

Here is a comment on MarketWatch regarding Ben's Signal

by megastarx1 2 minutes ago

every stock broker is taught in school one thing and one thing only

GO OUT AND SELL you are not a clergy man so you don't have to believe in the news just SELL IT.

Ben will do what it takes but the heavy lifting will have to be done by the consumer and in order to do that he needs

MONEY and when banks can't sell the commercial paper they have now then why will the give john Q public more money to buy big screen tv"s

so it will take TIME not smoke and MIRRORS to get back on track


So, Ben is smoking. There will be a sell off very soon after this. And I also believe Gold can not break 1000$ easily .

I sell 50% of my Gold holding today to get some profits.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 今天准备大清仓。除了留下CHINA外(关键还不到3月),其它超过3个月的所有基金(包括黄金),统统卖掉。昨天算了一下,开局不利。YTD:-2.23%. 是本人最差2月份。
    • 为啥?大盘要回調?
    • Bernanke Says Fed Will Act in `Timely Manner' to Support Economic Growth
      • Here is a comment on MarketWatch regarding Ben's Signal
        by megastarx1 2 minutes ago

        every stock broker is taught in school one thing and one thing only

        GO OUT AND SELL you are not a clergy man so you don't have to believe in the news just SELL IT.

        Ben will do what it takes but the heavy lifting will have to be done by the consumer and in order to do that he needs

        MONEY and when banks can't sell the commercial paper they have now then why will the give john Q public more money to buy big screen tv"s

        so it will take TIME not smoke and MIRRORS to get back on track


        So, Ben is smoking. There will be a sell off very soon after this. And I also believe Gold can not break 1000$ easily .

        I sell 50% of my Gold holding today to get some profits.
    • 请问对黄金怎么看,不是可能在创新高吗?
      • Today is record high 963.40 . Sell on record.
      • Ben is smoking. There will be a sell off very soon after this. And I also believe Gold can not break 1000$ easily . I sell 50% of my Gold holding today to get some profits.
        • maybe you should keep it. it will go higher
          • 从中长期走势看,始于251美元的这一波主升浪有可能在1000美元上下遇到明显阻力。==>
      • look at Agriculture, correction is coming, GOLD will follow up very soon
    • 不错了。偶的才+5%左右
      • 诚信气我不是?比我多了7.23%
        • 没有没有,偶郁闷在曾经到达过12%左右,然后下来了。现在大概6%吧。其实无所谓,年底再算好了
          • 我今年一只都在水平线下。快憋死了。振荡市还是短线好。
            • 是的, 牛市买基金根本不用操心.
            • 偶要是能做短现在大概20%总有了!NND第三方存管害死老子了!最后只好选了几个股做了个三个月的组合。好在眼光还行,要不肯定比你惨多了
              • 我今年在中国基金上犯了错误。冒进,急躁,抄底太早。不然,怎么也有10%了。
                • 其实就是贪,吃鱼吃中段是绝对没错的。 做久了,自然会有一些横财的机会了。
                  • 听你的口气好象是个老手。你让我想起了一个人。
                    • WHO? 我是NEWBIE
                      • 嘿嘿,请把问号后面的内容读出来:-)
      • 唉,吹牛没有好下场!赔了!
        • 这么快??
          • 又回来了,现在大概7%左右
            • 波动够大的,呵呵
              • +11% now
                • 你都做了些什么呀,可不可以让我们学学?
                  • A股。建议上隔壁学,那里高人太多了……
                    • A 股呀,那我只有看得份了 。
        • 这两天赔惨了:(
          • 你这上上下下的, 也忒快了点.
            • 每天晚上爬楼梯减肥,股票也跟着上上下下
    • 不要这么急,哪有这么快啊,迅速下降月我估计是在4月,之前这波行情不作了?!
      • 非黄金类的回调是肯定的。黄金类股票,最近涨了不少。而且1000是个关键阻力位(想想石油 100然后现在有会到100用了多久)。估计1周左右,美金会反弹。March 28 is a month away.
        • March 18
        • 美元太惨了,反弹 IS DUE RATHER SOONER.
    • 这篇文章好像看法不同 - More on gold stocks versus gold bullion
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Markets are often either too optimistic or too pessimistic; a contrarian approach to gold investing.

      Below is an extract from a commentary originally posted at www.speculative-investor.com on 21st February 2008.

      Over the past few weeks we've devoted a fair amount of commentary space to the fact that gold stocks, as a group, have performed poorly relative to gold bullion over virtually all timeframes up to about 2 years. Additionally, we've noted that as a result of this underperformance the average gold stock recently became as cheap, relative to gold bullion, as it was at the May-2005 bottom, and that last week the GDX/gold ratio dropped back to its August-2007 low (which was, in turn, its lowest level since the second quarter of 2005).

