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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务
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  • 推荐 OXIO 加拿大高速网络,最低月费仅$40. 使用推荐码 RCR37MB 可获得一个月的免费服务


  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 一些商业信息。 一些商业信息。



    • Cable and Internet Cable and Internet
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Cable and Internet (#9795)
      提供KWCG地区优惠高速上网、有线电视服务,请联系:(519) 885-5837,若无人接听,可用中文留言。

      ★Bell Sympatico高速上网,前三个月免费(另外付一次性开通费$39.95),以后$44.95/月。无合同限制,随时可取消,无需拨号,不占电话线,5个工作日内Modem寄到您府上。速度:3M

      ★Rogers高速上网,速度3M,前6个月$29.95/月,免安装费,无合同限制,随时可取消(30日内取消按30天收费),无需拨号,不占电话线, 无流量限制。7个免费电子邮件账户(共70MB空间),免费技术支持。可根据您的时间由Rogers公司派技术人员到府上安装。

      --〉有线电视 TV优惠:
      ★Basic Cable TV和其他任何一个电视项目结合,都可获得Basic半价($12.49)三个月的优惠(Full $24.99),免费安装,不需合同,可随时取消,免费技术支持

      --〉数字电视 (中文台)
      ★城市电视(国语):18小时国语节目,月费$9.95 (另加digital box $5.98);新时代(粤语):月费$14.95。头60天免费看所有60台, 40个免费音乐台。



      小魏 519-721-1329 (直线电话,早请9点到晚上9点之间联系,若无人接听,可用中文留言)

      Bell Sympatico高速(3M/s的下载速度)上网服务优惠内容:

      第一个月免费;第二个月到第七个月每月税前$25 (节省$165);

      现在Bell Sympatico提供的上网modem内含无线路由器(wireless router),如果在这个新年特惠时间段订高速网服务,可以免费(免掉了$80的路由器功能开通费)用它来组建无线家庭局域网(不用另外买路由器,多台电脑可以同时上网,进一步让您省钱)

      欲知Bell Sympatico高速网服务的技术细节,请到下面的网页:

      If you move soon or want to switch service from Rogers, it's the time to
      take the great deal!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Haircut Haircut



      价格:男发$8, 女发$12, 烫发$35起.

      地址:367 Westwood Dr. Kitchener, ON, N2M 2L3

      预约电话:(519) 578-7567,留言必复.



      Haircut (#9793)
      地址:401Hazel Street, apt. 204
      女式单剪:$7; 男式理发:$6; 老人及儿童:$3
    • 验房师 验房师
      验房师 (#9408)
      我是安省验房师协会ASSOCIATE会员,愿为KW地区提供验房服务。请找Peter Wang www.51yanfang.com -peterking(天狼星);


      林森Sen Lin, 持牌验屋师,即安省验屋师协会(Ontario Association of Home Inspectors ---OAHI ) 的会员 Associate Member, 是目前安省少数获其从业资格认证的华人验房师之一. 他也是中国国家一级注册建筑师 (最高级别的职业认证 ) .电话: (416) 825-3099. Website: www.51.ca/linsen

      URL: http://www.51.ca/linsen
    • Mortgage Broker Mortgage Broker
      I am a mortgage consultant. I would like to serve this Chinese community by providing professional mortgage services. if you have any mortgage questions or needs, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can contact me (Peter Yu) by phone (884-8232) or by email (peterfl@hotmail.com) Mandarin or English
    • 机场接送 机场接送
      机场接送 (#9400)
      机场接送 KW <-> Airport, Toronto & Niagara; 722-8502 Airport: $50 for first person (plus parking and waiting fee, if needed), $10 for each additional person from same address; Great Toronto Area: $60 - $80 for first person

      机场接送,$50 起(1人),一人以上价钱可商量。
      Email : box4ybl@gmail.com
      Tel : 588-3361
    • 婕一皆教育中心
      1,儿童活动 婕一皆教育中心 www.jie1jie.com
      儿童活动 婕一皆教育中心 www.jie1jie.com 托儿服务,课后兴趣班----WE ARE NOT SAYING COLOURFUL, ONLY DOING PROFESSIONAL。为KW地区政府注册--多元族裔文化推广儿童基地之中文活动部。
    • gas technician gas technician
      我是持牌的gas technician, 我可以帮助大家进行gas采暖炉,dryer,water heater, 空调的安装和维修。我可以提高免费咨询。
      保养清洁 40$ Gold 保养清洁 60$ ( kitchener, waterloo), cambridge, guleph 另加10$
      维修 50$ 部件另计 ( kitchener, waterloo), cambridge, guleph 另加10$

