

If you get over-weighted, it may be possible to get fit again after a great amount of effort. However, how to deal with the extra skin when the fat is gone?


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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育健身 / If you get over-weighted, it may be possible to get fit again after a great amount of effort. However, how to deal with the extra skin when the fat is gone? +1

    • 如果是通过均衡饮食和运动的方式健康地减肥,不应该多出这么多皮吧?皮肤是有弹性的,应该能作出调整。
      • That guys lost 220 lbs, and seems he went through this by diet and exercise. Seems more than the body can handle.
        • 要看这220磅是在多长时间内减下来的了,假如时间太短恐怕也不能算健康地减肥吧。
    • surgery?
      • Nope. Still through exercise