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I am confused. Are you gonna take bus from Windsor to Detroit, or from Detroit to Windsor?

As far as what I know, you don't need to give back your I-94 on condition that: 1. you are Canadian PR 2, you have multiple entry US visa, which is not expired.
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  • / 底特律/温莎 / 请问底特律与温莎之间是否有公共交通呢
    • yes. there is a Detroit - Windsor Tunnel bus. Check the link for detail.
      • Thanks, Baffin:) It says that proof of citizenship is required, but i am holding the canadian PR card (maple card) right now and wondering if i can still take the bus? Thanks again.
        • 你有美国签证就可以 否则不管怎么走都不行 如果是PR带美国签证 第一次入境会问很多问题要拍照 按手印 还要交钱 时间比较长 不知道bus会不会等你。
          • good pint. you have to get I-94 card in your first entry.
          • 谢谢。我的美国签证是在中国签的。我已经Landing并去过几次了,但都是直接从中国飞加拿大的。这次陆路还是第一次,算第一次入境吗?还要问很多问题耽误很长时间吗?如果Bus等不了,是否其它交通方式更好?比如使用搭车服务?
            • 你要是已经有有效的I-94卡就应该没问题,不过I-94一般半年有效。如果你之前很早去过美国,可能要重新办。另外你可以到windsor8.com上看有没有人提供搭车的 我看到一个说到底特律机场单程35 估计只是过隧道应该更便宜吧
              • 问到专家了:)我的I-94才不到2周,因此不用重新申请。但I-94是否在进加拿大时候会被收走,即,再回美国时又要重新申请呢? 如果在i-94有效期内还要回到美国,是否可以不用交呢。问题比较多,不好意思啦~~ 回头也看看那个网页,看看搭车是否更合适。谢谢!!
                • 不是专家 :-P 不清楚你从中国入境加拿大的时候是不是要被收掉I-94。你去美国话题那边问问这个吧。
                • I am confused. Are you gonna take bus from Windsor to Detroit, or from Detroit to Windsor?
                  As far as what I know, you don't need to give back your I-94 on condition that: 1. you are Canadian PR 2, you have multiple entry US visa, which is not expired.
                  • Detroit-Windsor-Detroit
                    I meet both conditions, so guess i don't need to turn in the I-94. My friend who is F1 in the US side will drive me to Detriot, and i will then go to Windsor and back to Detroit in the same day finally. Sorry for confusing.
                    My further question is which is better and efficient for me, either taking the tunnel bus or getting somebody give me a ride?
                    Thank you so much!!
                    • It is hard to answer this question. It is convenient to you if someone can give you a ride, but it may costly in term of money or the driver's time.
                      • Thank you very much!!
            • 如果需要重办I-94,不知道你是不是可以跟bus司机说一下 让他把你排到前面 反正整个bus的人都要一个个查的,不办I-94的人应该不用去那个拍照的地方吧。最好打个电话问一下。我想bus应该没问题。
        • Should be no problem, I think, as long as you have valid US visa.
          • yeah, i do have a valid US visa issued in China. thanks again:)