      联系方式: PM 或email jason3zhao@hotmail.com or 519-500-0166
    • 保险/Resp经纪 保险/Resp经纪
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛本地区理财保险顾问竭诚为您服务:
      我代理Manulife, Sun Life, Industrial Alliance, AIG, RBC, Canada Life, AXA 等各大保险公司的产品,为您分析比较,量身定做,选择价格最低或最有竞争力的产品,欢迎免费咨询:
      1. 人寿保险/访加旅游保险 / 房屋按揭保险 / 重病保险/残疾保险/长期护理保险
      2. 教育储蓄计划(RESP)

      请联络:婷婷:(519)578-4543, (519)658-0645.
      Fax: (519)578-4543,(416) 456-3517
      E-mail: ting_financial@yahoo.com


      FORESTERS是一家有超过130年历史的非赢利性质的理财保险公司. 不同于其他传统理财公司的是, 我们的利润会捐赠到儿童基金并以额外免费保单形式 (例如免费大病保险, 子女奖学金等等) 回馈于每一位投保顾客.

      1, 各类保险: 人寿保险, 房屋按揭保险, 大病保险, 长期护理保险, 伤残保险

      2, 投资理财: 互惠基金, 分隔基金, 子女教育计划(RESP), 注册退休计划(RRSP), 注册退休基金(RRIF), 年金(ANNUITY)

      欢迎免费咨询. 联系方式:
      电话: 519-886-6483
      手机: 519-589-7346
      传真: 519-886-8083
      电邮: lzhang@foresters.biz
      网址: www.foresters.biz

      C.S.T. Consultants Inc. (Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan) 是加拿大规模最大的团体<<注册教育储蓄计划>>经办机构 www.cst.org
      作为C.S.T. Consultants Inc. 的销售代表, 我将以丰富的专业知识, 根据您个人的经纪情况为您开设一个教育储蓄计划, 并由始至终为您打点一切.我会向您解释Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan 如何为您提供安全稳健的投资增长,从而使您的资金在您的孩子将来生大学时, 即可调用.

      另外, 您还可以用HBC reward point 去投资您的RESP

      每星期往返Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge & Guelph.


      CST RESP+CESG+CLB Service
      by jiangs (susan) at 2006.5.4 11:22 [#16162@14]

      The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan RESP makes it easy to start saving when your children are young.

      1) Helping parents save since 1960
      The Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation is the oldest and largest Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) provider in Canada*. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan has helped more parents save for their children’s higher education than any other RESP*.
      2) Guaranteed principal
      Because we invest your principal in government-issued or guaranteed bonds, high-quality corporate bonds, and variable rate securities, we can guarantee your principal.
      3) Stable growth
      Unlike plans that invest in mutual funds that can go down in value, we follow a strategy that ensures stable returns. We know your money simply has to be there when your child needs it.
      4) Government Grant (CESG)
      With the Canada Education Savings Grant, you can receive up to $400-$500 extra on top of your RESP contributions each year, for each child, to a maximum of $7,200 over the life of the plan*.
      5) Canada Learning Bond (CLB)
      For children born on January 1, 2004 or later who also qualify for the National Child Benefit Supplement (“NCBS”), the Government of Canada will provide a CLB of $500.
      6) Tax-sheltered growth
      You earn tax-sheltered investment income within the RESP. When the investment income is paid out, it is taxable in your child’s name. As a student, your child will likely pay little or no tax.
      7) Transferable
      If your child decides not to pursue post-secondary studies, you may be able to transfer up to $50,000 of investment income into your RRSP or spousal RRSP tax-free, subject to certain conditions, and provided you have contribution room. Or you may withdraw the investment income and pay extra tax on it. In either case, your principal will be returned to you in full. Or, you may be able to transfer the RESP to another child.
      8) Wide choice of programs
      Funds can be used at any qualified university, college or trade school in Canada or around the world.
      9) Easy way to save
      We offer you a range of savings options to suit your financial situation and help you meet your goals.
      Distributed by C.S.T. Consultants Inc.

