

🗣🗣 If you think the Wayfair Child Trafficking scandal is an honest pricing mistake then you have yet to realize the root behind our biggest world problem. Human trafficking. Slavery is still very real and CHILDREN are the victims.

🗣🗣 If you think the Wayfair Child Trafficking scandal is an honest pricing mistake then you have yet to realize the root behind our biggest world problem. Human trafficking. Slavery is still very real and CHILDREN are the victims. 🗣🗣 800,000 people go missing in the United States every single year. Pizzagate is real. Adrenochrome is real. All of our systems have been infiltrated with this BS. The reality is, we have all been deceived at some point and now that we know better, it is time to come together and do better. 🗣🗣 Use the Yandex search engine because it’s not owned by google (Soros). When you type in the sku number, put “src USA” before it because that’s code from one of Tom Hanks IG posts awhile back. (I’ll post a screenshot in the comments) 🗣🗣 Wake Up, America. It is time to end child slavery!

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 揭开世界人口走私黑幕的一角:网络公司 Wayfair 是 一个销售和购买失踪儿童的中心
    • 英文2分钟视频,Wayfair如何在自己网站上贩卖被拐走的儿童
    • 更多信息
    • 人们不知道正在发生什么,但所有这些都是“计划”一部分,目的是唤醒处于最后阶段的人们。如果人们没有看到,没有感觉,没有愤怒,我们就不能唤醒他们。我们需要唤醒大多数人,这将是“计划”的最后阶段,彻底清除隐藏的政府和政客,统称为"深层国家
      人们不知道正在发生什么,但所有这些都是“计划”一部分,目的是唤醒处于最后阶段的人们。重要的是,他们要经历非常不舒服的情况......这就是我们现在所看到的。深层状态和 MSM 仍然认为他们在控制,而这正是他们计划的方式。事实并非如此。这是为了让人们感到不舒服,这样他们就可以亲眼看到并理解它。这就是觉醒的过程,人是怎样从沉睡中醒来的!情绪上知道这是不对的。如果人们没有看到,没有感觉,没有愤怒,我们就不能唤醒他们。我们需要唤醒大多数人,这将是“计划”的最后阶段,彻底清除隐藏的政府和政客,统称为"深层国家
    • Corey Goode:大规模的揭秘,公开起诉会发生在选举(11月3日)以后,事实太残酷,很多人会受不了 +1

    • 整个世界都在你的内部,不再外部,真相也在你的内部。无论发生,体验到什么,都要心存感激,保持平安,喜乐的状态
    • ZT见识一下,这世界黑暗的一面,恋童癖圈内密码和暗语,美国Pizza Gate (“披萨门”)中频繁出现。。。
    • Wayfair Child trafficking ring Exposed Pt2

    • 🗣🗣 If you think the Wayfair Child Trafficking scandal is an honest pricing mistake then you have yet to realize the root behind our biggest world problem. Human trafficking. Slavery is still very real and CHILDREN are the victims.
      🗣🗣 If you think the Wayfair Child Trafficking scandal is an honest pricing mistake then you have yet to realize the root behind our biggest world problem. Human trafficking. Slavery is still very real and CHILDREN are the victims. 🗣🗣 800,000 people go missing in the United States every single year. Pizzagate is real. Adrenochrome is real. All of our systems have been infiltrated with this BS. The reality is, we have all been deceived at some point and now that we know better, it is time to come together and do better. 🗣🗣 Use the Yandex search engine because it’s not owned by google (Soros). When you type in the sku number, put “src USA” before it because that’s code from one of Tom Hanks IG posts awhile back. (I’ll post a screenshot in the comments) 🗣🗣 Wake Up, America. It is time to end child slavery!
      • video
    • PVPGURL|韦克斯纳,麦克斯韦尔,摩萨德和美加集团曝光