

(ZT)Fun Winter Run Workouts

标题: Fun Winter Run Workouts


Fun Winter Run Workouts

November 23, 2010
By Michal Kapral

Photo By Pierre Dunnigan

Canadian triathletes shouldn't let cold, snow or ice stop them from keeping up their running fitness in the winter. Even if there's a howling wind and poor footing, some outdoor speed sessions will keep that zip in your legs. Without pressure to hit certain splits on the track or worry about pace, you can concentrate purely on effort level - a liberating feeling. Dodging slush piles other winter obstacles also helps improve co-ordination.

Here are some fun winter workouts - from short to long - that you can run even in the worst conditions, to maintain your fitness in the off-season:

Winter Wind Sprints


After (or during!) a nice big snowstorm, do a warm-up jog to a field, a park or the infield of your local track. Now you're ready for the real fun. Taking small, quick steps, and raising your knees higher than normal, run for 50-100 m at as fast as you can manage without your feet slipping too much on the push-off. Walk or jog back to your start point and repeat 15-20 times. For an extra challenge, perform this workout as a true wind sprint - straight into a fierce headwind.

Put Your Best Footing Forward


Pick a route on side streets that has a mixture of good and poor footing, maybe some unploughed roads with some recently ploughed sections, or a mix of shovelled and snow-covered sidewalks. Run quickly on the sections with good footing and slow down to an easy pace for the rough parts. This way you can take advantage of the traction to sneak in some quality speed training with risking injury.

The Square


Find a one-block route with minimal traffic that's clear of snow and ice. To warm up, run one or two easy laps of the square. Think of the block as a square track. Start at one corner and run hard for three-quarters of the loop at a fast pace (three block lengths) - about 85 per cent effort level - and jog the final straightaway back to your start point. Repeat about eight to 10 intervals of the square and follow that up with a two-lap cool-down.

'Forget-About-It'-Pace Workout


Treat this medium-length run like a tempo effort, but don't think about pace. You can do this run in the freezing cold, sleet, hail, freezing rain or deep snow. Just make sure you dress appropriately for the conditions. Start out with a 10-minute very easy warm up and begin a harder effort, concentrating on steady breathing and good running form. Depending on the terrain and the weather conditions, your pace will likely vary considerably. Focus on keeping an even effort for about 20 minutes. Finish off with a 5-10 minute easy cool-down jog.

The Home Long Run


Try this long run to maximize your comfort and security in the winter by running multiple repeats of a route near your house. Find a loop of about 5 km of roads or paths that runs past your front door. As you pass by your house after each 5 km section, you can add or remove a layer of clothing if you're hot or cold, grab some water or sports drink from home, or end the run early if the weather turns nasty. You can also time each loop and try to keep a consistent pace.

Michal Kapral is the editor of Canadian Running.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 渐入加境之两年后 跑步篇
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛来加拿大之前,因为心脏的问题去看医生。医生说,你可以选择做手术,也可以选择不做。不过如果能够坚持慢跑,可以增强心肺功能。所以刚来加拿大的时候就对满大街看似专业的跑者产生了浓厚的兴趣。

    后来工作渐渐稳定后,在姐夫的一再怂恿下决定开始训练,准备参加adventure race. 第一次的目标是参加2009年11月的25 km Raid the Hammer。为了热身,还报名了10月的 10km Toronto Zoo Run. 5月份开始练习,一开始跑了一会儿就累得跑不动了,觉得自己跑了很远,可是在google map上一查,才跑了1km?! 于是根据在网上查到的路线、距离和专业长跑训练计划,制定了自己的跑步计划。每周跑3-4次。一开始2个月,2次3km,一次6km。后来改为2次6km,1次10km。

    以前在国内也去过健身房跑步,觉得很无聊,而且坚持不了多久。在这里的country road上跑,竟然10km下来神清气爽,完全是种享受。速度不是我所追求的,毕竟不打算去参加奥运会,只是自己健身罢了,所以估计并不比走路快多少。老父来探亲的时候,还骑自行车跟着我,一路观赏风景,偶尔还聊上几句。我跑步的路线上有住宅区,铁轨,湖,树林,玉米地。。。每次跑都有种"读你千遍也不厌倦"的感觉,lol

