

Every society has societal classes. No exception.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 能把这这玩意儿普及的社会,才有资格称自己是自由民主社会,对不?否则,俺只能说是阶级社会。呵呵。 +3

    • Every society has societal classes. No exception. +2
      • Hence, +1
        there is no such an existent utopia goody that may be entitled to a democratic society, as people de facto stratified into hierarchical societal classes are doomed to be struggling with one another. The so-called democratic activists inevitably favour some classes and sacrifice others simply due to the scarcity of natural resources and the infinite demands of human beings.
    • 追求如梦幻泡影麻醉剂一般的自由民主,不如追求艺术与科学的美轮美奂哦。呵呵。
    • 普及了还是神车么?
      • 不普及,那人就有个三六九等哦。 +1
        • 有三六九等有人不乐意,没三六九等也有人不乐意,看双方的力量对比啦
    • 改成每人送习近平画像一副,才有资格称自己是自由民主社会。 +1
      • 有人乐意送,你是让送呢还是不让送呢?莫非这世上你说的是民主,别人说的就不是民主?呵呵。 +1