

hehe...the book <space> is about the development of roket science after WWII. It reminds me of my childhood dream of being a great scientist. Einstein was, is and will still be my hero.

when people make important decisions such as immigration, it appears to me people just simply compare the 3 items on a balance sheet: income, house, car. There is no space for passion, dream, wonder, curiosity, exploration.

I have been away from my own dream for more than 10 years and buried myself in the "balance sheet" for the same period time.

I just want to remind myself and the other people that those most precious human attributes, wonder, curiosity, etc are just as important as those 3 items in our decision making. By saying that, I am not denying the importance of money to our basic life. :)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 问(1): 什么时候我们的生活成了BALANCE SHEET?







    什么时候我们的生活成了一个活生生的BALANCE SHEET? 上面只有INCOME, HOUSE MORTGAGE, CAR PAYMENT? 成败也只是衡量这三项的得失?

    放下JAMES MICHENER的小说<SPACE>, 久久不能平静, 只为这句话:

    "He feared that Millard (the son) had failed to develop one of the most precious human attributes, wonder, and the ability to project oneself into unexplored dimensions."

    • 钱多得花不光才不用考虑INCOME, HOUSE MORTGAGE, CAR PAYMENT呢! 爱因斯坦也有要考虑面包的时候,不是吗?
    • 钱不是万能的,没有钱是万万不能的。
    • 正确回答是:当人贪婪的时候。。。
    • 爱因斯坦也要pay bill啊... 我更惨, 每天拿Quicken算过去算过来, 钱越来越少... 呵呵, 再先进的管理手段都不行...
      • 专家.garbageCollection( ); 专家.destroy( );
        • k!
    • 我始终不同意把钱当作衡量男人成功与否的唯一标准!好在身边的人也这么认为。
    • 回答






      • 呵呵,我也很喜欢高露洁那个广告:小强,霸王恐龙,漂亮的女教师,小强疵牙模仿恐龙的叫声……
        • 冤枉!我没看过那个广告。是前几个月有人问我是那种尺寸的恐龙,我就知道霸王龙,翼龙,食草龙。有空,改成翼龙好了。
          • 改名叫:翼恐龙
    • It depands on individuals. Some people can enjoy life under financial pressure. Some can't and then the life become balance sheet. It has nothing to do with Einstain :).
      • hehe...the book <space> is about the development of roket science after WWII. It reminds me of my childhood dream of being a great scientist. Einstein was, is and will still be my hero.
        when people make important decisions such as immigration, it appears to me people just simply compare the 3 items on a balance sheet: income, house, car. There is no space for passion, dream, wonder, curiosity, exploration.

        I have been away from my own dream for more than 10 years and buried myself in the "balance sheet" for the same period time.

        I just want to remind myself and the other people that those most precious human attributes, wonder, curiosity, etc are just as important as those 3 items in our decision making. By saying that, I am not denying the importance of money to our basic life. :)
        • It's good you remind people things like that.
          Just don't generalize it though. Apparently from the post following your thread, what you think of people is not really that true. :)

          Plus a great scientist most of time does not have a dream to become one. It's the joy of discovering things. Same as life, it's the joy of living, even live a life of buring themself in balance sheet.
    • 看看身边的人,梦想越来越少,平淡越来越多,激情越来越少,烦恼越来越多,难道真正的生活就是如此吗?可我知道,在达到我的目标之前,我必须忍受。if the dream big enough,the fact doesn't matter
      • 看来并不是有吃有喝的,就没有烦恼了。。。