


时间:下午 1点
地点:5 Lyra Starway 就是在如图 corvus Starway & Ursa Starway 之间的从左边数第二条,第一条是 Parkway Forest Dr.,这条路很小,要小心才能找到。我家正对着棒球场,是一个白色的车库门,邻居都是深褐色的。



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 给所有被lay off, 正在找工作的 IT profesionals
    我是一个 c++ 程序员,有 8 年 IT 经验,包括 solaris, linux, oracle, cvs 等等,做过银行,通讯等行业。有两年加拿大经验。很不幸,最近被lay off.
    我在网上找到一个站点 www.elance.com,上面有人提供各种project,价格从 50-5000 不等。我很想尝试去拿一两个来做做。但是有几个问题:

    1,elance 要注册费 US$25-150 每个月。
    2,我的技术并不全面,也不是最顶尖,我担心即使拿到 project 也不一定能做得好。

    所以我提议我们弄一个小组,一来大家share 费用,二来技术上可以互通有无。

    我家里有 3 台 PC, 1 台 Ultra 1。还有 rogers 上网。软件有 sparc solaris, linux (red hat, suse), 2000, oracle等等。可以提供一些方便出来。

    如果有兴趣,大家联合起来做,反正闲着也是闲着。如果做得好,比打工要强。elance 的广告 "top guy make US$ 20K-30K per month"。

    请来电 416-499-4897 谢
    或 e-mail ynxie2000@yahoo.com
    • 根据咱的经验,挣得最高的"top guys"往往是基本不做project的,:)
      • 劳心劳力的区别大了!
    • 谢先生: 我对你的提议很有兴趣。如要进一步的合作,请来e-mail。
    • 最新进展
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FAQ:
      消息来自于我太太的老师。我太太是学computer graphic的。可能有些 graphic designer 也在这个站点上找活干。不过我想每人 $40 加币(人多的话或者更少)试一试也无妨。

      2. 干了活收不收得到钱?
      照我的观察,上面的 buyer & seller 来自全球,什么人都有。当然有的 project 双方都满意,有的双方都不满意,看他们的 review 就知道了。

      4. 有多少人对这个感兴趣?
      到目前为止,我收到 3 个e-mail, 5 个电话表示感兴趣。

      5. 我们怎么操作?
      * 首先要建立一个名单,包括:nick name | e-mail | icq/qq/hotmail messanger/yahoo messanger what ever | strength | 等等
      * 然后聚一次,让大家互相认识。
      * 其中一个人用信用卡付 Subscription Fee,其他人给现金给这个人,得到密码后告诉大家
      我刚看了,有两个 category 适合我们 Web Design & Development 和 Software & Technology
      每一个 category 的月费是 us$150, 两个都一起订是 us$225, 全部都订是 us$405 真是他妈的贵
      * 然后有两种方法:
      a. 分头行动,看到什么合适的 project 都去 bid. 如果有两个 TICU(名字暂定) 的人都去bid 的话,先到先得。在 bid的时候,留下记号谁在 biding. 比如 TICU1, TICU2。其他想合作的人直接找 TICU1/TICU2 联系。可以看到,沟通是网状的,点对点的。谈下来项目,分钱的人自然是做的那几个。做的人 send invoice 给 buyer, 给 buyer instruction how to pay. 所以钱应该是直接到做项目的人手上。

      b. 统一行动,看到什么项目经过讨论再去 bid.当然这很 stupid, 不过对于某些特别大的项目,慎重一些好。

      * 关于信誉
      无可否认,信誉就是一切。所以如果有人接了单,又做不了,或者做不好就是砸了所有 TICU 人的牌子。遇到这种情况,千万别硬撑,我们有一大堆中国人在后面撑着呢! 如果有人得了不好的 review, 比如说 3 次( 3 次太多了,1 次就砸牌子了),这个人就永远不能再加入 TICU 了。

      * TICU 的资格每月 review 一次,交 subscription fee 就是了。

      Toronto IT Chinese Union (TICU) 太苦,太酷

      7. 将来有什么打算?


      初步定在星期天(1月27号)的晚上 7:00 在我家聚一次 (Sheppeard & Don Mills 地区)。

      欢迎跟帖。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 个人觉着名字不妥,没必要突出种族色彩
    • 支持。严重支持。什么行业?什么方向?算我一个。聚会我也参加。
      • 你先看看 www.elance.com 找到你合适做的。
      • Hello, Forex, 如果有进一步的消息,和我通通气。
    • 我有8年财务软件开发经验,两年Java开发银行web应用,去年5月来多伦多,找不到工作。想参加你们的小组。
    • Call me pls if you have some projects with database management
    • Please consider those issues.
      Hi guys,
      Before you participate this plan. Please read the FAQ on elance.
      Especially the billing and payment.
      1. Elance will charge 10% - 7% as transaction fee. What a money grabber!!!!
      2. Withdraw money issue, especially for Canadians.
      3. The project there is quite difficult, maybe we don't have enough information yet. Please consider this.

