

我想我最合适说几句公道话,因为我差不多跟王生同时进了FXP. But there are some differences

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. He was extremely confident. He asked other people to follow him so they can take a quick profit of 10-20%. He has been boasting here for his, so this wrong call makes him a joke. If it is other poeple who made this call, I don't think you guys will care about it.

2. He entered long stock position at $74, and cut a loss at $69. I should say he is professional and quick managing his loss. For amateur investors, they will sink to the current $65 level and wait for break even later. When FXP dropped to 70 that morning, I did not take it serious because I saw European markets was down. You may ridicule at me that I am not professional and I don't understand Chinese stocks and markets.

3. I did not take stock positions directly. Instead, I short sold FXP May 20008 $70 puts for $4.1. I was not as confident as Mr. Wang. I left a buffer in my position because I believe I could be wrong at any time. Even though FXP sank under $65, I did not cut loss. I am still hopeful in making a profits in my position, at least breaking even. I did not cut loss because I found I was at the bottom when I became aware I was totally wrong.

4. Don't expect other people to make nice calls and escort his followers quickly. I used to subscribe some professional services. When I received their calls, it's too late for me to take positions. When they call for closing positions, I usually got emails in the evening! The market is changing too fast. I can tell you why I have sunken with my FXP positions: On that morning, even before the market opens, I focused on fertilzer stocks MOS, CF, and POT. Some unexperienced guys were buying them, but I found there would be a sell-off. For this reason, I simply ignored my FXP positions. Can I call other people to short sell those fertilizer stocks on that morning? No! I short sold at 8:40 an covered at $9:47. For such as short trade, nobody can arrange other people in and out.

5. This forum can only be used as a sounding board. We can post our ideas here, and see how other people think about them. For example, I short sold MOS for some short term trading one week ago. After I heard Scotte's comments, I stopped immediately because I would rather miss a trade than be wrong. We should not make trade decisions based upon the communications we have done in this forum.

6. Feel easy when some other people are boasting here. Financial advisors are just a profession, like a doctor. Most of them can talk about the stock market like a pro. That's it. Of course, some of them may think they are market experts. We should not spend time in arguing with them. If you read those Chinese stock commentators for A-shares, you will laugh. But they will have time to be right. For example, a lot of guys are boasting for having succussfully calling a bottom this time in Shanghai.

7. I think this incidence is a very very good one. Otherwise, Mr. Wang will have a lot of followers here in this forum and then there will be a big disaster. HE has given all of us a good lesson: To make money, we have to use our own brains, not to borrow other people's trading ideas.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 王生你的fxp止损了吗?亏损有差不多20%了把!
    • 他早就逃了,只是跑路的时候没有能够做到 也象号召大家买时那样大张旗鼓的来招呼大家一下
      而这个逃跑时机和位置 恰恰是 一个号召大家跟买 或 荐股 的人

      • 我想我最合适说几句公道话,因为我差不多跟王生同时进了FXP. But there are some differences
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. He was extremely confident. He asked other people to follow him so they can take a quick profit of 10-20%. He has been boasting here for his, so this wrong call makes him a joke. If it is other poeple who made this call, I don't think you guys will care about it.

        2. He entered long stock position at $74, and cut a loss at $69. I should say he is professional and quick managing his loss. For amateur investors, they will sink to the current $65 level and wait for break even later. When FXP dropped to 70 that morning, I did not take it serious because I saw European markets was down. You may ridicule at me that I am not professional and I don't understand Chinese stocks and markets.

        3. I did not take stock positions directly. Instead, I short sold FXP May 20008 $70 puts for $4.1. I was not as confident as Mr. Wang. I left a buffer in my position because I believe I could be wrong at any time. Even though FXP sank under $65, I did not cut loss. I am still hopeful in making a profits in my position, at least breaking even. I did not cut loss because I found I was at the bottom when I became aware I was totally wrong.

        4. Don't expect other people to make nice calls and escort his followers quickly. I used to subscribe some professional services. When I received their calls, it's too late for me to take positions. When they call for closing positions, I usually got emails in the evening! The market is changing too fast. I can tell you why I have sunken with my FXP positions: On that morning, even before the market opens, I focused on fertilzer stocks MOS, CF, and POT. Some unexperienced guys were buying them, but I found there would be a sell-off. For this reason, I simply ignored my FXP positions. Can I call other people to short sell those fertilizer stocks on that morning? No! I short sold at 8:40 an covered at $9:47. For such as short trade, nobody can arrange other people in and out.