      For a personal consultation, please contact:

      Ying Jiang
      Sales Representative
      C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
      Branch 900
      Phone: 519-747-2692
      Branch tel: 416-391-2523
      Email: ying.jiang@cstresp.com

      URL: http://www.cst.org更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 验车 验车

      --专业从事新车买卖,维修 ,验车10余年,具有丰富汽车经验。


      --不管购车成交与否, 都为您减少数百上千的成本或损失:
      *根据性能及市场行情,进行准确估价, 避免不划算的交易.
      *根据具体车况, 为和卖主还价提供依据.


      欢迎致电查询: (519)569-9089 Fred 陈
      email: kw.driving@gmail.com
    • 优质影印画油画优惠销售 (#12499) 优质影印画油画优惠销售 (#12499)
      质影印画油画优惠销售. 画框精美,尺寸齐全,节日 优惠。欢迎选购。
      周一至周五6:30PM~9:00PM,周六Open House 9:00am ~3:00pm。

      联系人: 刘建国
      电话:(519) 888-9205H, (519)572-1915 Cell
      地址: 701 Laurelwood Drive, Waterloo, ON N2V 2T8

      John (JianGuo) Liu
    • 软水器(Water softener) #13793 软水器(Water softener) #13793
      经过圣诞节和一月促销,许多朋友在Water Plus买了称心的water softener。凡由我介绍到water Plus买软水器或RO饮用水过滤器的朋友,均可再得到$50优惠。现Water Plus再次大优惠,软水器$779起, 免费包安装,二月份促销是送RO饮用水净水系统一套,价值$299或RO纯净水300升。软水器5年parts and labour warranty, 10 years salt tank warranty.本人觉得是市面上最好的产品和最低的价格了。品牌是GE的。(综合算一算比sears便宜了$500多)

      water plus的宣传材料见图像链接。

      还等什么?赶快拨打 570-9168, 你对water softener了解吗?本人提供软水器知识免费咨询。 :-)

      URL: http://photos.yahoo.com/djiao2003

      PIC: http://photos.yahoo.com/djiao2003
    • HOMEHOME Furniture家具 HOMEHOME Furniture家具
      HOMEHOME Furniture家具特价(K/W地区唯一华人家具店) by leosliu (leo) at 2006.3.17 18:07 [#14812@14]

      Pine wood dining set(Inc: Table+4 Chairs) $169
      Airland Double/Queen Mattress $299/$349
      Solid Pine Wood Queen Bed $269
      3PCs Sectional Sofa Set $999
      3PCs Solid Wood Sofa Set $899
      (Inc: Sofa + 2 Chairs)
      3PCs Leather Sofa Set $1,599
      (Inc: Sofa+Love Seat+Chair)

      店名: homehome furniture
      店地址: 1244 Victoria St. N., Kitchener
      电话: 519-744-7887
      网址: www.homehomefurniture.com

      URL: http://www.homehomefurniture.com
    • 老年人活动
      KW中华老人俱乐部 (www.jie1jie.com里有详细信息)
      联系人:闵益群 880-8723。此为婕一皆教育中心回报社区的公益之举,于2004年夏创建。

      URL: http://www.jie1jie.com
    • Day care Day care
      "Tiny Home" Childcare
      Home childcare provided by a caring mother. Chinese (Mandarin) speaking and English, Math educational environment. Hot lunches, snacks, crafts, indoor and outdoor activities provided. First Aid, reference & receipts.

      Accepting children aged 18 months+
      (If you want to take one day off and need somebody to look after your children, call me!)

      Erb & Roosevelt Ave, Waterloo(between University & Fischer-Hallman) area.

      For more information, contact Yanbin: 519-885-8949
    • 红枫装修 (Red Maple Renovation)
      承接木台、围栏( DECK & FENCE )施工及地下室装修(FINISHED BASEMENT). 专业设计, 免费估价. 诚信可靠, 质优价廉.
      联系人: 杨生
      电 话: 519-746-2077
      手 机: 519-635-9899