      Another way to view the situation is to compare the price of gold with the average valuation being assigned by the market to the in-ground resources of junior gold mining companies. This exercise has been done by Canaccord and it shows that since 11th October last year the rise in the gold price from $750 to $900 was accompanied by a 30% DECLINE in the average market value of the junior mining sector's in-ground gold resources. From a valuation perspective this would only make sense if the average in-ground gold resource had been dramatically over-valued to begin with or if the rise in gold's nominal price had been associated with a decline in gold's real price (gold's price relative to other investments and tangibles). Neither of these is true, so should we conclude that the gold sector's performance simply doesn't make sense?

      Well, that depends on what is meant by "sense." It wouldn't make sense if the stock market were a machine that assigned prices based on an accurate measurement of value, but the stock market is not now and has never been such a machine. In fact, when it comes to value the stock market is totally clueless. Some analysts talk about the market as if it was an all-seeing, all-knowing oracle, but if that was true then dramatic price adjustments would never occur. That such price adjustments occur quite often reflects the reality that the stock market is, in effect, a manic-depressive mob that spends most of its time being either too optimistic or too pessimistic.

      The stock market's habit of shifting from one valuation extreme to another creates excellent money-making opportunities, but you won't be able to take advantage of these opportunities if you blindly assume that the market is right or that past trends will continue. The market is like an emotional pendulum -- the further it swings in one direction the closer it comes to swinging back in the other direction.

      Applying the pendulum analogy to the relationship between gold stocks and gold bullion, the best time to be intermediate-term BEARISH on gold stocks relative to gold bullion is following a lengthy period during which the stocks have been STRONG relative to the bullion and the emotional pendulum has reached an optimistic extreme (extreme optimism about the prospects of gold stocks), as was the case at the end of 2003 and during the first half of 2006. By the same token, the right time to be intermediate-term BULLISH on gold stocks relative to gold bullion is when the pendulum has reached the opposite extreme (extreme pessimism about the prospects of gold stocks) in response to a lengthy period of UNDER-PERFORMANCE by the stocks, as was the case in 2000-2001 and May-2005, and as is, perhaps, the case today. The point, in a nutshell, is that the best time to buy gold stocks is after they have been beaten down to the point where they are very low relative to gold and the majority has become convinced that the metal is the better investment.

      In general terms, one of the main reasons why most people aren't able to outperform the market is that they get sucked into the market's current emotional state. They become increasingly pessimistic when they should be getting increasingly optimistic and become increasingly optimistic when they should be getting increasingly pessimistic. Along similar lines, the time when it will be particularly appropriate to question the common knowledge and to scrutinise the horizon for signs of a trend change will be after the emotional pendulum has traveled in one direction over an extended period.

      Getting back to the gold stocks versus gold bullion issue, sometimes a dramatic sell-off leading to extreme relative under-valuation will be enough, in itself, to bring about a trend change. This was the case in April-May of 2005 when gold stocks plunged relative to the gold price at the tail-end of an 18-month consolidation. At other times there will be a specific catalyst that, when coupled with under-valuation, will bring about a trend change. This was the case in November of 2000 when extreme under-valuation combined with a major trend reversal in the US yield-spread laid the foundation for a large rally in the gold sector.

      The current situation is similar to the final quarter of 2000 in that most gold stocks have become very under-valued relative to gold bullion and, as discussed in the latest Weekly Update, there is a potential catalyst for change in the form of a major upward trend reversal in the US yield-spread. The start of a large rally in gold stocks relative to gold bullion could still be a few months away, but the support structure for such a rally is in place. Therefore, investors should be getting increasingly OPTIMISTIC about the prospects for the gold sector.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你仔细观察一下就会发现。1. STOCK 本年度涨了很多,主要是2007 Q4的盈利能力大 增。2. 估计会有一次股市的SELLOFF,连带黄金股票一起跌。3. 黄金股票涨势滞后,但是不是滞后18个月,应该是6个月。
    • YTD:-2.23%已经是高手了。看大盘跌了多少。
      • 跑赢了指数?!
      • 别寒忏我了。这里5%+都有。
        • 练习过程,学费总是要交一点的,能基本持平就不错,不要把一时涨跌看的那么重,我感觉关键是学没学到东东
        • 反正比我强差不多10个百分点。我看天天说自己获利1%或3%的,我觉得难以相信。
          • http://www.rolia.net/f/post.php?f=43&b=0&c=0&tno=3280&pno=24579&
    • 一天之内大清仓,好像不太符合你老兄的一贯作风啊。知道你是主张买的时候分批买。难道主张卖的时候,一下子全卖了?
      • 主要是感觉不好,心慌。目前还持有,1. EXCELCHINA,2. FID CHINA 3.AGF CHINA,4. SPROTT GOLD,5. RBC PRECIOUS。占资金总量45%+-。55% CASH感觉比较踏实。觉得周五是个坎。
        • 大陆调降印花税的消息很可能为真。如果为真,近期指数会有较大上升,不过这就基本上是今年的最后逃命机会了
        • 如果你一天到晚跟我们泡在这里,很快你就被同化成短线心理了,心慌很正常,呵呵