

Mixing Shanghainese with a piece fo English: For friends from Shanghai

Disclaimer: This posting cannot help you learn English. Because I cannot type Chinese characters on my computer, I hope some volunteers can help me translate Chinese spelling symbols into Chinese characters.

The following is a record of a phone call between two Shanghainese.

A: Xiao Yang, Ah La Xia Ge Li Bai vocation, Wo Xiang Dao Nong Wo Li Xiang Bai Xiang. (Xiao Yang, next week I am going to be on vocation, and I want to come toyour home and play.)

B: Sha Shi Ti? Nong Wo Kai Xin Jiu Xiang Dao Wo Li Xiang Lai?
(What? Since you are unhappy, you want to come to my home?)

Do me a favor. If any friends can translate the above stuff into Chinese characters, please lend me a hand. Thank you in advace.

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  • 工作学习 / English / Mixing Shanghainese with a piece fo English: For friends from Shanghai
    Disclaimer: This posting cannot help you learn English. Because I cannot type Chinese characters on my computer, I hope some volunteers can help me translate Chinese spelling symbols into Chinese characters.

    The following is a record of a phone call between two Shanghainese.

    A: Xiao Yang, Ah La Xia Ge Li Bai vocation, Wo Xiang Dao Nong Wo Li Xiang Bai Xiang. (Xiao Yang, next week I am going to be on vocation, and I want to come toyour home and play.)

    B: Sha Shi Ti? Nong Wo Kai Xin Jiu Xiang Dao Wo Li Xiang Lai?
    (What? Since you are unhappy, you want to come to my home?)

    Do me a favor. If any friends can translate the above stuff into Chinese characters, please lend me a hand. Thank you in advace.
    • Try version.欢迎指正
      • 呵呵,把“发开心”改成“勿开心”会更好一些 :-)
        • 惭愧,我还是偷看下面的英文的呢,btw, I will call you tonight.
      • Xia Ya 侬. :-). By the way, did you mean your posting is a trial version? If it is, we won't pay you.
    • 窝里 :)
      --小王, 阿拉户格礼拜VACATION, 我想到侬窝里厢白相

      --啥事体? 侬勿开心就想到我窝里厢来?
      • Xia Ya 侬. :-). Good sense of humour.
    • 我被搞糊涂了, 上海人一休假就不开心吗? 为什么他们的窝里是香的? 是因为做菜做得特别好吗?
      • 呵呵, 说反啦. 不开心就休假!
        • 再问一个愚蠢问题, 劳工也可以吗?
          • No way!
      • 不是窝里香,是家里面的意思.
        • 明白明白, 只是刚开始不明白为什么你们这样称呼自己家. 现在明白了, 正式写法应该是"屋里厢".