

like my other post addressed, I am not quite a C fan either long term or short term;

it won't go up creazy short term wise due to it size and current price (plus 3 times bigger than before on common share) , it's too won't go up creazy long term due to I see it is a pure loser in this crsis game;

C is currently not in my portfolio at all; but I have BAC and ING in my long term portfolio
You may hold C, it should not let you down too much, too will let up excited too much recently ; I may wrong but I will wait unitl I see potentials of it, then probably hold it;

sorry, just my own 2 cents, your money your decision;
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  • 金融股今有大动作
    • up or down?
    • 看了这么多日子,一个感觉,金融还是垃圾中的垃圾,花街把经济搞倒退10多年,小奥恼火的很,这不开始忙着给金融机构上紧箍咒也许有新的立法了。这些所谓的升级,都是你升我一下,帮我拉高出货,后天我帮你调调级,你拉高派发筹码准备度假。哪个岛目前开始盈利了?
    • what do you mean? going up?
      • 现在看不准,如果你是庄,你会如何做?
        • 我要是庄,就可以开始出货并砸盘了。
          • 问题是,没有接盘,你出给谁? 如果我,先打压,K线破位,赶走跟风,再拉,再派.
    • up possiblity is way high than down; you can see that the low price financials (PMI, MBI, AIG...) already up
      recently is the pefect market status; people scared, S&P and DOW point wise, not chnage so much; time pass by; and you will see the low price stocks in all kinds of industry sneak up quitely;

      each serious pull back will be the base of next sharp rise for so many cheap and good stocks;
      especially those guys at 2.5$ to 4.5$ range; they off the hook of bankcrupt (otherwise, MMs won't push them up from worse price, so they are safer to me)

      YRCW today anther 15% so far
      PMI, MBI ... ...
      • How about citigroup?
        • like my other post addressed, I am not quite a C fan either long term or short term;
          it won't go up creazy short term wise due to it size and current price (plus 3 times bigger than before on common share) , it's too won't go up creazy long term due to I see it is a pure loser in this crsis game;

          C is currently not in my portfolio at all; but I have BAC and ING in my long term portfolio
          You may hold C, it should not let you down too much, too will let up excited too much recently ; I may wrong but I will wait unitl I see potentials of it, then probably hold it;

          sorry, just my own 2 cents, your money your decision;
          • Many thanks.
    • Based on technical analysis? news? vix?
      • analysis