

Try AGAIN!!!

<SPAN id=aa LANGUAGE=javascript onmouseover="alert('Dangerous!!!Your Hard Disk can be format now!')"><FONT size=7><B>TEST</B></FONT></SPAN>

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / Try Tihs
    <SPAN id=aa LANGUAGE=javascript onmouseover="alert('HAHAHAHHA')"><FONT face="Arial Unicode MS"
    • Try AGAIN!!!
      <SPAN id=aa LANGUAGE=javascript onmouseover="alert('Dangerous!!!Your Hard Disk can be format now!')"><FONT size=7><B>TEST</B></FONT></SPAN>
    • It is unsave to have the tag features on Rolia.
      • This is not the worse, I've test a more fatal one, but dare not post now...
        • It's just a warning.I don't want to do anything bad.
          • But anyway Rolia must disable the script.