

I am still waiting for the entry point.

Semiconductor sales are still down and there is no positive forecast yet, but tech stocks are headed up. It could be a lot of wishful thinking. I like to pay when I am sure it is really happening. If you think the tech wreck is over and it's "up and away" from here, this would be a good time to own this or its parent. Celestica is doing business as usual, buying weaker players and setting up for growth.
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  • 下周操作计划(May 07):已经挂单买YLO-UN和CLS.TO,同时关注OGF.TO, OPC.TO和CEP.TO,欢迎大家多提宝贵意见。
    • These 5 stocks, I like opc.to one. /// ylo.un (17+11.5)/2~=14.5?; is cls 'HuanGuoJinLaiLeMa'(Pin Yin); opc.to volume good ogf.un(?) maybe need 2nd bottom to test? Just feeling
      • 我觉得OPC还可以再等几天。今天14.13吃到了YLO-UN,CLS挂得7.55没有成交,下午市价挂单,结果他妈的7.7卖给我的,以后再也不用市场价挂单了,回家看了看图,cls悬。明天可以买OGF.UN了。
      • I am still waiting for CLS entry point(around 20d MV), this is a real value play and start to attract investor.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛us;CLS Celestica Inc * OI Common Stock > ca;CLS.SV
        Last: 6.960 L12Mo EPS: -0.74 (c)Reuters Estimates

        EPS Estimate Analysis
        Mean Hi Lo #
        Est. Est Est Anal. Est PE 1wk est 1mo est 2mo est 3mo est
        2Q Jun07 0.01 0.03 -0.04 22 -11.60 0.00 0.00 0.00
        3Q Sep07 0.06 0.10 -0.01 22 -19.89 0.07 0.07 0.06
        4Q Dec07 0.10 0.15 0.01 22 348.00 0.12 0.12 0.12
        FY Dec07 0.12 0.23 -0.09 24 58.00 0.11 0.11 0.09
        FY Dec08 0.46 0.60 0.24 21 15.13 0.52 0.53 0.51
        Secular Growth Rate 17.25% Dec07/L12Mo N/A Dec08/L12Mo N/A

        QTR ExRpt 2008 08/07chg 2007 07/06chg 2006 06/05chg 2005 05/04chg 2004
        Mar 0.06E N/A -0.15 -87.5% -0.08 -60.0% -0.05 16.7% -0.06
        Jun 27JULwk 0.10E 900.0% 0.01E N/A -0.13 -316.7% 0.06 N/A -0.04
        Sep 0.13E 116.7% 0.06E N/A -0.19 -111.1% -0.09 18.2% -0.11
        Dec 0.16E 60.0% 0.10E N/A -0.27 -125.0% -0.12 96.7% -3.59
        FY TOTAL 0.46E 283.3% 0.12E N/A -0.67 -235.0% -0.20 94.7% -3.80

        US;CLS/cf/est 07-May-07 23:43 NYC For help: /CF/? (c) REUTERS更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 对,底部放量后缩量长时间整理,整理周期远超过前面三波,底部抬高,应该是筑底成功。上周开始柔和放量,所以今天一激动就买了,其实我的心理价位是10D MV.
          • 去找些书看吧, 你这样会输的.
            • 大侠给点clue吧,书我看得够多了,只是感觉不得要领,多指点指点帮我领悟一下。多谢。
            • 不会是说MV吧?MA手误。
            • hi, Hip, 有空指点一二。
            • 照本宣科是挣不到钱的, 你懂的别人也懂, 你不懂的别人也可能懂. 你的话只不过是说你不懂如何挣这类钱.
            • CLS短线形势今天走恶,明天不能好转的话只好先出了。当初你是怎么看得能不能解释一下?也欢迎其他朋友来指点一下,多提建设性意见,叩谢。
              • 我觉得梦兄不必太着急,设好你的止损点先,如果不跌破止损点多hold几天又何妨?我觉得短期应该至少到8块左右,然后就得赶紧溜。
                • 说得是。我倒不是怕它跌,目前抛压已经很小。郁闷的是又买错了,本以为本周会有什么动作。明天继续走弱的话我后天就出掉,节省一笔学费下周多练两只。多谢大侠指点。
                  • You will be paid for patience.
                    Since I already heavily weighted canadian equities, I am not in hurry to setup more positions unless real good opportunities. My average equities positions holding period about 3~6 months with expectation more than 15% - depends on the risk/reward analysis, usually sell on strength.
                  • Before closing, I load some CLS, and hope a decent return within a month.
                    • 我现在也只有握着看了,7.2止损。你为什么不再多等一两天?
                      • I am not bearish on it, and it might run away tomorrow, as long as it above the previous low, I will stay with it for a while.
              • I use SMA 20,75,144,293, last 3 for long term, now CLS only up to SMA75, maybe test SMA75,if OK then chalenge SMA144, test SMA75 again, then up test 293, test 144.... I like the SMA293+144+75 almost bundle, then UP with big volume.
                • I am studying yet. :-)
          • I am still waiting for the entry point.
            Semiconductor sales are still down and there is no positive forecast yet, but tech stocks are headed up. It could be a lot of wishful thinking. I like to pay when I am sure it is really happening. If you think the tech wreck is over and it's "up and away" from here, this would be a good time to own this or its parent. Celestica is doing business as usual, buying weaker players and setting up for growth.
            • 你长线肯定要再等等。我希望做短线,但是水平不够,有时就做成中线了,不过一般不会超过三周。因为我现在的目的还是练手,所以要多做一些。感觉cls最近几天会突然拉升,就急着买了,不过幅度不会太高。10-15%我就出。
    • cls明天割肉。
      • CLS和YLO.UN已出,一只巨亏一只小赚。今天换持RER, OGF.UN和OPC,明天看情况出OGF.UN继续加仓RER。
        • RER is waiting for some news? I think the chart is better than CLS. Adam-Eva double bottom? hope so.
          • 不知道有无消息,完全K线选的。今天可能会买ZAR-UN或NBD.TO.