

Thanks in advance. Details of this bond:

Action: Buy
Quantity: 5
Facsue: George Weston Limited Canada Callable
Execution Type: SUBJECT
Price: 94.107
Yield: 6.26562
Principal: $4,705.35
Accrued Interest: $35.97 (52 days)
Settlement Amount: $4,741.32
Settlement Date: 05/01/2008

CUSIP: 96115ZAF9
Product Type: Corporates
Coupon: 5.05
Maturity: 03/10/14
Coupons Per Year: 2
DBRS/Moody/S&P: BBBm/na/na
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • I want to buy some corporate bond to diversify my investment. Do I need to worry if the company is going to bankrupt or not. For example, George Weston Limited?
    • Of course, you need to worry, because it's not government bond and has risk. Check company's credit ratings before you buy. But why George Western? Their Loblaw business is struggling.
      • Thanks a lot for your reply. I picked up George Western just because it has a higher yield. I thought even some part of the business is struggling, generally grocery is a recession-proof sector. This company has a long history and
        I hope it will survive long. For corporate bond, as long as it doesn't go bankrupt, I don't need to worry, am I right? As for the credit rating for this bond, it's BBB. Good credit bond is normally government bond and has very low yield, not better than GIC.
        • You are only looking at default risk. There is risk on the other side. If the company's rating gets worse, or yield goes even higher, your bond value will depreciate. So you always need to worry how the business is doing, saving bankruptcy.
        • PLease tell me more details about this bond, such as maturity date, YTM, coupon rate, I can share you some ideas.
          • Thanks in advance. Details of this bond:
            Action: Buy
            Quantity: 5
            Facsue: George Weston Limited Canada Callable
            Execution Type: SUBJECT
            Price: 94.107
            Yield: 6.26562
            Principal: $4,705.35
            Accrued Interest: $35.97 (52 days)
            Settlement Amount: $4,741.32
            Settlement Date: 05/01/2008

            CUSIP: 96115ZAF9
            Product Type: Corporates
            Coupon: 5.05
            Maturity: 03/10/14
            Coupons Per Year: 2
            DBRS/Moody/S&P: BBBm/na/na
            • BBB以上为投资级别债券,AAA为最高信用级别。
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛表示发行商的安全程度,是否会fail to pay back the principal的机率。这个债券之所以利率较高,因为风险较大。另外这是一个call的债券,你没有列出什么时候可以call,如果公司要赎回债券,会把5000提前还给你。所以你要知道什么时候公司有可能开始call。

              Action: Buy
              Quantity: 5:5000 本金
              Facsue: George Weston Limited Canada Callable
              Execution Type: SUBJECT
              Price: 94.107:目前价格discount。
              Yield: 6.26562:如果hold到03/10/14,公司会还给你5000,总的投资回报率:6.26%
              Principal: $4,705.35
              Accrued Interest: $35.97 (52 days) (需要解释么?如果你知道,我就不解释了)
              Settlement Amount: $4,741.32:总的购买价格,应该已经包括了佣金。
              Settlement Date: 05/01/2008:真正record在发行商book的日子,这天开始往后到下一个coupon payment date是实际你应该收到的利息的天数。

              CUSIP: 96115ZAF9:下order的号码
              Product Type: Corporates:债券的类别,不是政府或者省债券。
              Coupon: 5.05:固定利息,目前6年债券,这个利息已经很不错了。每半年你会收到:5.05 * 5000/2
              Maturity: 03/10/14: 到期日子
              Coupons Per Year: 2:每半年收到一次利息。
              DBRS/Moody/S&P: BBBm/na/na :投资级别BBB以上。总体还行,我目前看到inventory里可类比的american express, A+, 五年债券, YTM: 5.143, sell at premium。如果你喜欢高利息,而且可以承受default的风险,可以值得投资。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
              • Thank you so much for your time and help. I tend to think bond is not as risky as stock. For example, if I buy stocks of George Western Limited, I need to worry more about company performance. Buying bond,
                I only need to worry if it will go to default. For call, I don't know when. I guess it could happy anytime. It's part of the risk or I could think as long as I get the money back, it's fine to get it back earlier.
                • If we only consider the risk of default, of course holding bond is safer than holding stock because whenever the company collapses, the first to be repaid is bond holder instead of stock holder.
                  • Thanks a lot for your further reply. I decided to go ahead to buy $5000 as a long term investment to diversify my portfolio.
                    • Stay away from individual corporate bonds. You don't have the skills for that task. You're doing something you don't understand and this is the biggest risk.
                      • I am happy to see your response. Could you explain a little bit more why you are against corporate bond? Are you agaist every one of them or only those ones from bad company?
                        You are right. I don't have too much knowledge. The reason why I want to buy was stated above in my a few postings. Do you find something seriously wrong with me? Thanks in advance.
                        • 从Diversify的角度可以买一些企业债券,但最好买Bond Index Fund。你挑单个买和买单个股票本质上没有区别,就是认为自己能beat the market,但你实实在在地问问自己: Can I ? The odds are against you .....
                          我个人不买企业债券基金(我这里主要是指的垃圾债券),垃圾企业债券(BBB以下?)和股票的相关性太大(0.7左右). BBB以上的企业债券,不如直接买政府债券算了。(我主要要买短期政府债券和TIPS)

                        • Buffett的一段话我以前贴过,这里再贴一遍。他谈的是股票,但对于债券也适用:
                          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Q: What is your general advice for public investors in turbulent markets?

                          A: Most investors are not going to spend the time to be able to evaluate businesses themselves. My job is evaluating businesses. That means evaluating the management that goes with them, the economic characteristics of the business they are in, where they are likely to be in five or 10 or 20 years.

                          I'm a professional asset-allocator, a professional investor. Just as in other fields, you shouldn't try to compete with the pros. That doesn't mean you can't become one yourself, if you want to spend the time and effort to do it. But, fortunately, there's a perfect alternative, which basically is to buy an index fund, or the equivalent of an index fund, with very low costs, and not throw all your money in at one time. So you're diversified both in businesses and in time in which you invest. And you'll get a very decent result.

                          You won't get a result as [a professional investor]. And that means, you don't even think about it. If you buy a farm as an investment, do you sit there and watch the Farm Channel on television all day, as they tell you corn went up a penny or something like that? You buy the farm and figure it is a good investment over a period of time.

                          But in stocks, you have so much information thrown at you all the time. You have it in print, you have it on the tube, so you think you have to do all these things all the time or form opinions. The truth is, you don't have any business-forming opinions and you don't need to. All you have to do is sit there and ride a good asset over a long period of time.

                          The Dow Jones [Industrial] Average started the 20th century at 66 and it ended at 11,400. That is not a bad train to be on. How could anybody lose money on something that went from 66 to 11,400? Well, a lot of people lost a lot of money in stocks because they come in at the wrong time, and they get out at the wrong time, and they buy the wrong things, and they get excited, and they get greedy when others get greedy, and fearful when others get fearful.

                          I say you should get greedy when others are fearful and fearful when others are greedy, but that's hard for most people to do.

                          It is much easier to buy and buy and buy little pieces of a wonderful group of American businesses, and you'll do fine over time and you'll keep your costs low. If you try to be a little bit smarter, you'll probably end up being a lot dumber.

                          其实本质就是: How could I win? 你想想你的对手都是什么背景?就是那种背景,很多人也是一年工作365天,天天10小时以上. Can you?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net