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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


  • 莫言说: "装过屎的大肠有人吃, 莫言说: "装过屎的大肠有人吃, +4


    我反而觉得说明这是诚实的社会,虚伪的人类。现在在"虚伪"二字上, 还要加"恐怖"二字。


    • “I’m an artist not a satanist. “ +1
      • I don't think so. You can believe what you wanted to believe. +3
        • I didn’t even know her name yesterday. I didn’t even know her name yesterday. +1
          I don’t want to believe anything. I’m just trying to find out who she is. But if you think she’s a satanist or child molester or sexual criminal , and thus unfit for the ambassadorship for Ukraine, you should have more concrete evidences other than those twitter posts.
          • Do your own research +1
            • Burden of proof is on someone who makes the accusation, not someone you want to convince. I’m not even interested in her or Ukraine. +2
              • If you are "not interested in her or Ukraine", then what is your point to follow my post? If you are not interested in this, then why are you asking me to spoonfeed you more information? +4
                诚实一点,就那么难吗? 算了晚了, 磨牙没意思, 睡觉了
                • I’m very sensitive to the way people argue about things. Lol. It’s just my education and profession . Nothing personal
                  • Likewise +1
    • 天呐,笑死我了,至理名言。这么好的金句怎么给打到闲聊灌水里来了 +3
      • 哈哈好玩儿吧? 莫言真是一个奇材😄 +1
    • 最近感觉闲聊灌水得帖子比主坛好玩,以后直接在这里聊天好了,也省了版主挪贴删帖,也省了我们费事挑选合适的栏目 +4
      • 哈哈, 你怎么这么聪明👍, 我怎么想不到呐😄 +2