



Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 不知道民运有没有注意到美国的豆腐渣工程。什么?50km/h的风trump的border wall就吹倒了? +8
    The fence is part of the US president's attempt to improve the barrier along the US-Mexico border.
    • 设计者是白痴,像fence那样有缝才抗风, +4
    • 去年有次刮大风,邻居家的fence倒了一排,连着过去好几家。就我家这部分没倒,房东大姐一个劲谢谢我。我啥也没做,太不好意思了。可能人品好吧。 +5
      • 人坚不拆
        • 今天下午又有大风暴雨了 +3
    • 美国也有豆腐渣工程,所以中国不需要民主的意思? +17
      • 没有,看不惯坛里民运年年说三峡要崩了,想看看民运怎么给美国墙崩了开脱。 +7
      • 说的是民主治不了豆腐渣。 +4
    • 老川本来就是一老白痴,一家都是。有例外吗? +4
      • 美国被华尔街挟持,你说选谁才能救美国?
        • 你还想选?邮寄选票吗? +3
    • 原来川总上次竞选时说的wall长这样啊,比我家fence强不了多少啊 +4
      • 本来是要当始皇帝的,殊不知现在已经是网络时代了。要修墙,也该在网上build。下一个任期的首要任务。 +7
    • "The concrete used to anchor the 30ft-tall (9m) panels in place had not yet set." +5
      • 埋地雷最简单。 +3
      • Even I know that when the concrete is not set, +8
        you need to brace it and support it. What you quoted further confirmed it is a BAD JOB. Imagine you are in the middle of building a high rise without proper support and collapse under a wind condition. Such a poor excuse that I'm surprised you are buying it. I guess you are just bias towards anything US does is superior.
        • So who are you blaming, the wall constructor or President Trump? +4
          • #13109642@0, it's interesting to see your position for sure. And to answer your question I don't blame anyone. +4
            • Oh. I quoted a sentence from the article you provided. Then I'm biased. 😂 +2
              • You quoted pretty much the only sentence out of the entire article that defended this terrible job. That clearly gave away the position you took. Come on. At least have the gut to admit your position. +2
                • So is that sentence true or false?
                  • The sentence described the reality,but the job should not have had done in this way,it turned out to be a failure and how the rolians look at this failure was the point he wanted to discuss? +2
                    • 你估计没搞过工程,就是这个顺序,在永久支撑之前,一般会有临时支撑,这个一小段估计是临时支撑忘了或者还没有来得及弄。 +1
                      • 我的理解according to the article: 永久支撑水泥已经倒下去了(in place),但是还没有完全凝固(set),这时候附助支撑如果有过的话绝对不应该撤走,现场没有就证明没有过或违规提前撤了,就事论事的说这是个failure,至于如何定性,怎么发生的,那是另一个问题啦。
                  • It's not the point I want to discuss. Siwuwu captured my point exactly. I just want to see how 民运人士 defends it, which you demonstrated very vividly. +3
                    • To defend what? The article you linked already mentioned the reason. Seems you're expecting something desperately... 😂
                • 但就是那句话说明墙倒不是因为质量问题,而是应为还没有完工。 +6
                  • 当然是质量问题,一个设计100层的楼建到50层因为50km/h的风刮塌了,你和我说不是建筑质量的问题? +3
                    • 100层50层?
        • 根据个人体验,普遍来讲,北美的工程比中国质量好。 +2
    • 好像文章里没提到豆腐渣吧?也没有详细说明是不是施工问题,如果真是豆腐渣,为何只歪了一小段呢?应该是很多地方都歪了才对吧。这堵边境墙很长,就歪了这么可以忽略不计的一段就能说是豆腐渣?
      • 一般会有临时斜撑先顶住,也许有一段忘了或者还没来得急弄,和施工质量毫不相干,和施工管理有一定关系。。。而且这个根本也不是啥大问题,扶直了再撑住就完了。。。 +1
        • 为了找点美国的豆腐渣,这也算是拼了,挺不容易 +3
          • There was a recent case showing bad quality of design and construction in the US. A pedestrian bridge collapsed during construction.
    • 为了给中国的豆腐渣涂脂抹粉不遗余力。 +1