


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛CPAC “高级英语沟通及演讲技巧”课程, 2月10日班火热报名中!

专业人士通过CPAC专为中国专业人士打造的精品课程 “高级英语沟通及演讲技巧培训”的学习及实战练习, 将亲身体验怎样才能有效地与人沟通,表达自己,取得成功的面试与精彩的演讲,增强在职场中的自信及竞争能力。


- 与人有效沟通的技巧
- 团队会议上的发言准备
- 演讲实战练习和评估等
- 职场中人的几种典型性格分析
- 加拿大企业文化介绍

Mr.Victor Ting-A-Kee, CPBA (Certified Professional Behavior Analyst) 和 CPVA (Certified Professional Values Analyst), 具有多年教学及辅导经验。他声情并茂,生动活泼的授课,深受学员们的赞誉!他已帮助了许多学员进入了加拿大的专业领域,或者得到晋升。上期学员Alex这样评价:”I am very fortunate to have had you as my instructor. Your enthusiasm, encouragement and professionalism really made a difference in the classroom, especially among Chinese people, most of which are shy and not confident about their English. Throughout this course, not only did we learn the DISC but also we overcame the mental barrier of giving speeches, and more. One bonus we got was the video you presented to us on demand. It indeed added spices to this course, especially with your insider's explanations on each act. I really appreciated it. ....Alex”

周期和时间:2月10日至4月14日(10个星期);每周四晚 7:30-9:30点
地点: 士嘉堡4168 Finch Ave East 第一广场,G16室(Finch 夹 Midland西北角)
费用: CPAC 会 员 $125(包 括 HST), 非 会 员 $150(包 括 HST)
班级人数: 10-15人

报名请致电CPAC: Connie or Lily at 416-298-7885, or email to: programservice@chineseprofessionals.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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