

If oil rebounce from 40$, yes. If Oil crashes under 40$, no. The previous low of TSX TTEN has priced in oil 40$. But if oil breaks down 40$ to 35$, then TSX TTEN may suffer another 5%~7% crash.

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  • 刚才大致看了看heu.to 感觉短线可为,听听大家的意见
    • If oil rebounce from 40$, yes. If Oil crashes under 40$, no. The previous low of TSX TTEN has priced in oil 40$. But if oil breaks down 40$ to 35$, then TSX TTEN may suffer another 5%~7% crash.
      • 一年内,觉得40其实也不高了,当然这一路下来总会过跌,35以下我考虑进点
      • Oil is going to reverse the trend and rebound from 40$ next week.
        Oil is going to reverse the trend and rebound from 40$ next week. 1). OPEC said on weekend "A consensus has formed for a significant reduction of production levels". 2). $15 billion in loans to three auto-companies is also sort of good news for oil rebounce.
        • "$15 billion in loans to three auto-companies is also sort of good news for oil rebounce" -- not really. This means the big 3 is too big to fail but in the same time, the problem is too big to fix. So that is why only 15B
          • 就是, 15B救得了谁呀, 所以周末15B通过, 周一大跌 :-)
            • "GM, Chrysler Bankruptcy Financing Would Be Double Bailout Loans"
        • Today down more than 2 bulks
          • No trading today. Where did you see that?
            • no, 7 days a week.
              • You are wrong. That was yesterday's price.
        • 另外我们要反向思维一下。其实大家都看到了OPEC要减产,但是石油就是不涨。就像当初OPEC增产,但是石油就是不降一样。所以,我想,现在的石油SHORT,是当时的LONG石油的那些幕后推手。
          他们当时逼迫多少SHORTS COVER。每次OPEC增产后,石油价格不降反升,让多少SHORTS的希望破灭。

          现在,是不是也是同样。强大的SHORTS,全力打压LONG。OPEC其实也控制不了石油价格。但是,有这么个希望,很多人就去LONG。结果,OPEC希望落空,OE日再落空。石油跌倒35下,逼迫LONG者STOP LOSS。那个时候,石油就开始慢慢反弹了。

          • I agree with you. But a short rebounce is very likely. Oil down 7 days already. Oil is just like stocks. There should be a rebounce during down trend.
    • 下周可能出现利好的一些情况:1,大盘向上。石油和黄金现在与大盘正相关,如果大盘有短期反弹,可以支持石油黄金。2,减息的预期。3,opec的减产的预期。4,美指有乏力的迹象。
      • 出了HGU,HOU再等等.
    • HEU.to not hou.to