

It has been shorted heavily before the earning. This morning, some people are shorting at $50.

However, the martket is strong. The street needs to have a play. This is a goog place to treat the shorts. The market is alway right. But I feel gulty to alert this trade. Dlululu.. shorted $500, that really scare me. I hope the market can give him/her a chance to exit.

I need to discipline my behaviors. I will not alert any trade any more
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  • AMZN is a short at $52
    • 是说$52 就可以short 了么? 刚看的已是$55+了啊?
      • I followed old 5 @ 54 but now 56.XX
        • I shorted for 300 shares now lost 700 US$ in a day.
          • Sorry to hear that. I hope you can exit tomorrow.
        • 奇怪, 为啥我就 short 不成? 用的是Scottrade. It shows "Currently, there are no shares of AMZN available for shorting. Please call your local branch." 有人知道么? 谢谢. 
          • 没股可借啦。short是借来的股票,现卖后买。
            • at least you donot lose money
        • I hope you can exit tomorrow. This short squeeze is too strong
          • look at Amzn's history chart,I don't think he can exit tomorrow,but I pretty sure he can make money if he hold until next earning release.
            • The terrible thing is he shorted $300 shares! If it is only 100, I would take it easy
      • I shorted in the morning and excaped. But later I was trapped at $54.
    • This is a stupid call. AMZN has already been heavily shorted and today I suffered from short squeeze.
      • Actually AMZN's P/E is ridiculous ,but looks Wall Street like it's sales increasing and profit margin. Any way,I don't understanding this stock.
        • It has been shorted heavily before the earning. This morning, some people are shorting at $50.
          However, the martket is strong. The street needs to have a play. This is a goog place to treat the shorts. The market is alway right. But I feel gulty to alert this trade. Dlululu.. shorted $500, that really scare me. I hope the market can give him/her a chance to exit.

          I need to discipline my behaviors. I will not alert any trade any more
          • I usually play internet stocks:like GOOG,YHOO,EBAY, but not AMZN,hard to control.
            • Interesting, AMZN has a PEG 3 now.
    • 还好没short 成,结果买了SUNW. 有没有高手给分析分析? 还有ORCL 如何? 谢谢了. 本人菜鸟, 最近总是short 了就涨, long 了就跌.
      • I am happy you did not get in. Nothing is for sure in the market. All the trades may fail. That's why we need control the sise of trades. Only Mr. Market is always right.
        • 没问题的. 谢谢了. 入市风险自负我是明白的. 只不过是懒人, 也不知何处下手, 总希望有高手出现咱们跟跟风就好.. :)
          • I will long NTRI tomorrow morning. Do you have any idea on this baby? 40% of floating has been shorted. Deadly short squeeze.
            • 明天不要一下子就开到$70了,没什么油水了。
              • Very likely open above 70. Then, I have to give up.
                • $67now,interesting?
                • NTRI keep going down,AMZN keep going up, we really need follow the market, not predict the market,it's a lesson.
    • I bought back @ 60
      • (60-54)*300=1800
    • OMG.. 今天又是一个10%+ 啊.