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  • 成功的故事 - 越来越多自闭症孩子能够克服障碍,接受高等教育并融入社会方面 - 这并不是个轻而易举的过程,家长的努力和社会的支持都不可少。收集些例子供家长参考。
    • Salutatorian With Autism Rocks Graduation Speech 自闭症 - 4岁确诊,5岁还未说话。刚被大学录取。链接里有他的SPEECH +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Salutatorian With Autism Rocks Graduation Speech
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      (June 18) -- Doctors gave Judith and Dennis Duquette a diagnosis for their son, Eric, but they didn’t offer hope. He was autistic, they explained, and likely would end up in an institution.
      Good call, the 18-year-old salutatorian joked at his graduation Tuesday.
      "Today I stand before you accepted into every institution of higher learning that I applied to, so I guess, in a way, the experts were right about the institution thing."
      Eric, whose challenging senior-year course load included calculus and honors physics, academically bested all but one of his 199 classmates at Smithfield High School in Rhode Island. The salutatorian honor came with a requirement: a speech.
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      Eric told AOL News he practiced twice and wasn’t fazed a bit.
      "It felt pretty good," he said. "I was pretty confident in what I was saying and how I delivered."
      This from a boy who, at 5, had yet to utter a word.
      When doctors diagnosed Eric with autism, he was nearly 4. He wasn’t speaking, he wasn’t making eye contact, and he was still wearing diapers.
      The diagnosis devastated Judith and Dennis. Judith told AOL News they even looked to other doctors hoping they might make a different call
      Devastation gave way to acceptance, followed by action. Judith and Dennis refused to accept their son's poor prognosis.
      At the time, interventions that are now standard for children with autism were not offered, so Judith researched treatment options, found toddler programs for Eric and spent a lot of time in the bathroom.
      Bathrooms are boring. For Judith and Eric, they offered a perfect classroom environment.
      "You need to be distraction-free" when teaching a child with autism, said Judith, who now works at the Groden Center, a program for people with developmental differences. "There was one way in and one way out."
      Judith taught Eric to speak using symbols, holding up a card when he was hungry or wanted to go outside. This linguistic stepping stone led to sign language and, as his graduation speech attests, a beautiful command of the spoken language. Two languages, rather. Eric also speaks Spanish.
      "The biggest thing about his high school career that's shocking for us is that he’s fluent in Spanish," Judith told AOL News. "The fact that the kid didn’t speak, that he can speak Spanish!"
      Academic fluency came easier to Eric than the social half of the high school equation. People with autism have impaired ability to communicate and read social cues. Eric suffered a lot of anxiety, worrying that he would do or say something to offend someone.
      During his freshman year, the anxiety ballooned to the extent that Eric dropped out of the regular school-day routine, doing his work at home and meeting one-on-one with the supportive Smithfield High staff during off hours, in quiet locations such as the library.
      As he had in the past, Eric surmounted this obstacle, getting by with a little help from a paraprofessional aide and a good friend.
      Colby Fugere is a Smithfield High superhero, captain of the hockey team who led the state in regular-season scoring this winter. Fugere is also a really nice kid. He and Eric are buddies; Fugere brings hockey teammates to Eric’s house to play video games. Judith said the relationship has helped Eric establish himself at the school.
      "Here’s this really popular kid giving Eric this stamp of approval," she said.
      Eric also received the stamp of approval in the form of acceptances to Bryant University, the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College, where he will matriculate this fall to study biology.
      Eric hopes to become a pharmacist so he can combine his loves of math and science, and use medicine to help people like it did his grandfather, who passed away from cancer.
      Fall’s a few months away; for now, Judith wants her son to relax. The media frenzy following his speech may not leave Eric feeling relaxed, but it has left him feeling joyful.
      "I think I made a very good reputation for the town," he said. "That makes me happy."
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    • 以琳网站是方静建起来的,她的儿子有阿斯伯格症,已经上高中了。她的经验记录非常宝贵,也非常令人感动。爱吾爱以及人之爱,她办了以琳,为其他家长提供学习交流的机会。对于干预训练,可以看出他们的方法很先进,是很好的中文参考资料。
    • another touching story ZT 我清清楚楚地记得给他作evaluation的autism specialist很遗憾而郑重地告诉我“ He is moderate to severe autism. He is going to be like this for his whole life".在他3岁的时候,他不认得爸爸妈妈, 不会说一个字, 不懂任何中英文
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我清清楚楚地记得给他作evaluation的autism specialist很遗憾而郑重地告诉我“ He is moderate to severe autism. He is going to be like this for his whole life".在他3岁的时候,他不认得爸爸妈妈, 不会说一个字, 不懂任何中英文, 要求东西时用手拉着你往东西上放, 经常撞头, 尖叫, 有各种各样不可理喻的要求, 等等。

      但我知道他不是傻子。 他有很清楚的思维, 尽管他不会说话, 他知道怎么manipulate我和他爸爸,在保姆面前他的表现和在我面前他的表现截然不同。 他对人也非常observative. 他会用他的眼神和手势告诉我他想要什么。尽管所有的专家告诉我他这一辈子就是自闭了, 我不信。 我先生也相信他这一辈子都上不了大学了, 我不信。

      过去的两年是极其艰难的两年。 孩子经历了非常大的压力, 当他不懂得用语言来表达时, 他选择了scream.有时他能一天尖叫几个小时。我有时真想, 死了算了, 我自己本身身体状况急剧下降, 因为压力和劳累, 得了很多病。 孩子也生了很多病,不能上学,我不得不在家给他单独辅导。 训练自闭症各大流派的书我统统都读了, 记在脑子里, 抓紧一点一滴的时间, 从早到晚的教。

      儿子虽然一直只在公立学校上半天的special education, 除此之外没有任何的专门训练, 但他catch up得非常快。他刚满5岁, 读写能力已经到了kindergarten medium level的水平, 现在开始学中文了。前几天做了autism test and IQ test, 心理学家居然说, he is not autism, not ADHD, not Asperger,he is just a very smart typical child. 今年8月份他就要和其他孩子一起上Kindergarten了。

      写了这些东西, 是看了那个母亲杀死4岁自闭女孩的新闻有感。 为那个小姑娘难过。与所有有special needs孩子的家长共勉。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我觉得年龄小的孩子诊断很不准确。
        象这个小孩的描述,他的Social能力在他的语言出现后应该提高很快的。因为他能用他的眼神和手势来告诉父母要什么,而多数的自闭诊断都认为Autistic的人不会用和理解Social Cue的。其实,有很多身体疾病会引起类似自闭的症状,象眼耳肠胃科,感统的不适都会造成类似的症状,一定要排除这些容易确诊的问题先。一般公认自闭是遗传造成的。
    • 中度自闭症。上了社区大学,更重要的,有很好的生活能力和性格。
      • 精华:从心里接纳孩子,接纳他的行为模式,接纳他的智力水平,承认他就是他,对于父母来说是最重要的。


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