

U.K. police shoot attacker dead during ‘terrorism-related’ London Bridge stabbing | National Post


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / U.K. police shoot attacker dead during ‘terrorism-related’ London Bridge stabbing | National Post
    • 伦敦的桥总是这么危险。。。
    • 警暴杀人。要求成立独立调查委员会公开调查。
    • 警察介入前,居然有好几个市民赤手空拳和歹徒搏斗,警察到了还不放开。英吉利民族骨子里的强悍,千百年来未曾改变,令人震服。 +3
    • Follow up news: Usman Khan, +1
      the attacker was previously sentenced for 6 years in prison for terrorist crime. He was released on parole.