    到了Toronto Zoo Run那天竟然1小时就跑下来了,让自己很是吃惊,毕竟我本意只是完成就好。于是信心大增的去参加了25km的orienteering race. 结果7.5小时拿着地图和指南针在林子里找check point, 还是让我吃不消。完全到了自己的极限!浑身上下每个关节和肌肉都complain起来。。。而那些七八十岁的super senior选手只用了4、5个小时就完成了全程!看来革命尚未成功,通知尚需努力啊,呵呵

    虽然休整了一个星期才缓过来,但是比赛完成之后又开始怀念那种钻林子的乐趣,于是有跟着我的小组参加了2010年2月的snow shoe race.
    [img]http://adventureminded.smugmug.com/Sports/Dont-Get-Lost-Snowshoe-Raid/4V1G7940/792916539_vbAmE-L.jpg[/img] 印象最深刻的就是有两个白发女士手拉手在白雪厚厚的山坡上共同前行的样子,不知是姐妹还是朋友,非常的可爱!

    2010年我的大部分时间都用来协助老公“渐入加境”,老公3月份来加拿大长登,感觉自己又跟着他当了回新移民:办各种卡,开户,上LINK/ESL,发简历,面试,找工作。。。虽然明知这个时期无论怎样cheer him up都无济于事(自己是过来人阿),不过还是希望能够给予他尽量多的帮助和鼓励,以便让整个过程smooth一些。 其中最开心的莫过于由于一个队友临时退出比赛让老公跟着一起跑了11月的half Raid The Hammer。姐夫,老公和我组成了新的"are we there yet?" coed team。老公虽然是第一次参加比赛,不过毕竟是理工男,看地图的能力一流,连参加这个比赛多年的姐夫都说:I want him always in my team! 这次新增的半程比赛的长度是13km左右,对于从3月份就被我怂恿着天天跑步的老公来说完全不是问题。反而是今年疏于练习我和姐夫体力上有些不济,不过这个比赛的关键是看地图,找不到check point就要在山里转来转去,不但跑的路更多,而且还浪费时间。所以我们不但完成了既定目标“不拿最后一名”,而且拿到了21/29的名次。对于一年没有训练的我们来说已经是很开心了。


    另外,正在阅读朋友推荐的村上的《当我谈跑步时我谈些什么》。。。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 谢谢分享:) 很喜欢慢跑,不过冬天会不会很冷,对肺部有影响吗?另外我每次跑完,小腿肚子和脚腕会很疼,知道是什么原因吗?
      • 冬天跑也不会有什么问题,你的肺会适应冷空气的。不过你的小腿肚子和脚腕很疼需要注意,是什么样的疼?如果是刺痛的话可能就需要注意了。我也刚跑几个月对伤痛没有太多经验。
        • 转贴一个我朋友写的:跑步伤病防治的一些见解
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛发信人: whxhm1 (whxhm), 信区: Running
          标 题: 跑步伤病防治的一些见解
          发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 15 18:30:07 2010, 美东)

          现在down time没有训练可以分享,就写一点跑步伤病防治的经验吧。

          I. 训练的基本原则。

          1) 最重要的是跑步姿势,这点讨论过很多。个人认为forefoot strike和midfoot
          strike最佳,heel strike危险系数比较大。关键是落脚轻,paw-back, 保持膝盖一定
          2) 10% rules: 每周Mileage增加不超过10%,每周的speed work (interval, tempo,
          3)系统训练之前要有base training, high mileage low speed/heart rate. 最好在
          base building期间weekly mileage达到甚至超过后期训练的peak mileage.
          4) race之后一定要有recovery period, 不一定要停跑但速度一定要慢。
          5) 高强度的训练之间间隔两到三天。一般肌肉的inflammation在训练48小时之后达到
          顶峰,所以间隔一天一般是不够的,有时还不如back-to-back hard sessions.
          6)hard workout/race之后的recovery一定要跑慢,甚至可以比tempo pace慢50%. 在
          recovery run的时候push pace没有任何意义。
          7) 如果伤的走路都疼,那么第二天要停跑,不管第二天早上起来感觉如何。
          8) 如果因伤没能跑recovery run, 那么第二天恢复训练时不能直接上hard workout.
          9)有伤时绝对不能在pain killer药效起作用的时候训练。
          10)有些伤可以run through, 有些不能,请听下面分解。

          II. 常见伤和防治(本人经历为主)

          1) shin splints. 小腿内侧,tibia bone和calf之间,用手指按有明显疼痛。轻时在
          speed work之后疼,严重时走路也疼。一般来说shin splints是可以run through, 但
          严重时也不能硬挺,否则可能有stress fracture的危险。shin splints受速度影响比
          shin splints.

