

Moving Sale ! Must sell out before April 20.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛0. Car: 1996, Nissan Altima GXE, 92km, full loaded, power door/window/mirror.
Anti-Theft system….. Very Good conditions. Asking:11,000 ( Sold! )

1. 沙发床:原价230,1999年4月1日购入使用,very good condition, clean. Asking: 100

2. 床垫+床垫盒:原价330(Bought from BRICK),2000年12月26日购入,1 月5日到货,使用. Brand New, Excellent condition, asking: ~200

3. 婴儿床 (crib): 原价140(Bought from ZELLERS),2000年9月购入,10月22日使用。Brand New, white color, Asking: 80

4. 沙发: 原价740(Bought from BAD BOY), 2000年9月中购入使用,布衣面料,very good condition, Asking: ~450

5. 烫衣板:原价20,1999年5月购入,very good condition, almost new, Asking: 10

6 .塑料diner table (size at least for 6 people) +两把塑料椅子:原价50, 1999年5月购入, White color, Asking 20

7. CANON Color Printer with 1 black cartage and 1 color cartage: 原价100 (bought from Future Shop), 1999年8月购入使用, very good condition, Asking: 40

8. UMAX Astra2100U Scanner: 原价100(Bought from Future Shop), 2000年10月购入, USB 接口, 600X1200 dpi, 36-bit color, including many practable sorftwares, can be copier, Asking: 50 ( Sold! )

9. HP Pavilion M50 Monitor(内置麦克风): 原价349(Bought from Future Shop), 现市场价349 (Future Shop Price), 1999年8月同主机配套购入, very beautiful and fashionable looking, Asking: ~200

10. PANASONIC VCR: PV-9453-K, 四磁头,高保真立体声,日本原厂产(Made in Japan),lots functions !!!! 本人1999年12月26日(Boxing Day) 购入, 本欲作为学习英文之用,但买后却很少使用,Brand new! 原价:225. Asking: ~170

11. Colour TV Set: 25” GE, stereo plus Caption Vision, 1999年4月, 原价383, 现市场价383, Asking: 200 ( Sold! )

12. Microwave Oven: SHARP, R200B, 600W, 原价:100 (Bought from Future Shop), 1999年8月30日购入, very good condition, clean, looking like new, Asking: 50

13. 吸尘器:EUREKA, strong power, black color, 原价: 90 (Bought from Future Shop), 2000年5月购入。Very good condition, almost new, Asking: 50

14. Natural Cool Moisture Humidifier(室内自然增湿器,非加热型):Honeywell, 2 Gallon output per day, 原价 45 (Bought from Canadain Tire), 2001年1月购入使用(Necessary for baby under 12 months age---Doctor’s recommendation) 至2月23日。Brand new, Asking: ~30

15. Steam 熨斗:PHILIPS Comfort 300, 1999年5月购入使用, 原价25, very good condition, almost new, Asking: 10

16. SANYON 电饭锅:1999年4月购入,原价70,very good condition, cooking rice for up to 6 people, 700W, Asking: 20

17. 台灯:Black color, good match with computer table. 原价: 12 Brand new, Asking: 6

1. Item 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 are still available in Warranty.

2. All the prices listed above are negotiable in a reasonable range.

3. 本人居住于JANE Ave. X EGLINTON West. Ave. , Toronto. 据部分条件,本人可送货。

4. 另有部分东西未列出,欢迎询问和来人挑选,可奉送 !

5. Home Phone: 416-614 1751 (Address: 1805-65A Emmett Ave.)

6. Deadline of Sales: April 20/2001

7. 另, 本人愿求购一大号旅行箱,用过的,有意者请于本人联系before April 15.

8. 本人已将四月的1 huge bed room Apartment 付清,但本人欲April 15 搬
出,15-30 Apartment 空置, 故如有人或你的朋友愿来此借住,免费!Welcome to new immigrants, best help before you find your place.
如愿付点费,本人也接收。如有人愿续租本Apartment, 请于April 10 之前与本人联系,以便 协助你申请. 829$/month, utility included, free cable up to 60 channels, 18 floor, absolutely excellent view to Lake Ontario , Downtown skylines....Very good playground, small pond for fishing, golf play field, soccer field ground, ,BBQ place, attractive trail along with Humber River…. Best place for a couple or a couple with one kids.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • / 二手转让 / Moving Sale ! Must sell out before April 20.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛0. Car: 1996, Nissan Altima GXE, 92km, full loaded, power door/window/mirror.
    Anti-Theft system….. Very Good conditions. Asking:11,000 ( Sold! )

    1. 沙发床:原价230,1999年4月1日购入使用,very good condition, clean. Asking: 100

    2. 床垫+床垫盒:原价330(Bought from BRICK),2000年12月26日购入,1 月5日到货,使用. Brand New, Excellent condition, asking: ~200

