


What is compassionate care leave?
Compassionate care leave is an unpaid leave that allows an employee to take up to 28 weeks of leave within a 52-week period to provide care and support to a family member who has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death. It is available to all employees regardless of their length of service with their employer.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业工作 / 父亲病重,年假没有了,如果向公司请3-4周的无薪假期,不知是否可以,我是full time的,谢谢
    • 这个直接问HR比这里问靠谱吧…… +2
      • 就是,这事肯定第一个通知老板,老板会和HR商量,看怎么办合适。加拿大公司文化还是很人性化的,很多公司的政策都比政府的好。最不济,lz可申请compassionate care EI。
      • 只是想知道在加拿大公司有没有先例
        • 当然可以,问一下HR,有可能还有几天有薪假期。
        • 可以申请八周的compassionate care, go to service canada website research EI +1
    • 应该可以。去问问老板。再研究一下这个EI Caregiving benefits and leave。
    • 应该可以 我很多年前请过带薪的不够加了不带薪的
    • 只要不是10来个人的小公司,肯定可以的,加拿大劳动法规定你可以拿最多28周无薪假去照顾病重亲人。 +1
      What is compassionate care leave?
      Compassionate care leave is an unpaid leave that allows an employee to take up to 28 weeks of leave within a 52-week period to provide care and support to a family member who has a serious medical condition with a significant risk of death. It is available to all employees regardless of their length of service with their employer.
    • 有最多不超过半年(或者7个月,忘了)的不带薪的假,就是针对这种情况。
      • 非常感谢大家的回复,现在清楚了 +1