


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当我在simply accounting 中search refund功能时,我发现一段说明,我copy it 在下文中,大家帮我看看,我可不可以先issue an invoice 和credit note 抵消(正好反向entry), 然后重新在sale and order界面issue a credit note, 但是选择pay by cheque, 并这个界面打印出cheque, and then post. 这可行不可行?

To enter a refund to a customer:

1 In the Home window, open Sales, Orders, and Quotes.

2 Select Invoice in the Transaction field. Then select Cash, Cheque, or a credit card in the Paid By field, as on the original invoice.

3 Select or enter the customer name in the Sold To field.

4 In the Invoice field:

?If paying by cheque, enter the cheque number of the cheque that you have prepared for the customer.

?If paying by cash or credit card, enter R (for refund) and then the original invoice number.

This identifier will help you when you reconcile your Bank account.

5 In the Date field, enter the date on which you issue the refund.

6 If the refund is for an inventory item that you track in Simply Accounting and that you could sell again:

?Enter the item number.

?In the Ship field, enter a quantity, preceded by a minus sign.

7 If the refund is for a returned item or service that you do not track in Simply Accounting, enter a description of the item in the Description field.

8 If the refund is for a returned item or service that you track in Simply Accounting, but that
cannot be sold again, do not enter an item number. Instead:

?In the Ship field, enter a quantity, preceded by a minus sign.

?Enter a description of the item in the Description field.

?In the Account field, select the expense account you use for writing off inventory, such as Adjustment Write-off.

9 Enter the dollar amount, preceded by a minus sign.

10 Enter the GST code, and enter or accept the PST percentage displayed. If you use Quebec sales tax, enter the QST code.

11 If the original transaction included allocations to projects, click the Allocate button, and enter the project and the amount or percent to allocate. Then click OK to return to the invoice screen.

12 In the Comments field, describe the reason for the refund.

13 In the Terms field, remove any payment terms.

14 If the refund is cash, on the File menu, choose Print. Have the customer sign the refund slip, and keep it for your records.

15 Click Process to update the accounts.

For inventory items, this transaction increases the inventory asset account, and decreases the Accounts Receivable, Cost of Goods Sold, and revenue accounts. For non-inventory items, the program decreases Accounts Receivable and the revenue account you specified.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 请大家帮帮忙,哪位用simply accounting 熟, 帮我看看这几个问题。多谢了。
    以前客户在prepaid我们的服务后,暂停了我们的服务,于是我issue了一个credit note 给他们(原因是这个客户只是暂时不用我们的服务了,将来可能还用我们的服务,这个credit note 可以和将来的invoice 抵消)现在这个客户说以后都不再需要我们的服务了,要求refund. 我该怎莫记这个transaction, 在那个界面做呢?我需要打印支票给客户。因为公司需要,我临时接过了A/P的活, 可真的没做过。看原来的纪录,说是入到account receivable account 里去, 可我觉得我在payment 界面做是不能动A/R account的。 我们credit note account 是在revenue 下面单独的一个account.
    2。 接到bill, 我在purchase and order 里面入账了,并且在在payment 里面打印支票了。现在发现入错account 了, 数目不变。 这个时候我能直接在purchase and order 界面改account 吗?
    3。 由客户overpaid我们了,但不要我们现在refund, 说如果将来我们还发给他们invoice时,可以和这个overpayment 抵消。 我在receipt 界面记下了deposit 这笔overpayment, 然后我还需要做其它的entry 吗?

    我是新手,要学的地方还很多。 感谢大家的帮助!
    • 先回答1:这种情况在Simply Accounting只能(1)从A/P Purchase/Order 然后Payment出支票。(2)然后再进A/R那个客户名下输入一张等额Invoice,再用Receipts和那张credit note抵消。关键是A/P Purchase和A/R Sales要进同一个Clearing Account。
      遇到这种问题不要慌,分析这些transactions后面产生的journal entry是什么,思路就清楚了。
      -- Record original sales & cash receipts
      Dr. A/R
      Cr. Prepaid/Unearned Revenue

      Dr. Bank
      Cr. A/R

      -- Issue credit note
      Dr. Credit note account
      Cr. A/R

      -- Issue Refund Cheque
      Dr. Clearing Account
      Cr. A/P

      Dr. A/P
      Cr. Bank

      --Clear customer a/r balance
      Dr. A/R
      Cr. Clearing Account
      • prepaid/unearned revenue still sitting there, in theJ/E of issuing credit note, is should be dr. prepaid/unearned revenue cr. AR?
        • She mentioned they have a "credit note account"。And Prepaid/unearned Revenue reallocation would be done by the month-end adjusting entries, which is not the subject of this particular discussion.
          Anyway the dr./cr. are just an illustration of how I find a solution to the situation. The real JEs may vary.
    • 2、可以直接改。Simply Accounting会自动reverse原来的entry,并重新生成新的。3、不用。
      • 多谢大家。我还有个问题,请大家帮我看一看。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛当我在simply accounting 中search refund功能时,我发现一段说明,我copy it 在下文中,大家帮我看看,我可不可以先issue an invoice 和credit note 抵消(正好反向entry), 然后重新在sale and order界面issue a credit note, 但是选择pay by cheque, 并这个界面打印出cheque, and then post. 这可行不可行?

        To enter a refund to a customer:

        1 In the Home window, open Sales, Orders, and Quotes.

        2 Select Invoice in the Transaction field. Then select Cash, Cheque, or a credit card in the Paid By field, as on the original invoice.

        3 Select or enter the customer name in the Sold To field.

        4 In the Invoice field:

        ?If paying by cheque, enter the cheque number of the cheque that you have prepared for the customer.

        ?If paying by cash or credit card, enter R (for refund) and then the original invoice number.

        This identifier will help you when you reconcile your Bank account.

        5 In the Date field, enter the date on which you issue the refund.

        6 If the refund is for an inventory item that you track in Simply Accounting and that you could sell again:

        ?Enter the item number.

        ?In the Ship field, enter a quantity, preceded by a minus sign.

        7 If the refund is for a returned item or service that you do not track in Simply Accounting, enter a description of the item in the Description field.

        8 If the refund is for a returned item or service that you track in Simply Accounting, but that
        cannot be sold again, do not enter an item number. Instead:

        ?In the Ship field, enter a quantity, preceded by a minus sign.

        ?Enter a description of the item in the Description field.

        ?In the Account field, select the expense account you use for writing off inventory, such as Adjustment Write-off.

        9 Enter the dollar amount, preceded by a minus sign.

        10 Enter the GST code, and enter or accept the PST percentage displayed. If you use Quebec sales tax, enter the QST code.

        11 If the original transaction included allocations to projects, click the Allocate button, and enter the project and the amount or percent to allocate. Then click OK to return to the invoice screen.

        12 In the Comments field, describe the reason for the refund.

        13 In the Terms field, remove any payment terms.

        14 If the refund is cash, on the File menu, choose Print. Have the customer sign the refund slip, and keep it for your records.

        15 Click Process to update the accounts.

        For inventory items, this transaction increases the inventory asset account, and decreases the Accounts Receivable, Cost of Goods Sold, and revenue accounts. For non-inventory items, the program decreases Accounts Receivable and the revenue account you specified.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我试过了,苹果的方法是对的,我虽然用我上面说的refund 的方法可以入帐, 但在sales and orders 界面却打印不出cheque 来。