

Last bail condition crown wants: #MengWanzhou be put on house arrest 24/7, as opposed to permitted “zones” or “perimeters”


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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / Crown making propositions for bail conditions. One, amount deposited in cash should be more. Currently, she’d be giving $15 mill. to get bail but only $1 mill. of that would be cash deposited. Crown says $7.5 mill. should be deposited #MengWanzhou
    • Second proposition is #MengWanzhou’s husband not be surety. While judge himself has already also expressed concerns with husband being surety,
      he asks crown for its arguments. Crown goes back to lack of connection and uncertainty of how long he can be in CA.
    • Last bail condition crown wants: #MengWanzhou be put on house arrest 24/7, as opposed to permitted “zones” or “perimeters”
    • 明天加拿大龙虾就别卖中国了, +3
    • Also, judge just confirmed he will NOT be making a decision today, prompting some disappointed gasps from the public. Judge says he’s looking for more clarification on what the residency requirements of a surety in BC are #MengWanzhou
    • 这种刁难不得人心。孟对社会无威胁,只是国家,公司斗争的牺牲品,弱女子形象,丢加拿大的脸。 +1
      • 这次加拿大司法系统出手很恶毒。
      • 嘿嘿,被她爸当枪使了。可怜。任盈盈也是。。人在江湖,身不由己
        • 这个根据现在的种种迹象看来,是最合理的解释。
    • After some more comments from the defense about why #MengWanzhou’s husband can be the surety, the judge adjourns for the day. The bail hearing for the CFO of #huawei drags into a third day. Court resumes in the morning at 10.
      • 赶紧找个加拿大公民当surety吧,真够笨的这律师。
        • 找其他人不安全,这个事高度机密,律师估计是入过党的,
    • 法官觉得15M太少了。 "lose 15 million and go on with their life, and their lifestyle wouldn't be appreciably different."