          2) knee inflammation. 膝盖伤有多种,常是膝关节附近肌肉连接处tendon
          治办法是用forefoot strike(尤其是下破时),并加强大腿肌肉力量练习。

          3) inflammation of achilles tendon and other tendons below the calfs. 这些一
          般是forefoot striker的主要问题,目前看来只有靠加强小腿及跟腱力量练习来防止。

          4) plantar fasciitis. 脚底板靠近脚跟处疼,尤其早上刚起床时。应对方法只能是休

          5) ITBS. 膝盖外侧刺痛,有时痛感会发生在hip. 严重时必须停跑。ice, stretch IT
          band, foam roller.

          6) runner's knee. 膝盖下方疼痛,本人没有经验,防治方法未知。

          7) stress fracture. excruciating pain, 完全不能跑,甚至到不能走路的程度。开
          始时跟bruise很象,用手按骨头会很疼。一旦发现stress fracture必须完全停跑,ice
          , cross train.

          8) inflamed tendon on feet. 有时脚面上的tendon会开始疼,一般来说take it easy
          , 两三天会自动恢复,不是大问题。但也有stress fracture的可能,必须小心观察。

          III. 感冒和流感

          1) 如果症状只是眼睛痒打喷嚏流鼻涕,可能只是过敏,不必在意。

          2)如果喉咙疼,并且是缓慢发展的,那一般就是the common cold. 可以减轻训练强度

          3)如果突然身体感到虚弱,sore throat or fever, 病来如山倒,那就是flu. 一般若
          有wet cough, chest congestion, 最好停跑。如果症状只发生在脖子以上,则可以继

          IV. 伤的轻重程度


          rule of thumb: 跑完后才开始疼的一般是轻伤,跑步中开始疼的是中等程度伤,而还


          --更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • (ZT)Fun Winter Run Workouts
        标题: Fun Winter Run Workouts


        Fun Winter Run Workouts

        November 23, 2010
        By Michal Kapral

        Photo By Pierre Dunnigan

        Canadian triathletes shouldn't let cold, snow or ice stop them from keeping up their running fitness in the winter. Even if there's a howling wind and poor footing, some outdoor speed sessions will keep that zip in your legs. Without pressure to hit certain splits on the track or worry about pace, you can concentrate purely on effort level - a liberating feeling. Dodging slush piles other winter obstacles also helps improve co-ordination.

        Here are some fun winter workouts - from short to long - that you can run even in the worst conditions, to maintain your fitness in the off-season:

        Winter Wind Sprints


        After (or during!) a nice big snowstorm, do a warm-up jog to a field, a park or the infield of your local track. Now you're ready for the real fun. Taking small, quick steps, and raising your knees higher than normal, run for 50-100 m at as fast as you can manage without your feet slipping too much on the push-off. Walk or jog back to your start point and repeat 15-20 times. For an extra challenge, perform this workout as a true wind sprint - straight into a fierce headwind.

        Put Your Best Footing Forward


        Pick a route on side streets that has a mixture of good and poor footing, maybe some unploughed roads with some recently ploughed sections, or a mix of shovelled and snow-covered sidewalks. Run quickly on the sections with good footing and slow down to an easy pace for the rough parts. This way you can take advantage of the traction to sneak in some quality speed training with risking injury.

        The Square


        Find a one-block route with minimal traffic that's clear of snow and ice. To warm up, run one or two easy laps of the square. Think of the block as a square track. Start at one corner and run hard for three-quarters of the loop at a fast pace (three block lengths) - about 85 per cent effort level - and jog the final straightaway back to your start point. Repeat about eight to 10 intervals of the square and follow that up with a two-lap cool-down.

        'Forget-About-It'-Pace Workout


        Treat this medium-length run like a tempo effort, but don't think about pace. You can do this run in the freezing cold, sleet, hail, freezing rain or deep snow. Just make sure you dress appropriately for the conditions. Start out with a 10-minute very easy warm up and begin a harder effort, concentrating on steady breathing and good running form. Depending on the terrain and the weather conditions, your pace will likely vary considerably. Focus on keeping an even effort for about 20 minutes. Finish off with a 5-10 minute easy cool-down jog.

