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  • 请向TDSB提供关于inclusive education(全纳教育) 的看法。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛家长的意见关系到孩子的未来!

    1) TDSB plans on moving forward with inclusive education.

    The plan is to begin this process by 2014.

    2) There is only one town hall meeting left. November 8th at RH King Academy at Kingston Road and St Clair Ave East. If you don’t want to attend –write a submission, maximum 2 pages.

    Imagine that you and your child are in 2014. Describe in detail what has changed from 2012 to 2014 that has contributed to achieving this vision. What new and different inclusive practices are in the classroom, in the school, and in our communities?

    and email to SpecialEd@tdsb.on.ca (maximum TWO pages) by November 22, 2012.

    Or a 2 minute voice mail to TDSB Inclusion Hotline, at 416-393-9999

    This is a unique opportunity for TDSB to hear what people feel is needed.

    If it didn’t work for you, then say why and think of it in terms of what was needed. If you child was just “plunked” into a regular classroom without support – then of course it wouldn’t work. What supports were missing, what attitudes, knowledge is needed.

    Let’s help the TDSB find the answers to their question, what do we need to do to begin the process to make TDSB inclusive by 2014!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net