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  • 枫下茶话 / 和平之路 / 网上在盛传乌克兰试图轰炸Kursk地区的核电站。人们自然联想到切尔诺贝利
    • 简体中文网传吧😂 +2
      • 这里是链接: 这里是链接:
        Missiles Fly, French Bomb Detonates Near Russia's Kursk Nuclear Site
        Tensions soar as Ukraine escalates its offensive on Russia's Kursk Nuclear Power Plant. Zelensky’s forces launched four missiles targeting the critical site,...
    • 乌克兰否认了: 乌克兰否认了:
      Kursk Oblast Governor Alexei Smirnov claimed that a Ukrainian drone was neutralized by electronic warfare means near Kurchatov. Its fall allegedly caused explosions at an outbuilding not related to the nuclear plant.