

SAS stands for Statisitics Analysis System. It's used widely on area of finance system. SAS insitutite is no.10 largest software company in North America.

1) SAS is an integrated developemnt / analysis environment, which includes a number fo package, such s SAS/BASE, SAS/Stat, SAS/Connection, SAS/IntraNet, etc. The Most popular one is SAS/BASE. You can think it's new development language (so-called 4th generation language). Generally speaking, it's a very powerful software package.
2) SAS can be running on various platforms, like OS390, AS/400, UNIX, NT, and other. It can also be interfaced with almost all DBMS, like Oracle, SYbase, DB2, VSAM, even Excel, Access.
3) I have been using SAS on OS390, UNIX, and Windows NT. I think it's not hard to learn but you need to spend time in order to master it.

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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / What is SAS? Is it useful? Where is it used? Does anyone have SAS software? Thanks.
    • 我用过OS/390上的MVS+JCL+DB2+SAS+MQ,据我所知,SAS不是某类的软件,而是一个综合性的东西。对于我的具体工作而言,SAS就是类似于Cobol的一种计算机语言。
    • SAS stands for Statisitics Analysis System. It's used widely on area of finance system. SAS insitutite is no.10 largest software company in North America.
      1) SAS is an integrated developemnt / analysis environment, which includes a number fo package, such s SAS/BASE, SAS/Stat, SAS/Connection, SAS/IntraNet, etc. The Most popular one is SAS/BASE. You can think it's new development language (so-called 4th generation language). Generally speaking, it's a very powerful software package.
      2) SAS can be running on various platforms, like OS390, AS/400, UNIX, NT, and other. It can also be interfaced with almost all DBMS, like Oracle, SYbase, DB2, VSAM, even Excel, Access.
      3) I have been using SAS on OS390, UNIX, and Windows NT. I think it's not hard to learn but you need to spend time in order to master it.
      • flyfisher 和 dnc, 你们在加拿大吗?能谈谈加拿大 SAS PROGRAMMER / STATISTICAL ANALYST 的就业状况吗? 谢谢。
        • 上网查查就知道了
          • 能具体点吗?
            • http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/上什么都可以查的到
    • 去SAS的官方站点 www.sas.com看看