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  • 问个问题:加拿大公民目前去美国旅游还需要网上填Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)的申请吗?主要是每人$21还是很肉痛的 :-))
    • Canadian citizens with a valid Canadian passport do not need an ESTA. If you are a Canadian permanent resident or have refugee status in Canada, you will either require an ESTA or a visa to visit the USA. +1
      What is the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) The Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) is an automated system that determines if visitors are eligible to travel to the United States without a visa under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). There are many rules regarding travelling to the USA as a visitor, student, or to work, often involving Visas and travel permits. To get help,   Who should apply? Canadian citizens with a valid Canadian passport do not need an ESTA. If you are a Canadian permanent resident or have refugee status in Canada, you will either require an...