

It doesn't matter what the outcome of this election is, Trump will come out as a winner, and the democratic process and American people are the losers.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I can't count how many lies Trump has been telling people, and people believe them....

Even though the facts are out there, easy to find, at their finger tips...

But no, people have lost interests in knowing the truth...They'd rather turn to conspiracy theories or unfounded allegations....

A democratic society functions on faith in strangers - you have faith in police and judge to do their job; you have faith in government agencies to fairly enforce laws and regulations; you have faith in experts and intellectuals - from doctors to journalist to economists to scientists to accurately tell you what is actually going on in the world....

And what's more fundamental to a democratic society than its election process, and people's faith in it....???

There can't be a national debate when there is no common set of facts.

To be fair, this did not start with Trump, but he has been encouraging people to lose their faith : "We will never fix our rigged system by relying on the people who rigged it in the first place. I, alone, can fix it...."

Well, look at the birther movement he started ( btw, not Clinton, unless you are one of the guys of course); listen to what he said about Climate change as a hoax as recently as last December (Now he denied it, while many of his supporters still believe it...)...

Trump has become a champion of an alternative university - but the casualty is a common public space where we once debate our future....更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / It doesn't matter what the outcome of this election is, Trump will come out as a winner, and the democratic process and American people are the losers.
    • "people have lost interests in knowing the truth" only because they have been lied to so many times. and the one who fed them the lies got away with no penalty.
    • 希拉里在邮件门事件上操控司法,凌驾于法律之上,让老百姓对司法制度失去信心,她才是历史罪人。 +1
    • I disagree. It's only a symptom of the fundamental polarized society. And, it's in the progress of self-healing. At the end, American people will be the winner.
    • Trump is over。but we should also ponder why he can get his momentum. 极左对政治正确的变态追求,全球化对底下阶级的漠视, 公共教育的衰亡,精英的脱离现实。宗教的猖獗。这些不反省,川普群还会卷土重来的 。 +2
      • 还ponder啊?
      • Trump若失败,极左会认为他们的道路无限正确,只会变本加厉,为什么反省?只有Trump上台,才会促使极左反省吧?
        • 这也是我以前的想法。冲一下也好。但是现在看了两次辩论后就变了。他疯狂而危险,不尊重任何规则,这样的当超级大国总统,太恐怖了。
          • 担心太多了,有国会制约,不会太离谱。 +1
            • 伊拉克战争也有国会制约,共和党人眼里万恶的Obamacare也有国会制约, 而北美自由贸易协定压根就不需要经过国会。
              • Obamacare是OB的行政命令吧?
                • 你是想证明总统权力其实很大,国会制约的能力有限?
                • 你对“act”是如何产生和有法律效力的过程一无所知。求求你以后再trump的议题上少发点言行吗?
              • 国会通过的Iraqi Resolution给伊拉克战争打开了门,尽管布什政府并没有完全遵守法案设定的一些条件。ACA最终也是国会两院艰难通过。NAFTA也是国会两院93年通过NAFTA Implementation Act后94年生效的。没有国会支持这三样应该都行不通。
      • 光辉兄这个提的这个我非常同意。我一直提的一个问题是如果川普以现在的姿态8年前或4年前出来竞选,他在支持者支持之下可能走这么远吗?更别提是在内外围堵之下。这也是一个原因我认为美国过去几年在奥巴马执政期间走在了错误的道路上。
        • 我不是这两个候选人中任一个人的支持者,但正因为上面的原因我肯定无法支持希拉里。我同意川普会是个“离谱”的总统。但和光辉兄不同的是我觉他不会是个疯狂而危险的人。两人都会伤害美国,不过川普更像是皮外伤,而希拉里会带来很可能无法治愈的内伤。
        • 如果我可以投票,我也不知道会选谁(或者干脆不选),但一点我自己比较确定的是我不会选希拉里。还有一个原因是可能我对大法官的人选比较看重吧。总统毕竟只有4年而且还有国会。大法官却是终身的,对国家未来走向影响很大。
          • 大法官的人选确实重要。但是川普的人选更差,比如要改变堕胎合法的判决。是人权的大倒退。
            • 堕胎合法那里和人权倒退扯上关系了?你去问问每一个女性。鼓励人家乱交,又不能堕胎?
            • 其实堕胎合法与否是个tricky的问题,争论双方都可以从人权角度去argue。我支持合法,但理解反对方的一些观点。其实就是Obama也为获得本党一些议员支持ACA,也通过行政命令确认了限制联邦资金资助堕胎的Hyde Amendment。
    • " Trump will come out as a winner, and the democratic process and American people are the losers." -- LMAO, hahaha~! 看看西老太及其党羽的所做所为,这话套在她身上其实再合适不过了。有的时候,真的说不清某些人是真瞎,还是装瞎。
      • “西老太”有啥作为别人没看见,就你看见了啊?
        • 西老太很想单挑普京,估计每天化妆时都在想,核弹这东西用手扔出去好玩不。
        • 你只看Clinton News Network,当然看不见她的所作所为了。
    • 老猫现在怎么变成个碎嘴婆子,成天就是发些心灵鸡汤的玩意。人过中年扮成阿娇的样子:好傻好天真
      • 也是,本来是common sense的东西,不需要说的, 说多了就显得啰嗦。
        可这轮大选就是有好多人抛离了common sense....