    3. 婴儿床 (crib): 原价140(Bought from ZELLERS),2000年9月购入,10月22日使用。Brand New, white color, Asking: 80

    4. 沙发: 原价740(Bought from BAD BOY), 2000年9月中购入使用,布衣面料,very good condition, Asking: ~450

    5. 烫衣板:原价20,1999年5月购入,very good condition, almost new, Asking: 10

    6 .塑料diner table (size at least for 6 people) +两把塑料椅子:原价50, 1999年5月购入, White color, Asking 20

    7. CANON Color Printer with 1 black cartage and 1 color cartage: 原价100 (bought from Future Shop), 1999年8月购入使用, very good condition, Asking: 40

    8. UMAX Astra2100U Scanner: 原价100(Bought from Future Shop), 2000年10月购入, USB 接口, 600X1200 dpi, 36-bit color, including many practable sorftwares, can be copier, Asking: 50 ( Sold! )

    9. HP Pavilion M50 Monitor(内置麦克风): 原价349(Bought from Future Shop), 现市场价349 (Future Shop Price), 1999年8月同主机配套购入, very beautiful and fashionable looking, Asking: ~200

    10. PANASONIC VCR: PV-9453-K, 四磁头,高保真立体声,日本原厂产(Made in Japan),lots functions !!!! 本人1999年12月26日(Boxing Day) 购入, 本欲作为学习英文之用,但买后却很少使用,Brand new! 原价:225. Asking: ~170

    11. Colour TV Set: 25” GE, stereo plus Caption Vision, 1999年4月, 原价383, 现市场价383, Asking: 200 ( Sold! )

    12. Microwave Oven: SHARP, R200B, 600W, 原价:100 (Bought from Future Shop), 1999年8月30日购入, very good condition, clean, looking like new, Asking: 50

    13. 吸尘器:EUREKA, strong power, black color, 原价: 90 (Bought from Future Shop), 2000年5月购入。Very good condition, almost new, Asking: 50

    14. Natural Cool Moisture Humidifier(室内自然增湿器,非加热型):Honeywell, 2 Gallon output per day, 原价 45 (Bought from Canadain Tire), 2001年1月购入使用(Necessary for baby under 12 months age---Doctor’s recommendation) 至2月23日。Brand new, Asking: ~30

    15. Steam 熨斗:PHILIPS Comfort 300, 1999年5月购入使用, 原价25, very good condition, almost new, Asking: 10

    16. SANYON 电饭锅:1999年4月购入,原价70,very good condition, cooking rice for up to 6 people, 700W, Asking: 20

    17. 台灯:Black color, good match with computer table. 原价: 12 Brand new, Asking: 6

    1. Item 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 12, 13 and 14 are still available in Warranty.

    2. All the prices listed above are negotiable in a reasonable range.

    3. 本人居住于JANE Ave. X EGLINTON West. Ave. , Toronto. 据部分条件,本人可送货。

    4. 另有部分东西未列出,欢迎询问和来人挑选,可奉送 !

    5. Home Phone: 416-614 1751 (Address: 1805-65A Emmett Ave.)

    6. Deadline of Sales: April 20/2001

    7. 另, 本人愿求购一大号旅行箱,用过的,有意者请于本人联系before April 15.

    8. 本人已将四月的1 huge bed room Apartment 付清,但本人欲April 15 搬
    出,15-30 Apartment 空置, 故如有人或你的朋友愿来此借住,免费!Welcome to new immigrants, best help before you find your place.
    如愿付点费,本人也接收。如有人愿续租本Apartment, 请于April 10 之前与本人联系,以便 协助你申请. 829$/month, utility included, free cable up to 60 channels, 18 floor, absolutely excellent view to Lake Ontario , Downtown skylines....Very good playground, small pond for fishing, golf play field, soccer field ground, ,BBQ place, attractive trail along with Humber River…. Best place for a couple or a couple with one kids.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 真大方。
    • 你计算机不卖吗?
    • 您老人家的车要是已经卖出去了,就赶快删了吧,别搁在这里馋我了。:-)
      • DAVID,如果你要买车,可以CALL我,有些经验与你分享。
        • Thanks, but the prerequisite of corruption & buying a car is I must pass G1 road test on this Thirsday.
          • Good Luck men!
    • ZYC: 到我这里挑个箱子(你知道只有软的).另已购啤酒一箱,为君饯行. ZYQ
    • 我给你留过言了,请给我电话: 416-412-3366;416-729-9666 高
    • 我按照约定时间,驱车27公里赶到你家,却中了空城计。您要晚上临时有事也该通知俺一声,最差也要在门上留个条子吧。实在对国人的信用很是失望,失望。。。