


Unlike during the oil market crash of 2014, low-priced oil cannot spur demand and economic activities that are restricted for public health reasons but is going straight into storage. Kayrros satellite measurements show global crude stocks surged by more than 100m barrels in the last month alone to 63 per cent of nameplate storage capacity.

The spread of confinement measures is accelerating the builds. No one knows for sure the actual level of maximum operating capacity because it has never been tested — perhaps 80 per cent of nameplate. We may soon find out.

Given the amount of advance planning needed to boost production, one would have expected Saudi stocks to fall as the kingdom increases supply, at least initially. But Saudi inventories have jumped since the start of the price war.

This suggests that the Russian and Saudi oil ministers walked into their fateful meeting earlier this month fully prepared for a supply surge. The fact that Riyadh and Kuwait recently settled an old dispute allowing them to restart shared oilfields that had long been idled further undermines the view that Riyadh’s decision was spur-of-the-moment escalation after Russia said “nyet” to production cuts.

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  • 油罐都没有了,减产不可避免。油价开始无处可跌了。 +1
    • --》

      Unlike during the oil market crash of 2014, low-priced oil cannot spur demand and economic activities that are restricted for public health reasons but is going straight into storage. Kayrros satellite measurements show global crude stocks surged by more than 100m barrels in the last month alone to 63 per cent of nameplate storage capacity.

      The spread of confinement measures is accelerating the builds. No one knows for sure the actual level of maximum operating capacity because it has never been tested — perhaps 80 per cent of nameplate. We may soon find out.

      Given the amount of advance planning needed to boost production, one would have expected Saudi stocks to fall as the kingdom increases supply, at least initially. But Saudi inventories have jumped since the start of the price war.

      This suggests that the Russian and Saudi oil ministers walked into their fateful meeting earlier this month fully prepared for a supply surge. The fact that Riyadh and Kuwait recently settled an old dispute allowing them to restart shared oilfields that had long been idled further undermines the view that Riyadh’s decision was spur-of-the-moment escalation after Russia said “nyet” to production cuts.

    • Trump今天回答记者提问的时候又提到了油。星期五他会会见美国油企领导人。Trump说他相信俄国和沙特会磋商出结果,暗示即使没有,他也有办法解决问题,不过他的方法最好不用。他说了free trade很好,估计他的方法不符合free trade的精神,所以他这么讲。 +1
      • 可以控制沙特的,和搞全球化的,是和他对着干的。他只有用美国总统的权威,好言好语没有用的。
        • 美国握着石油第一消费国的王牌。如果其他两家不合作,美国出个石油进口禁令,哪怕是部分的,暂时的,自家的石油产业也就保住了。有沙特和俄国的恶意倾销在先,理上也说得过去。 +3
    • 你这个思维好,同样是油没地儿存,有的人就因此认为油要跌到10美元,其实是“物极必反”。 +1
      • 要倒出钱拉走的说法都喧嚣直上了。
        • 已经走很平了。 +1


          • 当初老巴搬回老家就是受不了无数的误导信息。华尔街的主流就是涨时看涨,跌时看跌。油价跌破20了,一堆人就出来说要跌到零以下,油企要倒花钱雇人拉走。
            • 这种消息在油价高位的时候是大利空,现在是在超低位反而是利多。
    • The only way to cure low crude price is LOWER price. +1
    • 油价绝尘而去了,后面起点就是30了。
      • 现在还在涨。减产协议因为符合各方利益,最终一定能达成。但不知达成之前会不会再闹僵一次。
        • 管它闹不闹僵,他们总要想出解决办法,20快的油价他们撑不住,我们只管低的时候买,不着急,他们更着急。 +2
          • 是。闹僵一次就多一次抄底的机会。 +2
        • 我也感觉会闹僵一次,没这么顺利的,一大群产油国。
      • 有上周之前买UWT的么,这王八蛋居然恰恰在油价回弹前几天清盘。
        • 我记着这里有人不久前买过。
          • 是, 有人也提过。