枫下家园 / 金秋年华 / 老奶奶做过FED的经济学家,还做过克林顿总统治下的财政部长助理,82岁才退休。她说: Yes. We can maintain our lifestyle in retirement. But if we had retired at 65, we would have had to be more careful.
“…since she and her colleagues calculate about 40% of the working population isn’t saving enough to maintain their lifestyle throughout retirement…” 这个时代很可悲🤔
她不是50岁就退休了吗?为什么说Yes. We can maintain our lifestyle in retirement. But if we had retired at 65, we would have had to be more careful.
她研究退休问题几十年的结论,是走向社会主义康庄大道:The biggest issue is that a lot of workers aren’t covered by a retirement plan. We need to
design a nationwide system where all workers are automatically enrolled, so the system provides universal coverage. 换句话说,也就是政府或者社会统筹安排劳苦大众的退休问题,因为草根们无法自行解决这个难题。