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call TD waterhouse Chinese hotline, they speak Chinese ,and can see your statement

they may tell you the details. 416 9828863
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • emergency advice wanted, please
    i got marging call from td waterhouse. The problem is i am not olny new (8 mounth old baby, either in china and here stock trade experance) for the stock market and also all of my money is there. what i would like to have your advice is: how to read the td waterhouse balance every day,( at the accout balance page). i want to know how much money i own and which price point if i sale the stock can make even. it was not small amount of money, it is all my retirement living. please help me.
    • If it is your retirment, please contact a reputable and estiblished investment accountant of TD.
      It is more than a few line reply can be served to your problem. You'd better discuss it with your investment advisor, other than some strangers. More privade information with be discussed.
      • thank you but
        thanks for your quick replay, but, at the time td investment advisor want take care my account, i didn't go them, i thought i am smart enough ^^. i will go them anyway on Tuesday, after the holiday, but, may too late. any other suggastion? please
        • Don't panic.
          • thank you. panic already
            • they work 7 days 24 house, but you can only trade when market is open, ask them, maybe tomorrow is open.
          • call TD waterhouse Chinese hotline, they speak Chinese ,and can see your statement
            they may tell you the details. 416 9828863
    • I do not know what your situation is now. Did you use margin to buy stocks?
      If you had used margin to buy stocks, when the prices of stocks fall heavily. You will receive margin call. At some brokers, like IB, you won't receive any margin call, they will sell some of your stocks automatically and randomly.
      • yes
        yes, i did use margin to buy stocks, and the negitive number shows on my account home page for few days, but i didn't receive any call from td yet. there are a massege every day, ( for every one) said they has the right to sale your stocks if you own their money.... since i don't know how to read their numbers, to many numbers there, i can't figer out how much money i won them. anyway, it was my mistake, i shouldn't put all my money in stock maket, plus, i am just retired and no any education about investment and experince...thanks for you people's reply, in this way, i knew i am still alive.
        • i strongly recommend you improve your english first before using margin. i bet you never read the fine print terms.
      • very stupid mistake, few hours stock's class at china town, and think i am smart enough to trade against MM
        • If you have a line of credit, you can use that money. Otherwise, TDW may sell the stocks randomly. Or you sell some that do not have good chances to go up quickly.
          I am holding NVDA, XLF, RIMM, DRYS, and so on. In my opinion, XLF and RIMM might have good chances to recover more quickly than NVDA and DRYS. So if I got margin call and I could not get any cash, such as a loan or from line of credit, I would sell NVDA and DRYS. Otherwise, my broker would randomly choose any stocks to sell. They may sell out my RIMM or XLF.

          I could not tell you if you should sell some now or use other methods, because I do not know if we are near the bottom or will fell further. If you believe that we are almost bottomed or we will have a quick rally, then you can use something like credit card money for a few days (their rates are very high) so that you have these several days to sell in the rally.

          If you sell now and markets fell further, you avoid losing more.

          hard situation

          In a bear market, or even a normal market, try not use margin. My shares had been forcefully sold by IB before.
          • i have to face the music: may choce sale stock which will not recover soon, same time may use my line of credit... i don't know i can save myself or not, don't know....