

“There are a growing number of tenants who are planning a rent strike.This would be catastrophic for landlords who need that money to be able to make their payments," she said.

Both tenants and landlords are calling on the federal and provincial governments

to find a solution.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 求扩散: 民间呼吁不交房租。Rent Strike。请看链接。 +4
    • 这个时候黑社会可能要出动了,社会会动荡不安 +3
      • 正经人不会加入的。一辈子都是污点。现在租房很难,一旦有污点,把自己生路断了。 +2
    • “There are a growing number of tenants who are planning a rent strike.This would be catastrophic for landlords who need that money to be able to make their payments," she said.
      Both tenants and landlords are calling on the federal and provincial governments

      to find a solution.
      • 求扩散: 4月1日以后真有赖租的,我建议房东们要联合起来搞黑名单,一定以后不要租给这些参加过赖租行动的赖租客,叫这些赖租客再也找不到房子住。 +5
        • 问题的关键是这个黑名单得列在多数人看的见网页上,但老大有胆量帮你那么做吗?搞不好要吃官司的。你应该知道,在加拿大法律通常更倾向坏人,除非有足够的钱和时间耗着法律系统里。 +3
    • 房东组织的,让大家现眼 +1
      • 维护自己的权益也有错?
    • 平时爱心爆棚的肉联房东坚决不答应。 +6
    • 求扩散: 4月1日以后真有赖租的,我建议房东们要联合起来搞黑名单,一定以后不要租给这些参加过赖租行动的赖租客,叫这些赖租客再也找不到房子住。 +2
      • 我争取尽快做一个网站,在我们华人房东之间扩散所有的黑租客让这些黑猪客知道华人是不好惹的。 +5
        • 可以申请域名
    • 无赖。正经人就是没钱了,也会写个欠条。中国有无赖,但没有西方这种理直气壮到处号召当无赖的无赖。 +13
      • 真是不在乎自尊了。 +3