本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛去年首签失败,由于工作原因直到今年4月才开始重新准备2签资料,获得成功,下面主要说一下自己关于资料的准备,希望能对后来的XDJM有所帮助.
1 邀请信
2 邀请者的Offer
3 邀请者的工作许可 护照 ID的复印件
4 我写给大使馆的信
5 我在国内的房产证明(公证)
6 我父亲的银行存款证明(公证)
7 结婚证明(公证)
Contents of my application materials
Applicant: XXX
File from my inviter (my husband):
1. An invitation letter from inviter
2. Inviter’s letter to Canada embassy
3. Notarized photocopy of inviter’s Visa, Passport, Work permit, and ID card from government of Canada
4. Original letter from Governmental laboratory showing present status and salary of inviter
5. Bank letter from BMO to state the financial status of inviter
6. Inviter’s partial records of bank (BMO)
7. One signed form showing the number of people in my inviter’s household
8. Original offer letter of inviter
9. Some bills from long distance telephone company
Files from the applicant:
1. Applicant’s letter to Canada embassy
2. Two signed and dated copies of the “Application for a Temporary Resident Visa
3. One signed and dated copy of the “Family Composition/Education and Employment” form
4. Four passport-size photos
5. Original passport
6. Two self-addressed adhesive labels per person, including your name, address and post code
7. Correct application processing fee
8. Notarized photocopy of house property certificate (Chinese)
9. Bank statements showing current savings of my parents
10. Notarized photocopy of marriage certificate
11. Some photos of life and internet communications
12. Photocopy of applicant’s bank records(current account)
1 老公的工资是免税的,所以没有出具税单
2 我是自由职业者,所以也没有出具请假证明
3 银行给开了存款证明后会冻结资金,无奈之下只好复印了自己的活期存折,为了表示这个是自己的活期帐户,我让银行打了收支明细(也就是打印了下存折),然后了复印一份,没有公证
4 没在北京的朋友也可以如法让北京的朋友帮着交,当天就能知道结果,很是方便,记得复印一张身份证并附加一份格式正确和内容正确的委托书给你在北京的朋友,这样他就能帮你取结果了
最后祝已签的正签的准备签的DXJM生活幸福!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net