

大雁,这是你要的面试BA用的问题,First in 和Second in都应该够用了。根据我自己作BA的经验总结的,遗漏了什么大家再给补充哈。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Please give a brief outline of your educational background and working experience.

2. The role of BA
• Define what the major responsibilities are taken by a BA. Describe what you have done in your previous experience as a BA.
• What are the methodologies you have used with previous employers? (how did you gather requirements? )
• Do you have any experience in Testing? (Test cases, Testing tool, Testing methodology)
• Any experience in user training? (write user guide, seminars, user support)
4. Project experiences
Describe the major project that you have taken part into. In each of them please specify the following:
o General introduction to the software system (purposes, major functionality, platform, infrastructure/environment industry served).
o What have you done in this project
o how is the project team structured

5. Technical Skills
• Programming languages that you know, and what level you are at for each one.(eg. ASP, .Net, Oracle, SQL
• Have you had and experience in Rational Package?
• What do you know about RUP?
• Please describe the major objects in UML, and explain what they are for. Provide examples as how did you use them. (answer should be: workflow diagram, class diagram, dataflow diagram, activity diagram, etc)
• What kind of documentations have you ever written: (answer should be—Business Requirement, System Requirement, Functional Specifications, Design Specifications, Data Modeling Specifications, business process modeling, use cases)

6. Soft Skills
• Describe how you have coped with a difficult situation at work
• What do you think makes a good BA?
• How do you think your experience and skills will contribute to our team?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 大雁,这是你要的面试BA用的问题,First in 和Second in都应该够用了。根据我自己作BA的经验总结的,遗漏了什么大家再给补充哈。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Please give a brief outline of your educational background and working experience.

    2. The role of BA
    • Define what the major responsibilities are taken by a BA. Describe what you have done in your previous experience as a BA.
    • What are the methodologies you have used with previous employers? (how did you gather requirements? )
    • Do you have any experience in Testing? (Test cases, Testing tool, Testing methodology)
    • Any experience in user training? (write user guide, seminars, user support)
    4. Project experiences
    Describe the major project that you have taken part into. In each of them please specify the following:
    o General introduction to the software system (purposes, major functionality, platform, infrastructure/environment industry served).
    o What have you done in this project
    o how is the project team structured

    5. Technical Skills
    • Programming languages that you know, and what level you are at for each one.(eg. ASP, .Net, Oracle, SQL
    • Have you had and experience in Rational Package?
    • What do you know about RUP?
    • Please describe the major objects in UML, and explain what they are for. Provide examples as how did you use them. (answer should be: workflow diagram, class diagram, dataflow diagram, activity diagram, etc)
    • What kind of documentations have you ever written: (answer should be—Business Requirement, System Requirement, Functional Specifications, Design Specifications, Data Modeling Specifications, business process modeling, use cases)

    6. Soft Skills
    • Describe how you have coped with a difficult situation at work
    • What do you think makes a good BA?
    • How do you think your experience and skills will contribute to our team?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 义银啊。 木说的, 赶明儿让火狐请你吃饭
      • 是你要找BA+蓝颜,怎么叫火姐买单呢?这样我不是少赚了一顿吗?
    • 一点也不切题,大雁应该问的是,一,会不会做饭?自己不会屋里的会不会?二,喜不喜欢请客?三,会不会开车?几年驾驶经验?....
      • 介不介意深夜加班,能否carpool? 能否保密?
    • 不介意的话想问一下中级BA的salary range是多少。 偶朋友70K, 找工作的时候agent说too high了。BA就挣这么点? 岂不是还不如developer?
      • 我们给的也就这样了,
        • 翻译:大雁她们给不到七万!
      • BA’s salary ranges from 30K to 150K. 跟developer一样,不同的行业,级别,资历,技术背景,待遇差别是很大的。