        The Home Long Run


        Try this long run to maximize your comfort and security in the winter by running multiple repeats of a route near your house. Find a loop of about 5 km of roads or paths that runs past your front door. As you pass by your house after each 5 km section, you can add or remove a layer of clothing if you're hot or cold, grab some water or sports drink from home, or end the run early if the weather turns nasty. You can also time each loop and try to keep a consistent pace.

        Michal Kapral is the editor of Canadian Running.

      • 太冷了我就不出去跑了,在家里跑步机上跑,虽然无聊,不过出去怕自己不能适应。因人而异吧。。。我和老公刚开始跑的时候也腿疼,后来都好了,我猜有两个原因,


    • congratulation! good to know this info.i'm a running lover too!
      • 有机会以跑会友阿:)
    • 好样的!注意安全
      • 谢谢!
    • really great.
    • 我老姐大概两年前开始跑步,现在改练三项。她一直鼓励我跑步,说开始可以只跑5分10分的,只要坚持,奇迹就会出现。
      • 我的一个西人同事在我和她老公的怂恿下也爱上了跑步,我以前也从没想过这么无聊的运动会这么吸引人,呵呵
        • 我当年也是在西人同事鼓励下开始跑步的,那位同事原来是个couch potato, 50岁开始跑步,减了50LB,现在活跃在各个races中,目标是Boston
      • 哦?你老姐也玩三项?玩三项的中国人本身就凤毛麟角,女生就更是国宝级的啦。什么时候见见,以后可以一起去比赛。 ;-)
        • 本来是陪孩子练的, 练着练着她自己上瘾了, 参加了不少当地比赛... 人家那里四季都能跑, 不象这里只能跑半年。
          • 哦,你老姐住南方?
    • 写的真好,我已经10年没跑步了。还记得高中的800米达标,真的太痛苦了。跑完那个难受的感觉有点生不如死。。。现在只是赶电梯的时候跑2步,都感觉身体很不协调。。。
      • 以前的800米给我们留下了心灵上的阴影:P
    • 狂赞!“坚持跑步是我现在最想做的事情,也是现在的我对加国生活最享受的部分。”
      • 希望以后有机会练习三项,还请多多指教!
    • Toronto Zoo 10K 相当的competitive,跑进40分钟也才能混个70多名。
      • 是啊是啊,希望我下次能跑进1000名,LOL
    • 我读大学时喜欢跑步,哪知参加工作后从某一天开始,不知何因,运动后身体奇痒,据说是胆碱能性荨麻疹,至今不敢锻炼。
    • 握手, 跑友!
    • 佩服, 有个问题, 现在天黑的很早, 你晚上也坚持?有点担心安全。
      • 我胆子小,下了班就在跑步机上练了,周末白天才出去跑。。。
        • 我在跑步机上走完步都觉得头晕。
    • 麦克船长 好像也要参加明年4月的 Raid the Giant's Rib
    • 我也很喜欢跑步,上班以后发现身体越来越差,上两步楼梯都喘,于是开始锻炼。跑步我觉得是比较容易坚持的一项锻炼,既不需要partner也不用呼朋唤友的,可惜去年冬天跑伤了,去看医生被勒令不能再跑race,郁闷啊。
      • 去玩高小姐吧. 两个人的世界
    • 不错, 不错.:-)
    • 能不能多介绍一下Snow shoe race 和 orienteering race?应该比较有意思的比赛,一定找机会试试。
      • orienteering race 简单说就是用地图和指南针根据比赛规定的路线找到所有的check point,时间当然是越短越好了:D
        我放了些比赛的照片,包括地图和Check point的样子。

        我参加的snow shoe race也是一样的,只是穿snow shoe比赛而已。

    • Great. Thanks for sharing.
    • 不错不错,我也比较喜欢跑步,以前也比较擅长,现在锻炼少了,身体大不如前。 也在考虑加入跑步队伍。 另外。楼主跑步为什么总是拉着姐夫.....
      • 姐夫貌似西人,西人热爱跑步。
        • 西人也有不爱运动的,不过总的说来好像比例是比国移高些。有点儿"racial sterotyping"的嫌疑。呵呵!
      • 因为开始是姐夫怂恿我跑的,不然我连啥是orienteering race都不知道。姐夫是西人。。。姐姐不擅长跑步,只跟姐夫跑了一次就再也不去了。可是参加这种比赛都要三人成行,所以就积极的发展我给他们凑人数,呵呵。
    • 姐夫还介绍了一种举家参与的一种活动,不需要跑步,但也乐趣无穷:geocaching。可参看网站http://www.geocaching.com。
