. 爽啊!
          • obviously your boss got a perfect employee, : P kidding.... my boss is in the same situation.
          • 那你还没......?hehe, good luck :-)
          • faint. I wish I were you.-- the other tweety
            • ??????a hacker????
              • red alert! red alert!! The hacker is back!!!! OK, I quit now.
                • hehe, you quit, I quit.
    • come to rolia
    • 好兄弟,干吗要磨洋工呢?想干就好好干,不行干就撤,磨洋工干吗?
      • 估计他是按小时挣钱。。。:)
        • 烂萝卜!今晚回去罗伯顿排骨,秧子只好扔了!嘿嘿。
          • 哈,缺乏常识,萝卜秧那是萝卜的种子,把秧插在地里,来年就长成萝卜了。长成的萝卜上那绿色植物叫萝卜叶子。
    • 如果可能的话,闭目养神,为自己晚上的活动养精蓄锐。:)