


Call/write MCCAP and report the property as a multi-unit/family building and request a re-inspection of the premises for changes and improvements to the property you believe (or know) took place (just in case their records have never been updated - ouch, nice tax bite!); and

Call Canada Revenue Agency and report the owner of the building (provide name and address) running an illegal multi-unit rental property and that you have reason to believe he is not reporting income from the property, apartments and/or rooms. Regardless of whether this is true or not say it to stir things up just in case he's cutting corners

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 如何投诉邻居群租房?找了311 安排一个调查员,说我给的证据不足以说明这个是群租房,就结束了。
    我提供了 楼上和地下室分别出租的广告,2017年的,他说要最近的。地下室只有一个门 没有紧急出口不应该出租,他说要找消防部门。 超过3辆车,有2个车长期停在路上,他说要找Parking 部门,总之 他不会来调查,结束了。

    大家有什么好的方法吗? 谢谢!
    • 说明政府嫌你多管闲事 +13
    • 多伦多的分租是非常多的,如果严格执法,多伦多的大街会睡满人,或租金会暴涨,政府是不会狠抓的。政府一般只用消防安全来限制。你说的地下室只有一出口,确实不一定违规,改进过的窗户也是可以做为第二出口的。
      • 请问您在这里所说的“严格执法”中的“法”指的是什么法?能给个英文全名或链接吗?谢谢!
        • 除了老多伦多,多伦多其他地方基本上就没有legal basement unit. 你去告,city可能会去查消防,如果有消防证书,那就没人管了,case closed
    • 311说的没错, 如果你在多伦多市, 要找消防局416-338-9050 和parking 部门 416-808-6600 +2
    • 网上有人还建议 +8
      Call/write MCCAP and report the property as a multi-unit/family building and request a re-inspection of the premises for changes and improvements to the property you believe (or know) took place (just in case their records have never been updated - ouch, nice tax bite!); and

      Call Canada Revenue Agency and report the owner of the building (provide name and address) running an illegal multi-unit rental property and that you have reason to believe he is not reporting income from the property, apartments and/or rooms. Regardless of whether this is true or not say it to stir things up just in case he's cutting corners
      • 这个狠 +4
        • 必须保护自己的利益啊,群组对街区带来很多不利的因素,拥挤,治安差,房价跌。一个街区上的群组多了,这个地方就会越来越差。而且举报违法行为是一个公民的基本义务!!!!!! +5
      • 这么做万一人家不是rooming house, 举报的的人要承担责任的吧,要不然、邻居吵个架都互相举报,CRA相信谁呢 +2
        • 好像没有,CRA会调查研究,自己清白就不用担心被举报。 +4
      • 很难知道屋主姓名,这种事情CRA 不会当真吧。 疫情期间,政府官员不愿意外出,他们在家上班。
        • 你投诉也是通过电邮和电话,你也没有亲自上门投诉啊, 政府部门还是有人上班的。 网上的建议
          Go to the tax department, search the tax rolls and take information down on the name of the owner of the building, his forwarding address (unless you already have this) and roll number (for your records). Copy him on all letters of complaint to the various departments above or prepare one separately telling him that you've complained and what you've complained about. Copy that letter to the residents of the building regardless of whether you know their names or not and drop it in their mail boxes
        • CRA 也不用登门拜访吧, CRA一封信已经足够让屋主忙乎了
        • Rooming house 要有执照, 看看你的邻居有没有在这个单上 +2
          • 谢谢蛋糕提供这么多信息!
          • 估计你不知道什么叫rooming house. 最好查一下City bylaw 关于rooming house的定义。绝大多数的分租房不是rooming house. 分租只要符合消防条例,在多伦多就相当于合法了
            • 让政府有关部门去查个够,让税务局查个够,吃瓜群众就不用操这个心了
              • 可以去告,很可能结局和楼主一样。
            • Bylaw enforcement - illegal rooming houses - City of Toronto
              • 是啊,一个厨房4人分享,4人无关联,单独付房租,这才是rooming house,是非常非常少的
            • Multi-tenant Houses (Rooming Houses)
              Multi-tenant Houses (Rooming Houses)

              Multi-tenant houses, also known as rooming houses, are dwellings where a kitchen and/or washroom is shared between four or more people who each pay individual rent.