      In one word, it's not a easy job!
    • elance有几个负面评价,"If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is", 大家小心就是.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ATTENTION - BEWARE OF eLance.com SCAM !

      We are small IT consulting company located in Warsaw, Poland. Since
      May 2001 we have had an account at eLance.com named
      "SkalczynskiNagrodzki" (Account #: EL5923000346755). We have been using
      this site for several monthsand finally would like to withdraw money from
      our account ($1161,00).
      But suddenly some technical problems appeared (input field for bank
      account number was simply too short to type in our bank account #). To
      resolve them, we have sent around 15 (!!!) e-mails to eLance customer
      service. Usually, we did not get ANY response! The only responses came,
      when we made phone calls (twice) from Poland to eLance office (and phone
      calls from Poland to USA cost a lot, believe me!). Each time eLance
      representative was surprised with our case, and each time help was
      promised. And each time ... nothing was done! Now it starts the third
      month (!) of our battle with eLance.com to withdraw our money. The
      amount is not big, but we have earned this money and would like to use
      it! What should we do? Does anybody know, where to go with such case?
      Are there any organisations/companies which resolve such scam issues?
      We would also like to warn You before subscribing to eLance.com. They
      will promptly take Your money (subscription, transaction fee), but later
      You will have horrible problems to get from them what You have earned.

      Best regards,

      Unless you have an immense amount of patience and very little respect for
      your skills, don't do it. Don't even go near that place. I joined in
      February of 2000, back when it had some semblance of a decent opportunity,
      but since then, it's gone nowhere but South.

      Many projects are either posted by kids or morons, and many are abandoned
      after being posted. ELance sits very heavily on the buyers' side of the
      deal, in all aspects of the Site, and the sellers are left to finance the
      business and catch the brunt of the stupidity that takes place on there. Add
      that to the hundreds of talentless hacks that think they're designers, the
      buyers who actually BELIEVE them, and assholes who steal work from other
      designers and post it as their own... you get the picture.

      If you do decide to fork over your cash, expect to charge only a few hundred
      dollars, AT MOST, for your logo and website designs, if you expect to see
      any return on your investment. Plus, in the eLance TOS, they claim you MUST
      reroute any additional projects from the clients you acquire through eLance
      for an entire year, thus grazing their 7% commission off any projects you
      get from an eLance client, which is silly at best, and illegal, at worst.

      They claim that they have the highest number of projects coming through
      their system, but when 80% of the damn things never close with anyone
      chosen, you have to wonder if those projects are posted just to make it look
      busy. They don't require much of anything from the buyer, so just about
      anyone can go on there and post a project for anything, with no obligation
      to ever follow up. Their customer service blows worse than anything I've
      ever seen, and they'd rather pour their efforts into more worthless programs
      than fix the ones they've already got to get them working better (sounds
      like the government, huh?) On that note, they're very "big brother-like"
      when it comes to managing your business. They're brutal about contact
      information, and they claim they have the right to two full years of your
      financial records after you work on a project through their site, where they
      can come in and collect their commission if they think you've cheated the
      system. Sounds fun, huh?

      What you will find is loads of college kids offering their services for a
      'cup of tea' - I get the felling that most of the clients posting in Elance
      know that they call the tune and it literally becomes an auction. I had won
      a bid on 2 occasions and both times other designers had got at the client
      and offered less. That was 2 years ago - never been near the place again.

      Save ya dosh更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 有 28 人响应
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛大家好

      首先已经有 28 个人通过电话,email 表示过兴趣。

      我相信大家已经看过我在 rolia 上的帖子以及其他一些人的跟帖,我想请你们在决定加入之前,上 elance 仔细阅读他们的条款(在顶头的 help 里),


      1. elance 上面的项目都很小,us$1000 以上算大的。
      2. elance 要对每个项目收 7% 的手续费
      3. buyer's payment 都是通过 elance account, 大家怎么样去管理这个 elance account. 不知道这个 elance account 是不是还有另外不同subscription 的密码,由谁去管理这个账户(那是钱哪)
      4. 要报所得税
      5. basic subscription 和 select subscription 的区别,我的看法是 basic 的作用非常有限,“只许看,不许摸”。而且平摊下来的费用并不高,值得一试。

      aimoo.com/soho 上有人如是评论(未经作者同意就转帖 :-p):

      “我原来就投过,不到1%的命中率。千投白投之后,终于有一个让我投到。是一个简单的48-bit ID (with some funcy requirements)产生软件,用在服务器上的。 那个东西从$5000一直下到$500,写是很快写出来了,但交货时又反复几次加“一个小小的要求”,搞了很长时间才拿到钱。后来再去投标,就是不中,渐渐的我也就失去兴趣了。靠这糊口,恐怕会出人命案。 ”


