

mayer, TN is easy to get

First, you need to have 2 more years related experience on whatever you offer says you are going to be engaged to.


you have a relevant degree on the field you are going to work on. The higher the better. The degree need to be notarized.

Second, In your offer letter, your company has to clearly states what is your job description, responsibility etc. Never says you are going to write code for them!

Those 2 pieces are the base documents you need to supply.

When you meet with the border officer, try to convince him that the offer is a temporary based and you never have any intention to immigrate to States.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请教: 非北美学历, 申请TN签证, 需要提供什么文件. 能否签下来?
    去年被LAYOFF. 工作真是难找. 亏得朋友帮忙, 好不容易有了一个美国公司的OFFER. 但又担心签证问题. 虽然是公民, 但没有拿过北美文凭, 证书也没有. 只有中国的本科和硕士, 又不是计算机专业的. OFFER 将是计算机工作.

    • 怎么发完了却找不到, SEARCH才出来? 谁知道有没有讨论美国签证的FORUM?
      • 应当可已吧,你是什么专业?如果是工程或科学类,问题就更不大了.听说工资要高于25000/年. 问一下,你觉得美国计算机工作好找吗现在?我听说和这差不多,公司不原办签证.
        • 25000太底了,TN里计算机只有一种工作,SYSTEM ANALYST。
    • 非北美学历没关系,只要有国内本科就行, 但申请TN签证如果你不是计算机专业很难签, 2000年以后必须计算机专业才行。
      • what is minium salary requirement? US Company are willing to give offer for Canadian?
        • 工资是您跟公司自己谈的,25000不可能吧,太少了,另外我上面贴子写错了,是必须有工学士的学位才行,国内的学位也行,理学士够呛。
          • 我倒是工程学历. 但在网上查NAFTA手册里写要求做认证:( 但要是要求计算机学历, 这怎么也不成了.
    • You may get some trouble in terms of obtaining TN visa...However, you can try because offer is the most important thing.
      1) Title: Systems Analyst , plus your (notary) degree.
      2) Title: Consultant plus 5 yr North America experience.

      One trick: go over from small county.
    • mayer, TN is easy to get
      First, you need to have 2 more years related experience on whatever you offer says you are going to be engaged to.


      you have a relevant degree on the field you are going to work on. The higher the better. The degree need to be notarized.

      Second, In your offer letter, your company has to clearly states what is your job description, responsibility etc. Never says you are going to write code for them!

      Those 2 pieces are the base documents you need to supply.

      When you meet with the border officer, try to convince him that the offer is a temporary based and you never have any intention to immigrate to States.

      GOOD LUCK!
      • 补充一点,这是西海岸边关的情况。海关不同,要求可能也不同。
      • 如果没有学士学位,大专可以不可以?有很多年软件开发经验的。
        • My friend, try your luck ba! I know one college guy who got his TN without any problem.
        • Don't worry about this
          when you go for applying for TN, you also might need to tell Boarder officer that you have taken some computer courses (show transcripts...) if your major is not in EE or CS and they ask you...
          • 我的专业是EE的国内大专,不过我有好几年的软件开发经验,包括3年加拿大本地软件开发工作经验,这样管用吗?
        • 如果是加拿大正规2年制以上大专毕业,从毕业以后要有三年相关加拿大 经验才能申请TN。如果本科是工学士(不管你是国内学历还是北美学历), 不需任何工作经验即可申请TN。可以从网上查到相关的规定。
          • 多谢各位的关心. 我查了一些公司的网页和NEWSGROUP, 却没有找到"工学士"的规定. 请把那个网址告诉一下.
            • 计算机(CS)本来就是理学士!也没有那个规定.专业相关当然好.EE就比较接近,ME,CIVIL就差点.