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2. 教育储蓄计划(RESP)
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FORESTERS是一家有超过130年历史的非赢利性质的理财保险公司. 不同于其他传统理财公司的是, 我们的利润会捐赠到儿童基金并以额外免费保单形式 (例如免费大病保险, 子女奖学金等等) 回馈于每一位投保顾客.
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2, 投资理财: 互惠基金, 分隔基金, 子女教育计划(RESP), 注册退休计划(RRSP), 注册退休基金(RRIF), 年金(ANNUITY)
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C.S.T. Consultants Inc. (Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan) 是加拿大规模最大的团体<<注册教育储蓄计划>>经办机构 www.cst.org
作为C.S.T. Consultants Inc. 的销售代表, 我将以丰富的专业知识, 根据您个人的经纪情况为您开设一个教育储蓄计划, 并由始至终为您打点一切.我会向您解释Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan 如何为您提供安全稳健的投资增长,从而使您的资金在您的孩子将来生大学时, 即可调用.
另外, 您还可以用HBC reward point 去投资您的RESP
每星期往返Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge & Guelph.
by jiangs (susan) at 2006.5.4 11:22 [#16162@14]
The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan RESP makes it easy to start saving when your children are young.
1) Helping parents save since 1960
The Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation is the oldest and largest Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) provider in Canada*. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan has helped more parents save for their children’s higher education than any other RESP*.
2) Guaranteed principal
Because we invest your principal in government-issued or guaranteed bonds, high-quality corporate bonds, and variable rate securities, we can guarantee your principal.
3) Stable growth
Unlike plans that invest in mutual funds that can go down in value, we follow a strategy that ensures stable returns. We know your money simply has to be there when your child needs it.
4) Government Grant (CESG)
With the Canada Education Savings Grant, you can receive up to $400-$500 extra on top of your RESP contributions each year, for each child, to a maximum of $7,200 over the life of the plan*.
5) Canada Learning Bond (CLB)
For children born on January 1, 2004 or later who also qualify for the National Child Benefit Supplement (“NCBS”), the Government of Canada will provide a CLB of $500.
6) Tax-sheltered growth
You earn tax-sheltered investment income within the RESP. When the investment income is paid out, it is taxable in your child’s name. As a student, your child will likely pay little or no tax.
7) Transferable
If your child decides not to pursue post-secondary studies, you may be able to transfer up to $50,000 of investment income into your RRSP or spousal RRSP tax-free, subject to certain conditions, and provided you have contribution room. Or you may withdraw the investment income and pay extra tax on it. In either case, your principal will be returned to you in full. Or, you may be able to transfer the RESP to another child.
8) Wide choice of programs
Funds can be used at any qualified university, college or trade school in Canada or around the world.
9) Easy way to save
We offer you a range of savings options to suit your financial situation and help you meet your goals.
Distributed by C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
For a personal consultation, please contact:
Ying Jiang
Sales Representative
C.S.T. Consultants Inc.
Branch 900
Phone: 519-747-2692
Branch tel: 416-391-2523
Email: ying.jiang@cstresp.com
URL: http://www.cst.org更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net