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  • I will take the April PPE exam, who has previous exam questions? Do I need buy the textbooks? Or take the exam courses? Really apperiated your feedback.
    • No text books needed. Go to OSPE courses and remember the answers for former real questions. two month enough. one month for good memory guys.
      • Thanks. How much time you put in two months, all nights and weekend? Do you have OSPE materials, I will take a course, but I would like perpare some before the course. +1
        • My course materials have been taken away and never been returned. Sorry. OSPE will give you the latest. Just understand them and you'll be ok. Good luck!
        • both weekday nights and weekends. read the material through at one stride. no installment. After finished, repeat it once again till you can understand the meaning in your memory. Then ready for the PPE.
          • thanks, how many exams did you read? do you have recently exam answers? I
          • I have 2002-2005 exams answers. and purchased recent exam re-prints. Do you think it is enough if I read, understand, repeat from memory for 4 exam answers. I registered OSPE course in middle of March.
            • 两套足够了。反复读,用手写加强记忆。最好理解并用自己的语言表达。过目不忘是天才,下辈子可能是我。 题库中就那么几种类型。对应着不同的法律和职业操守知识点。比高考容易一百倍。 据说题型有变,建议用近年的比较保险
              • thanks for your information.
      • 想参加OSPE的2016年2月份的PPE培训,但是没法参加最后两天in class的课程。想知道这两天in class的课程有多重要,对以后的考试影响大吗?谢谢
        • 我参加的是in-class的,对自学课堂的不太清楚
    • 你过了吗, 我打算8月考
      • took the exam yesterday, thought it should be ok, I perpare for 2 mounths, remembered questions from OSPE materials.
      • Did you pass the interview?
        • yes, I am self studying the PPE now, you self study or take training course
        • can you tell me your phone number, I want to ask you how to self study, I am not good at study law, I already self study 1 month, no any good effect
          • you can find my number in this forum.
        • 你的PPE过了吗
    • I just spent 20 hrs. if you spend time and effort, you will pass it. The questions are similiar. +1