原价40元买入, (去年为求通过, 不惜血本), 现20元转让, 添加textbook复习心得, 其实没用, 多做题就行.
考试时间也足够, 我提前20多分钟做完, 有认识的本地白人提前1小时做完的, 也过了. 所以并没有一些复习提示中所说的时间不够, 手写得很酸等等.
PEO PPE preparation material:
selected exams with full answers
from 2004 to 2012, more than 20+ sets of questions on
for example: 2012.08, 2012.04, 2011.06......
Professional Pratice and Ethics
Engineering Law and Professional Liability
+ study notes + textbook notes