      我 99 年来加拿大,作为新移民花了 3 个月时间找到第一份工作,2000 年跳槽也没有花多少时间。今年 send 出去近 100 份简历,回音只有 3 个说拒绝的。假设说我们能在 elance 上做到点什么,比如每人 us$200/月,或者更少。1. 补贴一点家用。 2. 技术上不脱节。所以还是值得一做的。而且如果我们建立起一个人际网对以后的发展还是有好处的。


      www.aimoo.com/soho 有人提议创业,也是一条路。大伙也可以都去看看,我们也可以参加他们。

      1. 名字。TICU 太过强调中国人背景,不利于拿单,也不利于吸收其他国家的人(这倒是其次)。有人提议用马,比如 torontoHorse, 2001horse.....
      2. 经过考虑,有多少人愿意继续参加。因为人太多我家里坐不下。如果小于 15 人,可以在我家,再多就要另想办法。
      3. 如果愿意加入,请带 $20-30 来参加聚会 (视乎加入的人有多少)


      非常希望您能够提出建议。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Best wishes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • I can't send to the following e-mail:miketany@21cn.com, mrzyf@263.net
      the 21cn, 263 rejected my e-mail. I suggest you guys to apply a free e-mail account in North America like hotmail, yahoo...
      • as well as tsh@sohu.com
    • 聚会议事日程
      如果 aimoo 的陈阳可以开一块论坛出来,就不用每次都 send group mail 了。

      1. 每人花 5 分钟介绍自己,方便大家认识 about 2 hours
      2. 遗留问题: 名字,subscription, payment issue about 0.5 - 1 hours
      3. 小组讨论 (组成小组)
      4. 分组讨论主攻方向:about 1 hours
      我们的核心技术是什么,怎么去写 profile? 建站点(b2b, b2c)是不是一个方向,我看上面 web 项目挺多.
      5. 交钱,留通讯录

      我家可以容纳 15 人,如果人更多,可以分成两组,一组在我的车库,一组在我的厅。总共可以容纳 20 -30 人吧(将究一点了)

      最新响应人数 32 人。

      1. tor.jobs 新闻组,如果你不能上新闻组,try

      在新闻助里要虑掉 agent, focus 真正的公司,这样反应最快。不过最近除了 agent 剩下的就是找工作的人了,公司很少。我的两份工作都是这么找到的。

      2. www.alljobsearch.com 一个站点去所有的地方。morphis, tor.job, jobshark......

      Good Luck
      • 统计人数
        aimoo 的陈阳这个星期天有一个 UML 的培训,他提议我们合在一起搞。

        时间: 星期天(1月27号)下午 1 点整
        地点: Sheppard and Don Mills 的 Parkway Forest 小区,具体的地址,进 appartment 的 code 会迟些通过 e-mail 发给要参加的人。
        如果你一定会来,发 e-mail 或打电话给我
        如果你不能来,我们会整理一个会议纪要,email 给你
        如果你不能来,但是仍然想参加 elance 小组,请单独和我联系。
        如果你以后都不想参加,请发 e-mail,我会从 list 里去掉你的名字。


        会议的日程请参看 rolia 论坛“事业与工作”
    • 转帖来信 (好消息)
      我看了你关于elance project的倡议, 是个好主意. 人多力量大呀,如果技术上没问题的话,我们甚至可以上门找一些公司要项目.我认识两个朋友在这种卖人头公司干的, 据说生意多得累得要死, 可惜是在日本.不过如果我们活干得好, 前两次吃点亏少赚或不赚,也许能建立信誉拉点生意过来. 不过我在国内时干过, 小日本要求是满严的.
      话说回来了, 大家能互通有无也很不错. 所以无论如何算上兄弟一份.:-) 我是学软件的,后来转学控制. 毕业后干了两年通讯, 又干了两年数据库, 又干了三年的网络. C, Java, SQL 都懂一点但都不是很精. 毕竟从学校出来这么多年了. :-(
      要是行的话, 给我回个信儿. 我看已经有很多人了, 是不是名额已满?^_^

      有网友说 www.programerheaven.com 也有类似 elance 的东西。
    • 请有意参加 elance 小组的成员减少发 group mail. 已经有好几个人在抱怨这个了。更何况我们已经有了固定的论坛 www.aimoo.com/soho 网上投标。 多谢合作。
    • 星期天的聚会
      时间:下午 1点
      地点:5 Lyra Starway 就是在如图 corvus Starway & Ursa Starway 之间的从左边数第二条,第一条是 Parkway Forest Dr.,这条路很小,要小心才能找到。我家正对着棒球场,是一个白色的车库门,邻居都是深褐色的。

