

question to 7Y7: how's going with you new article? not completed yet?

I got a lot of valuable advice from your (old) article when I was looking for my very first accounting job here.

Being a general accountant one or two years (Intermediate/senior level), doing mixed jobs of J/E and account analysis everyday, I find I have more interest in Analysis part, but J/E part is really boring already. So thinking of moving (switching) to Financal Analyst.

Having tons of non-financial / non-accounting experience in China, I guess this is the right time to combine my non-accounting background with accounting experience here in Toronto.

Expecting your new works, hope I can get some ideas from your new article.

Thanks in advance.
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  • question to 7Y7: how's going with you new article? not completed yet?
    I got a lot of valuable advice from your (old) article when I was looking for my very first accounting job here.

    Being a general accountant one or two years (Intermediate/senior level), doing mixed jobs of J/E and account analysis everyday, I find I have more interest in Analysis part, but J/E part is really boring already. So thinking of moving (switching) to Financal Analyst.

    Having tons of non-financial / non-accounting experience in China, I guess this is the right time to combine my non-accounting background with accounting experience here in Toronto.

    Expecting your new works, hope I can get some ideas from your new article.

    Thanks in advance.
    • 谢谢鼓励 :-) 其实早就写得差不多了, 因为题目起得比较大, 覆盖广, 从最基层职能说到如何跳槽中级, 怕砖头也怕误导, 目前有人来要我才单独发, 准备多收集点反馈再发到网上
      • It is good to collect feedback before the article goes to public. Don't be afraid of 砖头, nobody is perfect. Hope to read your article soon.
      • Can you send to me please?
      • Could you please send your article to me? I would like to read it ASAP. Thanks,
      • Can you send it to me please? i'm very interested and I bet it's very helpful.
      • Would you please send it to me? I am very interested in that. Thanks in advance.