              Multi-tenant houses (rooming houses) are only permitted in the former cities of York, Toronto and Etobicoke. Rooming houses that operate in Toronto and Etobicoke must be licensed.
    • 你这贴也挂了几天了,我帮你分析分析: +1
      我提供了 楼上和地下室分别出租的广告,2017年的,他说要最近的。
      地下室只有一个门 没有紧急出口不应该出租,他说要找消防部门。
      ----除非地下室没有窗,有窗就可以逃脱。你就打电话给消防部门看看他们怎么说的,或者自己查一查。这个应该和building code有关吧?
      超过3辆车,有2个车长期停在路上,他说要找Parking 部门,总之 他不会来调查,结束了
      --- 那2辆车可能就是停在那里的。你有怎么能证明这2辆车就是租客的。还有,你就打电话给parking部门,天天给这2辆车吃ticket,看看他们吃得消不?租客吃不消,就会搬家,这样房子就会被出租,新的出租广告就会被登出来。
    • FYI: York region的rooming house:
      1. Fire Code for a rooming house:When lodging is provided for FOUR or more people for remuneration, or for provision of services, it is considered a rooming house.
      2. Right now Alexander said there are about 42 related bylaws for rooming houses with different rules for different locations.
      • 谢谢等待明天的回复!慢慢来 我继续找消防部门. +2
        • 反正闲着也是闲着,我支持你,大部分中国人没有社会责任感。 +4
          • 估计多半是看隔壁不顺眼,才这么盯着。话的说回来,如果隔壁租客没有干扰到你们,得饶人处且饶人,那些租客和房东都不容易。没烦到你们隔壁,就别去盯着别人了。没意思。如果是我,只有隔壁很过分,多次劝阻不听,我才会这么做。 +3
            • 必须保护自己的利益啊,群组对街区带来很多不利的因素,拥挤,治安差,房价跌。一个街区上的群组多了,这个地方就会越来越差。而且举报违法行为是一个公民的基本义务!!!!!! -realcapital(真金白银); 15:58 (#13154554@0) +2
              • 举报违法应鼓励,但不是义务。明知没违法而举报,这个是不道德的吧?
                • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 如何投诉邻居群租房?找了311 安排一个调查员,说我给的证据不足以说明这个是群租房,就结束了。 -nashy(Nashy); 8-21 {231} (#13153510@0)
                • 楼主不知道对方是不是违法分租,让政府有关部门去调查就清楚了,如果是合法的,屋主不但不用担心还可以敞开大门欢迎调查人员。 +1
                  • 找了311 安排一个调查员,说我给的证据不足以说明这个是群租房,就结束了。 -nashy(Nashy); 8-21 {231} (#13153510@0)
                    • 楼住确实没有提供足够的证据,后面的贴有教楼主怎么收集证据 +1
                  • 311 provides residents, businesses and visitors with easy access to non-emergency City services, programs and information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
                    • 你也有分租房啊?
                      • 你从哪里看出来的?
                        • 不是就好
                          • 为什么“不是就好”?
                  • 你想得太美好了。这些不是闹出了人命的事情,政府根本就懒得管。你跟不同政府类别的机构部门多大几次交道就知道,他们第一个反应就是说你投诉的内容跟我职责无关。反正就是打死不会open a case.
                    • 让楼主试一下呗,大家如果有更好的办法帮助楼主也可以来分享啊 +1
      • 4个人独立收费才是rooming house. 4个人作为group或家庭一起交费就不是
    • 和city hall的fire department 联系。 他们会来检查这个房子是否违反了fire code. 违反了就不能租了。 +1