

When Yuan stops appreciation, at the same time GDP growth slows down, the returns from stock markets will not be big. With so many stocks suck the limited funds, at least in the near term the drop of the market is expected.

Wang, 59, and Zhou Xiaochuan, 60, who economists say is likely to keep his job as central-bank governor, will need to tame inflation that is at an 11-year high without triggering a sudden slowdown. Their task is complicated by the prospect of weaker global demand this year for exports, a main driver of the world's fourth-biggest economy.

``China's concerns are going to shift from the economy being too hot to potentially becoming too cold,'' said Donald Straszheim, vice chairman of Newport Beach, California-based Roth Capital Partners. ``We'll see an end to the interest-rate hikes, an end to bank reserve requirement hikes, and I believe we'll also see an end to the appreciating currency.''

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  • ALERT:投资EMERGING MARKET的,尤其是投资巴西股市基金的,坚决减仓,也可以清仓。巴西太高了,要崩落了。
    • such as TD Latin American Growth ? thanks
    • 对这个你有啥说法?
      • 这可是个好消息,先行收割的说不定就变成巴西了, 能为中国分担一点也是好的,呵呵
        • 不知道,只是第一次听说巴西要崩溃了,不知道老狼有啥内幕消息~
          • 中国从6000跌下来快2000点。巴西一穷国,竟然依然不动而且国际炒家正在步步为营 的进入巴西股市。巴西可没有中国巨大的外汇储备。
            • 那里政治风险比中国小太多了
              • 其实中国A股只所以能够稳定发展,就是因为我党的牢牢掌握,不然,早在10000点以 上崩盘了。你应该感谢我党。同时,中国不存在所谓的政治风险。
                • 你党的专制就是最大的风险
      • 我就是看了这条消息,才认为巴西到头了。要崩盘了。以中国目前的实力,国际炒家 大叫中国A股只值2500。而巴西好象就不是同一个标准了。如果现在中国的股市超过 美国,而且还在涨,你认为是不是要崩盘了?要反向思维。
    • 八大侠,你为什么说巴西要崩了呀?
      • 你们去过巴西没有?我2001年的时候路过。当时感觉就象中国的85-89年。但是,巴 西的股市市值已经超出中国。金砖四国,巴西应该在第三位。因此风险加大,有持 有巴西基金者,撤出为妙。
      • 巴西股市目前靠农作物和ETHERNAL等概念被托起来。没有仔细研究过,但是既然大宗 商品的价格回落,对巴西的股市打击应该是潜在的。
    • 温家宝:中国今年将实行稳健的财政政策和从紧的货币政策,今年主要任务:GDP约增8% CPI约涨4.8%
      • When Yuan stops appreciation, at the same time GDP growth slows down, the returns from stock markets will not be big. With so many stocks suck the limited funds, at least in the near term the drop of the market is expected.
        Wang, 59, and Zhou Xiaochuan, 60, who economists say is likely to keep his job as central-bank governor, will need to tame inflation that is at an 11-year high without triggering a sudden slowdown. Their task is complicated by the prospect of weaker global demand this year for exports, a main driver of the world's fourth-biggest economy.

        ``China's concerns are going to shift from the economy being too hot to potentially becoming too cold,'' said Donald Straszheim, vice chairman of Newport Beach, California-based Roth Capital Partners. ``We'll see an end to the interest-rate hikes, an end to bank reserve requirement hikes, and I believe we'll also see an end to the appreciating currency.''
