

I think it is time to buy now.

Fed funds odds of 75 basis-point cut jump after jobs report

By Laura Mandaro
Last update: 10:36 a.m. EST March 7, 2008

SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The odds of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 75 basis points in March, to 2.25%, jumped Friday after the Labor Department said it estimated the U.S. economy lost 63,000 nonfarm jobs in February. The April fed funds futures contract on the Chicago Board of Trade rose to 97.74 from a settlement Thursday of 97.69, with the most recent contract implying about a 96% chance of a 75 basis-point cut. On Thursday, the futures priced in odds of about 76%. Some analysts are now anticipating a surprise move by the Federal Reserve.
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  • I think it is time to buy now.
    Fed funds odds of 75 basis-point cut jump after jobs report

    By Laura Mandaro
    Last update: 10:36 a.m. EST March 7, 2008

    SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- The odds of the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates by 75 basis points in March, to 2.25%, jumped Friday after the Labor Department said it estimated the U.S. economy lost 63,000 nonfarm jobs in February. The April fed funds futures contract on the Chicago Board of Trade rose to 97.74 from a settlement Thursday of 97.69, with the most recent contract implying about a 96% chance of a 75 basis-point cut. On Thursday, the futures priced in odds of about 76%. Some analysts are now anticipating a surprise move by the Federal Reserve.
    • I mean, at least for the next week's rebounce, for short-term trades only. Since I do not buy mutual funds, when I say buy and sell, only related to stocks. And most of the time, for short terms only.
    • 每次降息前总要用用这一招,可人们总是记不住,呵呵
    • 股市在加速下滑,,
      • 看看能否到11800, 这次探底好像是真的了
        • 估计今天跌幅在百点之内
          • 估计要看下周情况才行,1.22低点是11500, 跌破这个我才会相信走出了振荡区间,否则暂仍按振荡来作。