        5. This forum can only be used as a sounding board. We can post our ideas here, and see how other people think about them. For example, I short sold MOS for some short term trading one week ago. After I heard Scotte's comments, I stopped immediately because I would rather miss a trade than be wrong. We should not make trade decisions based upon the communications we have done in this forum.

        6. Feel easy when some other people are boasting here. Financial advisors are just a profession, like a doctor. Most of them can talk about the stock market like a pro. That's it. Of course, some of them may think they are market experts. We should not spend time in arguing with them. If you read those Chinese stock commentators for A-shares, you will laugh. But they will have time to be right. For example, a lot of guys are boasting for having succussfully calling a bottom this time in Shanghai.

        7. I think this incidence is a very very good one. Otherwise, Mr. Wang will have a lot of followers here in this forum and then there will be a big disaster. HE has given all of us a good lesson: To make money, we have to use our own brains, not to borrow other people's trading ideas.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 关于第5点, 首先你和我做的正好相反, 然后我也正巧看到.提醒了一下. 还好是对的. 很佩服你, 非常灵活. 立刻做出决定. 反应非常敏捷. 一味死多和死空都是不利于进步的.
          这里有些贴不是很专业, 我一般也就笑笑而已. 但我也欣赏那位网友的勇敢的CALL. 有失误并不可怕. 但作为专业人士, 希望更专业一点.投机市场没有绝对的东西.
          • 王老五思想:股市如赌局,什么结果都可能。 So I am prepared for being wrong. If not prepared, one cannot exit or save himself.
          • agree
        • 关于第4点,适合daytrade的东东当然不适合make call了。 没把握的东东最好多说两句提点风险在什么地方,或者 说说自己的操作就好了,最好别进行号召。不过也感觉我对王生苛刻了一点,也不是要发贴者担什么责任,任何实际操作的责任当然还是1000%要自己来担。
          其实尽管从以前在这坛call GA被各位前辈批评之后,


          其实各位只要能在此发一下自己观点 或 分析 或 实际操作 或 转贴等等等等

          • Like a woman professional in GTA before, sued by her clients, and dissapeared after settlement...
            • 你听说过一位性金的股评家,经济学家吗?你可以在SOHU和JRJ看到他的评论。言然一位大人物。中国小股民称他金老师呢。But his past in Maryland is not so beautiful...
              He used to be Finacial Advisor in Maryland at the dotcom time. He helped some Chinese clients to buy mutual funds and stocks... After he left, one Chinese old couple sued his former employer and got compensations for loss.
          • 你没有什么不对的。我们都是散兵游勇,好不容易遇到一位投资专家,但他说话牛皮烘烘的,授人以柄。有什么办法呢? 说实在的,就算他对了,听他那口气也不会让人舒服。
            • 在市场中没有绝对的赢家,王生的错不在于此单亏损,在于FA的基本操守都不懂.过于自信了.在这个市场上,敢自己做股票的可以说没有不相信自己,这也就容易导致固执,违背市场趋势去操作.都会经验注意错误.
            • 呵呵,搞得王生以后不好意思来这了,这可不是我希望看到的,最好是换个id再来。
              • 就是, 硬把一个专业人士给轰跑了. 说对说错无所谓, 关键是敢讲. 采纳不采纳别人的意见也无所谓, 关键是后果自负. 看看 路谣 才说几天就不敢说了.
                • 呵呵,你借此刺激老谬,我看他憋不了很久,以后他要说的多呢。我意思是王生吸取这次教训后再来,论坛里这样口气说还好,作为FA专业人士如果对他客户也这样不留任何风险余地的鼓吹,估计用不了几次就把他公司的客户都给搞跑了
    • 我$69止损,$74买进,亏掉$5.00,我已在前几天的贴子里告诉了大家, 我本来做了亏$10.00的打算. 我敢止损, 你敢吗?我看你也是个变态的人, 试问你, 你笑话我, 那你在股市里赚钱了吗?你是男子汉吗?我看你怎么象个女人,磨磨叽叽的.你这个丘八.你觉得呢?
      • Mr. Wang, please pay attention to your language. I am the moderator. I will block you if I see any further personal attacks in your postings.
        • 该出手时就出手。
      • 给错了建议还恶言相向,这个fa素质不行啊。易如反掌赚10——20%……